he peoples fill. DE U T E R O N O M I E I X. Moles prayer. ;; 7 . 8 9 I o I I 1 a 13 14 55 16 17 ,a 8 59 20 21 Remember, forget not, how thou provo- kedfi towrath Jehovah thy God,in the wil- èrrteffe,from the day that thou didlt depart out of the land of Egypt, untill ye came un- to this place, ye have been rebellious againR Jehovah. And in Horeb ye provoked Jeho- vah to wrath ; and Jehovah was angry with you, to have deflroyed you. When I was gone up into the mount,to receive the tables of Bone, the tables of the Covenanr,which Jehovah Rroke With you: and I abode in the mount fortie daies and fortie nights ; I did neither ear bread, nor drink water. And Je- hovah gave unto me the two tables of Róne, written with the finger of God: &on them, according to all the words which Jehovah fpake with you in the mount, out of the midft of .fire, in the day of the Affembly. And it was, at the end offorty daies, & for- tie nights,Jehovah gave unto me thetwo ta- bles of Done, the tables of the Covenant. And Jehovah faid unto me,Arife,goe down quickly from hence ; for thy people,Wh'ch thou haft brought forth out of Egypt , have corrupted themselves, they have quickly turned afide out of the way which I corn. manded thems theyhave made them a mol- ten calfe. And Jehovah laid unto me,faying; I have feene this people and behold, it is a ftiffe- necked people. Let me alone,.that I may deftroy them, and blot out their name from under the heavens : and I will make of thee a nation mightier & greater than they. And fturned me,and camedowne from the mount, and the mount burned with fire,and the two tables of the Covenant were in my two hands. And I law ,and behold, ye had finned agaïnf Jehovah your God, yee had made you a molten calf, ye had turnedafide quickly, out of the way which Jehovah had commanded you. And I took thetwo tables ana call them out ofmy two hands,&brake them before your eies. And I fell dòwne before Jehovah, as at the firR, forty daies, and forty nights; I did neither eat bread,nor drinkewater, becaufe of all your fn which vee had finned , in doing evill in the eyes of Jehovah, to provoke him to anger. For I J p $ was afraid becaufe of the anger and hot dif- pleafure wherewith Jehovah was wroth a. gainl you,to deftroy you:but Jehovah hear. kened untome at that time alto. And Jeho- vah was very angry with Aaron to have de- Rroyed him: and I prayed for Aaron alfo,in the fame time. And your fttine the Cake 0 which ye had made, I tooke, and burned it t with fire,and Ramped it,grindingit well,un- til it was made fmall as duft,& I cafl the dutk therof into the brook that defcended out of the mount. And at Taberah, and at Maffáh, and at Kibroth- hataavah, yee provoked Je- hovah to wrath. And when Jehovah fent you from Kadefh-barnea , faying , Goe up, and poffeffe the land which I have given un- to you, then yee rebelled againft the mouth of Jehovah your God, and ye beleeved him not, neither heatkned unto his voice. You have beene rebellious againR Jehovah, from the day that I knew you. And I fell down beforeJehovah,forty daies and forty nights, as I fell down, becaufeJehovah had faid for to deftroy you. And I prayed unto Jehovah, and faid; O Lord Jehovah , deftroy not thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou haft redeemed through thy greatnes,which thou haft brought forth out of Egypt with a thong hand.Remember thy fervants,Abra- ham, Ifaak, and Jakob : looke not unto the hardneffe of this people,nor to their wicked - neffe, nor to their finne. Le:t the lanci from whence thou haft brought us out, doe fay, Becaufe Jehovah OW nor able to bring them into the land which he fpake unto them;and becaufe he hated them,he hath broughtthem oit to flay them in the wilderneffe. Yet they are thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou broughteft out by thy greatpower ,and by thy Icretched-out arme.. z 2 23 24- 25 26 27 28 2 9 i Z 3 Annotations. IOrdan] Hebr. larden : a river thorow which 1f 1 rael was to paffe into the land, Dent. i. s . See' Num.24. s z. :bit d }'] that is, at Ibia time, very hsortly. Day is often ufed for time as a Cor.6.z. An haute is likewife fo aced fat' time; as, the loft Loire, 1 Joh.a.18. So,inthat bottre,Luke 10.2'1., 6. At that time ,Matth. 11.25. pof(ff] or inherit; which when it is fpoken of nations, fignifieth dominion over them, Lev. 25. 450 46 Here it may Y be meant alfo of the lands or Countries of thole nations, as' they are faid to pof f God ,which dmelt in hit cities; 1. Vt Giants. They re whom the Milder Çri tr were named of one Anal?, (of fee Numb. 13. 23.) and fo the Greeke Isere faith, finer of Enale ball beard] to wit, men fay. A common report of others , and of the Itìaciites themfelves, Num.13.29,34. Ver.3. be that paf eth] Against feare and (Hama (filch as had affected( them before, Nutn. 14.1,2, 30 8tc.l heei oppofeth the prefence and power of God, whichis the main k_gren sent to ftrengthcn faith, Num 14.9. Pfa1.56.4,5. a:64413,14. confiemtngi AglIP7111%it1u1IWiAfaa7 etllfnnAAIM,