DEUTER ONO MIE VI I. tranllatcth, Merckfbali be to us: fo the word inflict lometime iigniheth , Pfalm. 112.9. But here it meaneth juflice or righteoufmffé, whereby men if they could doe the Law,might be jultified before G O D ; and differeth troni the lu(tice of faith which, we have obtained inChriti, as Paul faith, Malesdefcribetb the julliee which is of the Law, that the man which doth thole things (hall live by them. But the jubilee which it by faith , feaketh, &c. Rom. I o. 5, 6. Thus the Law was s Schoolmafter unto Chrifi, that wee might be made righteous by faith, Gala - thians 3. 24. MAAMAAMMAAMIMM 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHAP. VII. r A Commandement to root out the feeven na- tions in Canaan, 4 left they corrupted Ifrael. 5 To aboli(h their idolatrie. 6 The holineffe and eleelion of Ifrael, whence it proceedeth, 9 and what raft they fbould malt thereof. 12 The bleffings promifed upon the beeping of the Law. 16 The commandement repea- ted, to abolifh Idolaters and their religion. 17 A con- firmation of the faith of Ifrael againft the multitude of their enemies, 22 whom God promifeth to deftroy, but not all at once. 25 The abomination of their idlatrie. VI 7 Hen Jehovah thy God iu all have V brought thee in , into the land whither thou goeft in, to poffeffe it, and hath ca['t out many nations from thy face; the Chethite, and the Girgafite, and the Amorite , and the Canaanite , and the Pherizzite, and the Evite, and the Jebufite; (even nations , greater and mightier than thou. And Jehovah thy God (hall have de-. livered them before thee , and thou (halt finite them; utterly deftroying thou (halt ut- terly deftroy them : thou (halt not ftrike any covenant with them , nor Phew them grace. Neither fhalt thou make marriages with them : thy daughter thou (halt not give unto his fonne, and his daughter thou (halt not take unto thy fon. For he will turne away thy fon from after me, that they may ferve other gods : and the anger of Jehovah will be kindled againft you, and will deftroy thee fuddenly. But thus (hall yee doe unto them ; yee (hall deftroy their Altars, and breake downe their pillars, and cut downe their groves:and their graven Images ye (hal burnt with fire. For thou art an holy peo- ple unm o Jehovah thy God:Jehovah thy God bath chof en thee to be unto him a peculiar reop!e, above all peoples that art upon the face of the earth. Not for your multitude above all peoples, did Jehovah fer his love upon you , and chofe you ; for yee were the fcwelt of all peoples. But becaufe Jehovah 8 loved you, and becaufe he would keepe the oath which hee had fworne unto your fa thers, hath Jehovah brought you out with a ftrong hand, and hath redeemed thee out of the houle of fervants, out of the hand of Pharaoh King of Egypt. Know therefore, that Jehovah thy God, he is God, the faith - full God, that keepeth covenant and mercie to them that love him , and that keepe his commandements, to the thoufand genera- tion. And repayeth them that hate him un. to his face, to deftroy him : he will not de. lay to him that hateth him, unto his face he will repay him. Therefore thou (halt keepe the commandement, and the flatutes, and the judgements which I command thee this day,to doe them. And it (hall be, becaufe yee (hall hearken to thefe judgments , and lEali keepe and doe them, that Jehovah thy God will keepe unto thee the covenant, and the mercy which he fwareunto thy fathers. And hee will love thee,and will ble(fe thee,and multiply thee: and he will bleffe the fruit ofthy womb,and thefruit ofthy land, thy corn, and thy new wine, and thy new oyle, the increafe of thy kine , and the flockes of thy fheepe , upon the land which he (ware unto thy fathers to give unto thee. Bleffed fhalt thou be above z 4 all peoples:there (hall not be a barren male, or a barren female, among thee, or among thy cattell. And Jehovah will take away 15 from thee all frckneffe,and all the evill difea- fes of Egypt, which thou knoweft, hee will not put upon thee, but will lay them upon all that hate thee. And thou (halt eat up all the 16 peopleswhiéh Jehovah thyGod giveth unto thee; thineeye (hall not fpare them, neither (halt thou ferve their gods, for that will be a fnare unto thee. If thou (halt fay in thine heart, Thefe nations are moe than I , how r (hall I be able to difpoffeffe them Thou r8 (halt not be afraid ofthem:remembringthou (halt remember that which Jehovah thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt. The great tentations which thine eye law, and the fignes , and the wonders , and the Itrong hand,and the ftretchedout arme with w ' Jehovah thy God brought thee out : fo will Jehovah thy God do unto all peoples,nf whole faces thou artafraid.And alfoJehovah 20 thy God will fend the hornet among them, until] 9 Io II 12 I; 17 19