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y2ó D E U T E R O N U MIE VII. Verfe 9. Know tberefere ] Hebr. And thou fhalt 91 know : fo in v. I I. See the notes on Gen. 31. 44. that love him] fee the notes on Exod. zo. 6. ! Unto this promife Daniel hath rcfpelt in his prayer, Dan.9 .4. and Nehemiah, Neh t.5. I o Verfe ì o. his face] that is, the face of every of them. So after , to deffroy him, that is, exert' one of them : therefore the Greeke tlanflateth plurally, them. The Chaldee faith, In their life (time) he will repay them. Chazkuni likewife and others ex- pound it, In his life time. And fo it is Laid, Be- hold, the righteous Thal be recompenfed in the earth; much more the wicked and the freer, Proverbs s1. 31. A like phrafe there is of recompenfing the wicked into their bofome, Efay 65. 6. net delay]. that is, not falle; See the notes on Exodus22. 29. will repay him] or, reeompence, reward him, towit,with vengeance or punilhment, as theft are joyned together in Deuteronomie 32. 35 , 41. and it is called payment or reward, becaufe it fhall be according to mans warke , Job 34.11. Pfal. 6z. 13. , ' Here beginncth the 46 Seítion of the Law: whereof fee Gen. 6. 9. I2 Verfe 12. beeaufe ] the Greeke granflateth its when: it implieth a reward of their obedience, which God of his grace did give: as in Gene- fis 22. 18. And the originall word fometime is ufed for a reward, as Pfalm. 1 9. 12. fometime itfìgnifieth for, or, beeaufeof,Efay 5.23.' theft] the Greeke addeth, all chef ; which is intended as the like phrafe in Deuteronomie 27. 26. is opened by the Apoltle, Galathians 3. so. And under the name judgements, the commandements and flatutes, are allo contained. kept unto thee] underhand againe, keeps and doe, (that is, petfrme) unto thee. Here by promiles of communicating good things, and turning away evil!, he exciteth themunto obedience: for,godlinefèis profitable un- to all things, having promife of the life that now ie, and of that which is to come, ,1 Timothie 4. 8. fware unto thy fathers] The oath and romife unto the fathers, pertained/ unto the faithful! chil- dren, which are all implied in the covenant, Pfalmeso5 .8,- II. Luke 1.55,72,73,74. A&s 3. 25, 26. Galathians 3.29. So punifhment re- maineth for thewicked from the parents to the children, for God recompenfeth the iniquitie of the fathers, into the bofome of their children after them, Jeremie 32. 18. Verfe 13. love thee] that is, continue to love thee: for the love of God to his people, was the catnfe why he chofe and called them, v. 7, 8. not that we loved God, but that be loved au, s Joh.4.1 o. and from the feeling of this in our hearts, proccedeth our love towards God ; and out of love, obedience; and CO God continueth his love, which is the fountaine of all bleffings. So Chrift faith, He that bath my Cotnmandemrnts, and keepetb them , is be that lot cob me: and be that lovetb me, frail be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will (hew my elfe unto him,`John 14. 21. fruit of thy wombs] in Chaldee, the chille of thy bowels: fo in Dent. 28.4, The full man walking in hit integritie, his children are bleffed after him, Prov. 20. 7. increafe] or long, as Exod. 13. 1E2. the Greeke and Chaldee here tranflate , herds of thy /tine. Verle 14. barren male] the Greeke tranflateth, without feed (or generation.) Compare this with Exod. 23.26. Hereupon barrenueffe was a re- proach, Luke 1. 25. and fruitfulneffe counted a blcffing, Pfal. 128. 1, 3. Verfe r 5. evil difeafes] that is, painful!, malig- nant, and incurabledifeafes, as Deut. 28. 27. Com- pare Exod. 15.26. and a3.25. lay] Hebrew, give : that is , lay, or impofe, as the Greeks tranflateth. Verfe 16. eat up] that is, as the Chaldee tranfla- tcth it, enfume : But the word, eat, hath refpelt unto that in Num.14.9. they are bread for us. See alto Pf.i.14.4. This is not onely a promife of vi- áory, but a precept alto, to abolifh thofe curled nations, as the words following manifeft, and v. , 2, 3, hare] to wit, from vengeance, not take pith on them. This affection is often given to the eye, (as in other cafes, Mat.2o, 15.) See Genefis 45.20. Deuter. 13.8. Ezek. 5. u, flare] a cau le of thy ruine : the Chaldee faith,afandall, or (ambling- blocks : fo after in v.25. See Exod. z 3: 33. and the performance hereof mentioned in Pfal. ío6.36. they ferved,;their Idols, which were a fnare unto them. Verfe 17. difpof ffe them] or as the Chaldee tranflateth, cafi them out ; in Greeke, defiroy them. Thefewords of God , tend to the ftrengthening of faith, againft the feares and infirmities of the Saints , and power of their enemies. Compare Num. 13.32, -34. Verle 18. Egypt] or, the Egyptians, as both GreekeandQhaldee doe tranflate. This exam- ple is often mentioned for the comfort of faith, Deut.4. 34,&c. & 29. a, 3. for it was a manifefta- tion both of the power ofGod, and of his good will towards his peo le. Verfe 19. tentations] or trials, Effaies: fee Dent. 19 and 29. 4. 34. erfe 20.h3 hornet] or hornets, as theGreeke 20 tranflateth. As God by frogs, lice, and other creatures, plagued the Egyptians,Exod.8. fo did he the Canaanite, with hornets, Jof. 24. 12. (hew- ing his power in confounding mightie enemies by (mall and weak meanes, n Cor.1.27,28. Here- by allo the prick's and terrours of confcience Pent upon the wicked may fitly be figñified. So in Exod. 23. z8. from thy face] the Greeke tranfla- teth, from thee: to it is referred to the'latterword bide, rather than to the former, perifb. Verfe 21. fearftell] or terrible; in Greeke, flrongr that is, able to lave thee, terible to thine ene- mies , (ass Sam. 4. 7, 8.) and unto thee fearfull and to be reverenced, Pfal.89.7. Verf22. by little] This was accomplilhed,when fonte could not at the firft be driven out, Jof. 15. 63. Judges 3. t. fuddenly] or, haflif, qoe kly, that is, at once, but by degrees. Yet in D" ttero- nons. 9.3. he promifeth that they fhould deftroy then:, 14 15 16 17 i8 2I 22