DEUTERONOMIE IX. appearethafter, inve f x4,15. &c. 12 %C.. 12.good] that is, goodly, faire,.pleafant, commodious : fie the notes on Gen. r .4. Verf. r 4. lifted up] the Chaldee expounds it 14 flrengthened,( orhardned :) meaning with pride,asis laid of Ncbuchadnezar,Dan.5.2 o. and fo lifting up of the heart nicaneth,as Deut.57.2o. Ier.48. 29. Dan.s1.1 ,.which is the way for men to forget God,as is written , They were filled , and their heart was lifted up , tberefere bave they forgotten me, Hof. s3,6. fervanis] in Greeke andChaldee, feervi- tude (or bondage.) 15 Verf. t 5. kd thee,] or, made theegoe,to wit, fafe- ly that thou thouldit not ffumble, as Ef.63.13.This grace David rernembreth , in Pfal.136.16. Which led his people thorow, the wildernef, &c. This was by a pillar of a cloud by day, and by a pillar of fire by night, Exod.13.21. fearefull] for it was a landof defarts and of pits, a land of drought, and of the shadow of death a land that no man pafed thorow and where no man dwelt, Icr.2.6. fiery fer- pents]or, ferpent, burning ferpent and fcorpion; the Greeke tranflateth , where was the bitingserpent and scorpions: the Chaldee faith, a place of burning fer- pents and scorpions. See Num. 21. 6, &c. fcor- pi ns] Hebr. fcorpicn, one for many, as is noted on Gen.3,2. Scorpions are venemous creatures, which hurt and fling with their tales: wicked men are likened unto filch, Eze1,2.6. Rev.9.3.5 t al fo unto Sepents,Mattha3.33. drought] or thirff : meaning a land ofthirff, as is expreffed in 4,3 5.7. and fo the Chaldce here tranflateth, a place of drinefè. rock offint] that is, hard and dry rocke, from whence God gave them water twife,Exod.17. and Num.2o. Of this mercy Da- bid lung, that God turneth the rocke to a lake of wa- ters, the flint to a fountaine of waters, Pfal. 114.8. After Mores fpeaketh figuratively, ofoile out of the flinty rock, Deut.3 1.13. Verf 16. Manna] whereof fee before, verf.3. and Exid16. oh, larter end] for though nocha- fening for the prefnt , feemeth to be joyous but grie- vous, yet afterward it yerldtrh the peaceable fruit of rie eottfnefe, unto them which are exercifed thereby, Hebr.11.1 t. 17 Verf. l7.And thou fay] underftand from verf12. left thou fay, that is, as the Greeke tranflateth,and fay not. gotten] Hebr.mede,that is, as the Chal- dee expoundeth it, gotten: So in ver f.'s 8. wealth] or power, meaning wealth or goods ; as the Chaldce had) it. 8 Verf..t 8.that it is be] or, for it is he. Riches and wealth in the land of Canaan,(figuringfpirituall riches inChrift,) were-the fpeciall gift of God; for The bleffing of the LORD, it maker b ricb,Prov. To 22.out Ifrael forgat this,as God faith, For floe did not losow, that Igave her mrne, and wine, anIoile, and multiplied herfilver and gold, Hof, 2.8, 19 Verf. 19. other gods] the idols of the people faith the Chaldee paraphraft. Thefe words thew what the forgetting of God meaneth: fo Pfal. 1o6.19, 2r . I teflifie ] the Greeke addeth, I tale heaven andearth io w tnef agaivff you. SoMofes himfelfe elfewhere fpeaketh in Detit.30. 19. perifb- 16 ingye fhall perk] that is ye fhall affuredly and speedily perifh,notwithftanding your wealth and profperity ; as it is faid, Neither theirfilver nor their gold hall be able to deliver them in the day ofthe LORDS wrath ; but the whole land(hall be devoured by the fire of his jea /oufie, Zepb.1. s 8. Verf so. not heart] that is, not they the voyce, which the Chaldee explaineth , not receive the word ofthe LORD. TH?t*t*1811124242*Iitt C H,A T. IX. 20 n. Motes teachesb Ifrael (now ready to enter into Ca- naan) that God would gee bef re them , anddef ray their enemies ; 4 not fir their righteoufneffe but fir the hea- thens wickednefe, and for his cam oath to Abraham. 6 Becaufe Ifrael war a fly- necked people, that had of ten rebelledagainff God in the wildernefè; at, 8 at Horeb, where they made a molten Calfe, whiles Moles was on the mount to receive the tables of the Covenant: 13 for which Godwouldhave defiroyed them, but that Mofes ¡sstrea- tedfor them, and abolishedtheir idolatry. as How Ifrael finned at Taberab, Maffah, Kibroth hattaavab, 2 3 and at Rades barnea, where they refused to take pot f on of the Land. 25 Mofes hu faffing andprai- erfor thepeople. HEare O Ifrael; thou art palling over Jordan this day , to goe in to poffeffe Nations, greater and mightier than thou;Cities great and fenced,up to the Hea. yens. A people great and tall, the fonnes of the Anakirns, whom thou haft knowen,and thou haft heard : who can (land beforethe fonnes of Anak a And thou £halt know this day, that Iehovah thy God is he that paffeth over before thee, a confuming fire ; he will deftroy them,and he will bring them downe before thy face, and thou lhalt drive them out and deftroy them fuddenly, as Iehovah bath fpokë unto rhee.Say not in thine heart, 4 when Jehovah thy God bath cast them out from before thy face,faying;For my justice, Jehovah hath brought me into poffelfe this land: butforthe wickedneffe of thefe nati- ons, Jehovah both drive them out from thy face. Not for thy juftice, or for the righte. oufneffe ofthine heart, doeft thou goe into poffelfe their land ; but for the wickednes of thefe nations,, Iehovah thy God cloth drive them out from thy face, and for to ftablifh the wordwhich Jehovah fware unto thy fa- thers,to Abraham,to Ifaak,and to Iakob. And thou limit know, that not for thy ju- fticedoth Iehovah day God give thee this good land,to pofleffe it; for thou art a ftiffe- necked people. t 2 3 Remember 6