DEüTBRO:NOMIE VIli. 4 VerC4.not old] that is, roar net worm out with age, as the Greek explainetls it : fo in Deut.29.5. Neb. 9.2h This was the fecond meanes of ftdtentation of life,whichGod alfo miraculoufly fatpplied un- to them,that they might learne,not to feek as the Gentiles ; or take thought, what they fhouldeat, or drinke,or wherewith they fhould be cloathed, Matt.6.31.32. fivelledewt]the Chaldeeexpoun- deth it,thy Awe, were not bare ( or broken :) and fo the Greek in Neb.9.2 e. where this is againe men- tioned: and Mofes himfelfe in Deut.29.5.In the fence it agreeth with the former. But it feemeth here to meane the feet properly , which fwelled not,neither were furbated,though they travelled fo long thorow that dry and thorny wilderneffe: and foitmcaneth health of body, which God alfo gave them, as the third bleiling neccffary for this prefent life. forsyyeeres] the time of their travell in the wildernofie : which number fory, is often uled for to denote the time of afililtion and humiliation. See the notes on Gen.7.4. 5 Verf. 5. kwro with thine heart] that is, know and acknowledge heartily, upon thine owne feeling and experience. So Iofua raid unto them, Yee know in allyaur heart, and in allyour f nle, I01..23. r 4. dmfleneth ] or tiurturetb, refiraineth from the plea- lures of the flefie. So other Scriptures fpeake of Gods chaff ifements, like a father, Prov.3.11.12. Hebr. 12.5.--1o. and, Bleffed the man whom thou chafieneff 0 lab, Plal.94.12. 61 Verl.6.hit wayes] which hee hath commanded to walke in, that is,his Law, Exod. 18.20. Pfal. 25.4. The Chaldee expoundeth it the wages that are right before bim. Thefe are oppofed to Hans owne wayes, Efay 66.3, and 55.8.9. They com- prehend faith, and other duties of the fiefTa- ble, t King. 11.33. 38. ACt. 18.2 5.26. and 22.4. & verrues ofthetecondTablealib,2 Pet.2,15.See t he notes on Gen.6.t I. tofare him] this isthe meanes to keepe men in Gods wayes,and is thcr- fore lit before, in 2-yChron.t.3I. PfaL128.1. 7 Veil; 7. goad land j a fat and fertile (bile : See Nom., 3.e 9.20. brooks] or rivera : the Chal- dee explaineth its flowing with brooke» of foun- tains] or of fivings : the Chaldee faith, welling -out formcaines and depths: the Greeke, and fountains of depths. By deeper aremeant flare of waters, as Gen. 1.2. and 7.11. There Invokes and fprings figured the plentifall graces of Gods fpirit, wherewith his Church is watered, Ioel3.18. Ezek.47.1. &c. Revel.2 ì.I. Pfal.65.10. and 46. 5. value] put for values, and mountains , as the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate. One is often ofed for many : See the notes onGen.3.2. God feudeththe fprings into the vallies, they run among she mou,itaines, they give drink¢ to every beafl of the field , the wild offer quench their drill, Pfal.104.10.1 t é VerC8. pamegranates]it fignifieth both the fruit, Num.13.24.and the tree that beares them, Song. 7.12. Hagg. 2.20. pile alit¢ ]Hell,alive -tree of elle, that is, as the Chaldee expounds it,elives that makeeile. With the fatneffe of the olive, they ho- noured God and man, Iudg.9.9. Thefe earthly fruits figured allo the heavenly graces which the faithfull(watred with Gods word and fpiric)are filled and comforted with, Pfal. 8 t.17. and 147. 54. Song.8.2. The trees that beare thefe fruits, figure out gracious men , from whole doCtrine and converlation, heavenly comforts doe flow in the Church, Iudg, 9.8; -13. Song.4. t ;. & 6.1 o. Holao.s. and 14.7.8. PCal.r.3.and 52.10. Verf9. eat bread] ill having fruition of sods bleffings therein, which Cometimç men have not, though the land be fruitfull, as Dent. 28. 3033 39.40. And for their fines it came to paffe, that they did eat bread by weight , and with care, Ezek. 4. 16. brafe j there latter are formunition , and other ules, as the former were for food : Co all good things are implyed. See alCo Deut.3 3.25. The nsountaittes as Gods flore- houles were not only fruitfull on the npmoft face of them, with corne and grafie, and trees of fundry forts ; but within their bowels ( as it were ). bredminerals and metals of great ufe for man. Iron it taken out of theduff ,and Brae it molten out of the ffone,Iob 28:2.] or,fnisfied; which is a bleffing that God giveth to the righteous , Prov. 13. 25. Pfal.t47.14. the contrary, to the wicked, Mic.6. 54. Hag,t.6. (halt blefi Ihavah] that is, f ualt give him thankes; as where it is Paid, that Iefxs taoke bread, and bleed,Marke 14.2 2. another Evan - gelill faith, be Cooke tread andgaze thank, Luke 2a. t 9. And as our Saviour teacheth us to blefle be- fore we eat, Mat. e +.19,20. fo this law chargeth us to bleffe after we have eaten:and for meat,and drink,fo for other good things which we receive of God; as David fàith, Siege the L 0 RD O my foule, and forget not all bit benefits, Pfalm. ío3.2. and the Apoltle comntandeth,In every tbinçgive thanks, for this it the will of God in Chufl leftas concerningyou, a Theff.5.18. The Hebrewes (from this Law of Motès) teach, that although it be here laid , thou Pat eat and befu1; and thou fbalt blef, &c. yet if a man eat but a morfell (fo much as an olive) he is to bleffe after it.And he is bound to bleffe for all meat frit, and afterward to ufe it: likewife if he be to finell unto any Tweet thing, hee is to bleffe, & after to have thefruition of ít: as alto to bleffe after whatfoever he eateth or drinketh,though he drink but one little draught, or eat but a moffel. And as they were to bleffe for the uíe of the crea- tures, fo for every thing commanded in the Law, they were firff to bleffe , & then to doe the fanse. Women and fervants were bound to bleffe their meat, and little children allo, that they might be trained up in the Commandements. Vncleane perlons,whatfoever uncleanneffe they had,might bleffe notwithfanding.Maimony treat: of Blefngt,chap.i. fe &.i, &c. and chap.5feCt.a. Verf t r. left thou forget lebovah] or, that thou forget not lehovab ;which the Chaldee expoundeth, that thouforget not the feare of the L 0 R D. God is forgotten, when his Consn,andements are neg. le&ed, Pfal. 106. 19.2I. Ier.2.3 a. and hee is re- nsembred,when his precepts are remembred and done,Pfa.103.18.Mofeshis next words Chew this to bee the meaning here. So God is forgotten, when his workes towards us are forgotten , ,jus appeareth` 9 Io II