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...11111 r ii2 DEUT E R O NO M I E v, j, Gods z9 them firddeuy, to wit,in refpe& of their enemies, upon whom fudden deflru&ion carne ere they were aware : but in refpe& of Ifrael, it was not fo. Toone as they looked for and defired. For God forefaw their infirmities , and how they would fin againft hint , if they were not excifed with troubles : yea,and for their fines it is obferved, that he would not drive out the nations , that through them he might prove Ifrael , whether they would keepe the way of the Lord,fitc.There- fare the Lord left thof nation.:,without driving them out baffily; neither deliveredhe them into the band of Iofhua, Iudg.2.z1.22.23. beat!:] Hebr. beat. Here the Greeke addeth , left the land be wildern , and the wildbealsof the field multiply: God could alfo have deftroycd the wild beans from before them (as he promifeth in Levit.26.6. Ezek.34.a5.) but if Ifrael had fuddenly deltroyed the peoples, pride or fecurity, or other vices would have crept upon them, which God in juftice null alfo have punifhed : fee Ind g. 23 Verf.23.defbroy] or vex, with ftir and tumult : fee Deut. 2.1 5. and 28.20. Exod.14.24. It im- plieth troubles & vexations , which (hould cauCe their deftruftion. So the promifeof God fhould certainly be performed , though not fo fpeedily as men defired, that their faith & patience might be tried. 24 Ver(:24. their kings] as was fulfilled in Iof. 10. 24. and 12.7.9...-24.. where one and thirty kings are reckoned,whom Iliael conquered. from under heaven] out of this world : the Greek trau- llateth,aut of that place. This hath long lince beenc accomplifhed; that now there is no memory ei- ther of thole kings, or of any of there peoples on the earth. 25 V. 25. The graven images of their godi]in Chal- dee, The Images of their Idols : under the namegra- ven, all other fortsare implyed , as images mol- ten,or painted, or the like, EfrY 30 22. And by raying, of their gods, hee excepteth other Images for civil] ufe, as the Image of Czfar upon his coin was lawftdl, Matt.zz.2o.2 l.The Hebrewes fay, Figures (or Images) which idolatrousheathens makeforbeauty (or civil! ornament) are lawful! to be ufed: hutfigures which they make for ldelaty, aresm- lawfosll. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chap.7. Ce &.6. borne ] fo David burnt the Phililtines gods, 1 Chron.14.1 z. See Dent. 12.3, filver and gold]theCe are named for an inftance,but all other idolatrous inftruments are implyed,covering, orna- ment, &c. Efty 30.22. nor take it] Heb. and take et; that is, and not take it : the former prohibi- tion is here again to be underflood,as in the verle following, and often in the Scriptures. left thou be fnared ] that thou be not (tared ; this , word left , often implieth certain danger, as is noted on Gen.3.3. and by fnared, is meant falling into fsnne, and fo into deftru &ion, as before in verfe 16. an abomination to Iehovah] Heb. the abomination of Iehovah, that is, a thing which the Lord much abhorreth. And this is another rea- fon of theprohibition. 26 Verf.26. into thine houfe] for any ufe or profit to thy felfe ; and fo from thefe words the Hebrewes gather , that The Idol[, and things ebatferveit , any that which it tired thereto, and whatfoever is made far kit unlawful! for any of. Maimony treadle of Ido- latry, a hap. 7. felt. 2. left thou be] Hebr. and thou be a cu fed thing : meaning, and that thoube not, or, left thou be : See the notes on Numb. 4.15. or, for to thou (halt be a eurfed thing like it. it is a turfed thing] in Hebr. Cherein ; inGreeke, Anathema; which meane a thing feparated from mens ate, and devoted either to deltru&ion,as the Idol and inftruments thereof here mentioned ; or,at the Lords appointment to be carried into his treafu- rie,as were the gods of Iericho, Iof. 6, 1 7,19,24. This lavi againll idols and images, which are the work of men, bands, Plàl.t 15.4. extendeth not to the creatures of Gods making,though by men a- bufed to idolatry, as the Hebrewesalto expound it, frying; WYhatfever bath not been taken by mans band and which man bath not made, though it hash been worfhipped, yet it it lawfull to haze soft ofit. Therefore the heathens that firved (or werfhipped) the monntaines, and the hills , and the trees that were planted at firfi for fruit, and funtaines of water, that are common, and beafts; be tbefe are lawful! to bee mad e oft of radii le lawful! to eat of thofefruies which were wor [hippedin she plan where they grew, and f theft beafis, es-c. Abeaff it not unlawful!, fo long as a man bath not done with it any work pertaining to idolatry; but if bee bane done arty ( fuels work therewith) it it unlawful! every whit : as if h,e kill it to the fervice of an Idol; or exchange it, be. provided that it be his orate beafl[andnot another mans: ] for if bee killhis neighbours beaff to an Idols, orexchange it, it is net made unlawful! : for no man can mak a thing unlawfull which io not his oxne.If one worfhip any ground mtbe world, it is not made unlawfdl: if bee dig pits or Ganef therein,to the name of an idoll,tbey are unlawful ,b`e. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chap.8. felt. t. daMMAhIIIMAyiMAthMdaA CHAP. VIII. I An exhortation to leepe and doe the Law for their tome good, 2 becaufe of Gods former mercies in the wi,- dernfje, y andfuture bleffings in Canaan. 10 A warning left fulne occafron them toforget God, and hit former benefits : 17 and left they prefitme of their owns firength. 19 Aproteffationaganff them, that ebeyJhal perifh, if they forget and forfake their Gcd. AL L the commandement which I command thee this day, ye (hall ob- ferve to do, that ye may live & mal tiply,& goe in,& poffeffe the land which Ie- hovah fware unto your fathers. And thou 2 (halt remember all the way which Iehovah thy God led thee theT'e 4o yeares in the wil- dernefs,forto humble thee,to tempt thee,to know what [vain thine heart, whether thou wouldeft keepe his commandements, or no. And he humbled thee, and fuffered thee to Ccccc ,hunger. 3 ,011/////11/111111111111111111M