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30 Exhortations, and D E U T E R O Ihunger, and fed thee with Manna , which thoukneweft not , neither did thy fathers know : that he might make thee know, that man liveth not by bread only,but by every (word) that proceedethout of the mouth of 4 Iehovah loth man live. Thy rayment wax- ed not old uponthee , and thy foot fwelled 5 not thefe forty yeares. And thou (halt know with thine heart,that as a man chaftneth his 6 fon,Jehovah thy God,chafteneth thee. And thou (halt keepe the corn mandements of Ie- hovah thy God, to walke in his wayes, and 7 to feare him. For, Jehovah thy God bring - eth thee into a good land, a land of brookes of waters,of fountaines, and of depths,that iffue out in the valley, and in the mountaine. 8 A land of wheat , and of barley, and of vinesand fig. trees, and pomegranats: a land 9 of oile-olive and honey. A land wherein thou (halt eat bread without fcarceneffe, thou (halt not lacke any thing in it : a land whofe ftones Are iron , and out of whofe i o mountaines thou maieft hew braffe. And thou fhalt eatand be full, & thou (halt bleffe Jehovah thy God, for the good land which hec bath given thee. Take heed to thy felfe, left thou forget Jehovah thy God, in not keeping his commandements,and his judge- ments, and his flatutes, which I command 12 thee this day. Left thou eat, and bee full, and buildeft good houles, and dwelleft in 13 them. And thy heards, and thy flocks mul- tiply ; and Elver and gold bee multiplied to thee ; and all that thou haft be multiplied. 54 And thine heart be lifted up,and thou forget Jehovah thy God,which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the houle 55 of fervants. Who led thee thorow that great and fearful! wilderneffe, wherein were fiery ferpents, and fcorpions, and drought, i where there was no water : who brought forth unto thee waters, out of the rockeof 16 flint. Who fed thee with Manna in the wil- ' derneffe,which thy fathersknew not, for to humble thee, and for to tempt thee, to doe r 7 thee good at thy latter end.And thou lay in thyheart, my power, and the might of my 18 hand hath gotten unto me this wealth. But thou (halt remember Iehovah thy God,that iris he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may eftabli(hhis covenant, which he t 9 (ware unto thy fachers,as it is this day. And it (hall be, if forgetting thou (halt forget Ie- hovah thy God, and fhalt walkeafrer other dóds , and ferve them , and bow thy felfe own unto them ; I teftifieagainft you this YI N O M I E VI I I. threatnings. day, that perifhing yee (hall perifh. As the 20 nations which Jehovah caufeth to perifh from your faces, fo (hall yee perifh, becaufe yee would not heare the voice of Jehovah your God. tilnnotaeions. COmmandemmt] that is, as the Greeke tranfla- teth, commandment'. See Dent.5.; r. and 6. r. obferve to dee] or, keepe and doe , as thephrafe fome- time fignifieth. See the notes on Gen.z. ;. yee may love] that Is, continue long in a profpe- rons life ; for as forrowes , plagues, miferies are called deaths , Exod. to. 17. 2 Cs,or. r 1.23. fo a quiet and bleffed e(tate is called life; as,yeares of life,'Pron. 3. 2. mean many good yeares : and in Pfal. 30.6. life is oppofed unto a moment. yof- fife] or, inherit the land : tinder which eternal! life was figured, as is noted on Gen . t 2.5. Vert s. all the way]that isiall the accidents that befell thee in the way, Which were affli&ions, wants, dangers on the one hand ; and comforts, blefiìngs , and deliverances on the other : by which,as by two walls, bee kept Ifrael from go- ing aftray. Therefore this leading thorow the wilderneffe is oftenmentioned by the Prophets asAmo &2.1o. Pfa1.136.16. and 78.52.53. Ter. 2.2.6. to bumble] or , to mist!; as the Greeke tranflateth, that bee might affliti thee , and tempt thee. So verfe 3. tempt] or, prove, to wit,their faith and obedience : fee the notes on Gen.2 z.,. to know] that is, to have experiment in pra &ife of that which was in then. The like is raid of King Ezechias, whom God left, to tempt him, that hee Ì might kow alltbat war in bit heart, 2 Chron. 3 2.3 I. But in refpe& of himfelfe, God needeth not that any fhould teflifie ofman ; for he knoweth what is in man,and what himfelfe will doe, Ioh.z. 25. and 6.6. A faithfull heart loveth,ferveth.and be- leeveth in God,as we! in adverfity, as profperity, Mat. 4.4. but an unfaithfull murmureth in alfli- &ions, Pral.78.40.41. Verf..3. humbled ] or, Áfitied,asverfz,SoGod 3 aß1Wetb the fkrength of his people in the way, Pfal.soz.24. He fuffered them to hunger, before he gave them Manna: fo Gods people hungerand thirft after righteoufiteffe,& then he fillèth them, Mat 5.6. Luke 1.53. Manna] Hebr. Man: of this meat,fee the annotations on Exod.16. r 4. 15. &c. It was a figure of Chrift,Ioh.6. bread omly] that is, ordinary food, filch as man live by ; whereof bread is the principali. This fentence Chrift alledged againftSatan, when hee tempted him to unlawful! meanes for fatisfying his hun- ger, Match. 4.4. word that proceedeib] fo the Greeke alto tranflatetll, addingthis word, as the Apoftle alto doth , in Matt.4.4. But another E- vangelift faith only ,every word of God,Luk.4, 4.The word of God is the ground of faith, Rom.r0. 17. which they that have abiding in them , (hall Purely be fed in time of hunger, both foule and body, Pfal.37.3i &c. VerC4, 2