Comforts. LEUTERONOMIE VIL z7 until) they peri(h that are left, and that hide al themfelves from thy face. Thou (halt not bee affrighted at their faces: for Jehovah thy God is in the midit of thee, a great 22 God , and a fearfull. And Jehovah thy God till pluciCe out there 'nations from thy face, by little and little : thou (halt not bee able to confume them fuddenly, left the wilde bgafs of the field multiply up- z3 on thee. But Jehovah thy God will de- liver them before thy face, and will de- ftroy them with a great deftru6tion , un- 24 till they be wafted our. And he will deli- ver their Kings into thine hand, and thou ftalt deftroy their name from under the heavens : there (hall not a man ftand before thy face, until! thou have wafted them 25 out. The graven Images of their gods (hall ye bunte with fire; thou (halt not defre the flyer and geld that is on them, nor take it unto thee, left thou befnared therein; for it is an abomination to Jehovah thy God., , 26 And thou (halt not bring an abomination unto 'thine houle, left thou bee a curled thing like it: detefting thou fualtdeteft it; and abhorring thou fualt abhorye it , for it is' a curled thing. I vinnotations. CHethite] that is, as the Chaldee explaines <.A them, Cbethites, Girgafrtes, &c. See the notes on Gen. so 16. Here Moles fheweth another ten- tation whereby Iliad might be drawne from the love and obedience of God, even by communion with idolaters , and their'abominations, which therefore they ought carefully to avoid. feven natians]that number Paul alfo mentioneth in A&. 13. t 9.1n rehe, rfing thent,the Scripture fomtime r;ckoneth mow or tewer,Gen.15 19. Exo.23.23, Seven is a fill! and perfe& number : fee Gen. 2. 2. and fignifieth the many enemies of the Church, whom God will fubdue,though they be mightier titan tve, for his f rength is made perfect in weakneffe, '2 Corinth. 12. 9.. 2 Verfe 2,before thee] that is, as the Greek expl al- net h it lsere,and in verfe 23. into thine bands. So in Deut. 23. 14. utterly defiroyl as accurfid or ana- thematized: fee the notes on Exod. 22. zo. Com- parewith this Law,Exod.34. t 1,12, &c. 3 Veral. 3. make marriages] or, 1 yne in affinitie, by way of marriage : and this concerned not the (e- ven nations ohely, but all heathens, Ezra 9.1,2. The Hebrews fay, An Ifaelite titan Herb with an Heathen woman pf any other nation, by wayofm.srriate;. or an Ifraeliteffe tbat fo firth with anheathen man, they are to be beaten by the Law, Deuteronomie y. 3 whether it be of the feven nations, or of any other peo- ples, it is within this prohibition. And fo it is expoun- dedby Ezra, &c. Alaimo!), in I;fureibiah, chapter I a. fection 1. Verfe 4. from after me] that is, from following 4 the and my Law. The Greeke tranflateth, from me : the Chaldee,fremallermyfeare. other gods] the Chaldee explains it, the Idols of the peoples. This was fulfilled even in Solomon the wife who clave in love unto ftrange women, and they tur- ned away his heart after other gods ; and his heart war not perfitï with the LORD bit God, t King. 11. 2, 4. will be kindled] fo it was againi' Solomon for this finne, the LORD was angry with bim, becaufi his heart was turnedfrom the L OR D, the God of Ilrael, i King.1 s.9. Verle 5. pillars] or flames, or ffanding Imager : fee Exod. 23.24. and Levit. 26. t. This Law was, executed by the good Kings of Lida'', 2 King,18. 4. 'and 23, 6, -t 4. groves] or, trees planted for religious ufe, whereof fee the notes on Exod. 34.13. here they are Commanded to be cut down, in Deuteronomie 12. ' be burnt with fire. The Hebrews fay, A tree which it planted at the ftr/I to be fcrved (or worshipped) is unlawftell fir any cafe, and that is Afherah ( the grove) ffoken ofin the Law. If it were not planted for religious ufe at the firff, but that afterward Come ntan had worshipped it, though all the body (or peke) be no:nnlawfitll; all the boughes , and the leaves , and the branches, and the fruits that it bringeth forth all the while that it is wor- fhipped, they are sitlawfellforany.nfe. A tree under which they have jet up an Idoli , all the evhil, that it is ender it, (the tree) it anlawfull for any tile : if (the Idol!) be taken from under it , vhenio a lawfull, be- caufi it was not the tree it Idle, which was worfhipped. Maim. in treat. ofldolatrie, chapter 8. feétion 3. 4. graven Images] to wit, of their gods, as is exprefled in verle 25. Verfe 6. peculiar] the Chaldee tranflateth it,b..- 6 loved: properly it is a peculiar treafitre or jewel!, which is dears unto any : fee Exod. 19. 5. This grace proceeding front the cleition of God, lice hath fulfilled in Citrus, Who gave himflfe fin us, that he might redecme ut from all ini3sirie ; andpurifie unto him] elfe a peculiar people, zeelotts if goodworkés, Tit. 2.14. Ephel:1.4,5. Verfe7. fit his love] or,.affl ledyou, as Gen. 34.8. 7 So the Chaldee tranflateth, taken leafire; the Greeke, ailed yore. The 'lumber of Gods cleft are few, Matthew 22. 14. and their eleftion is of his grace, not of theirworthltiefle, Rom. 9. 11, t6. and tì, 5,6. Verle 8. the oath] Gods irrevocable promile, 8 (proceeding from grace) of which there is often L mention,and the memory whereof canted him to turne away his wrath , when hee would have de- ftroyed them, Etto.32.12,1;,14. God willingmore abundantly toshew unto the beires of promif , the immu, tabi/iy of his cow) fell , confirmed it by an oath : that by two immutable things, in which it n ar smpoffiblc for God to lie, cp we might haze afrong nf latan, Heb.6, t 7,18. in Greeke and Chaldee, /S v'intde, or A figure of our deliverance front the fervitudeof finne, and of amen, John 8. 74, 36, Romans 6, 14,t6,i7e 2o. 1'Corinrhians 7.23. Ccccc 2 Vere 5 Wit