DEUTER ONO M I E confirming] Hebr. eating: fo Deut.4.24. The Chaldee tranflateth , bid word is a cenfuming fire. fuellenly] or, quickly , haffily: fee the notes on Deut. y. 22. Verfe 4. For my jufice] The Hebrew /Os by the 4 Greek alfo here tranflatcd For,and it often noteth the caufe of a thing; as Hof.I2.13. in (that is, for) a wife. So hi Pfal.' 1.2. Deut.24.16. Here he op- pofeth the fecond evil], pride of heart , against which he dealeth in all the relt of this chapter. 5 Verfe 5. righted: flak] or uprightneff , ffraitnef, equitie : the Greeke tranflateth it here, piety; the Chaldee, truth. By naming jts!lice , he excludeth all merit of workes, Deut. 6.2 5. and by rigbtearef- neffe of heart , all inward affe &ions and purpofes, which men might plead, notwithftanding that they fault in action. Yet thefe two are the chiefe things which God refpeð in men,Pfa.15.1,2. i Chron. a 9.1 y. fir the wicltedmf ] Two cages. are here (hewed of this worke of God; jullicc a- gainfi the wicked inhabitants , which (hould pe- ri(h for their Ganes ; and mercie towards Ifrael, whom he would doe good unto , of grace. Thus alfo hee dealeth concerning the heavenly inheri- tance ; the wicked. are (hut out, for their evil] works, Jude verf. 14, 1- 5. But the Saints are fa- ved by grace through faith: not of workes, left airy man fhould boafi Ephef 2.8,9. the word] the Greek tranffateth, flablifb the covenant (or, tefiamene :) hereby he calleth them wholly to Gods word and pronsife, as Paul loth us in Galath. 3. 18. Rom. 15. 8. (hewing, that lefso Chreff was a mini- fier of the Cireumdfion for the truth of. God, to confirme the fathers prom!fer, and that the Gentiles might glorifie Gddfor merde. 6 Verfe 6.i his good land] a figure of heavenly tier- rings , as is (hewed on Gen. 12.5. f áffe- necked] or, of abardnec(, that is, fiubborne and rebelli- ous : fee the notes op Exod.32.9. to which place Mofes bath reference; and from Gods tellimonie there, and their fins then and at other times,con- vinceth them as being altogether unworthy: that (as another Prophet faitls)they might remember their waies,and all theirdoings wherin they had been defiled; and might loath thentÑlves is their owne eves, for all their evils that they had cons- mitted; and might know that he was Jehovah, when he had wrought with them for his names fake, not according to their wicked wales nor according to their corrupt doings, Ezek. 20.43, 44. and 36.31,32. Verfe y. Remember ,forget not] an cornea and cf- fe&hall manner of fpeaking, to move unto care - full remembrance : fee the notes on Deut.3 3.6. againfi] Hebr. will, Iehovab, which the Chaldee tranflateth, before the Lord; the Greeke, ye have re- belliouflj pert rmed things pertaining to the Lord. This generali charge he proveth by many particular initances following. 8 Verfe 8.Horeb] or Choreb, the mountaine where the Law was given: their rebellion there is de- fcribed inExc.32. defroyedyou] for there God faid to Motes, let me alone, &c. and I will conjunte them, Exod.32.10. Verte 9. to the mount]called up thither of God, to receive the tables of the Covenant, and other ordinances, Exod. 24. /2, -18. The time, place, occafion, end, and all circumfiances, greatly ag- gravated thepeoples fane. Verfe I o. of f one] the liga ification whereof is noted on Exod. 31. 18. finger] fignifying the Spirit : as, I with the finger of God, raft out devils, Luke 11.20. that is, with the Spirit of God, Mat. 12.28. So it figured the worke of God in our hearts, writing there his Law; as, Ye are man f lily declared to be the Epifile of Cbrifi , minifired by us, written not with inke, boot with the firit of the living God; net in tabler of Hone, but inflefhy tabler of the heart, 2 Cor. 3.3. Verfe 12. corrupted] This word meancth the corruption of Gods tervice and religion : fee the notes on Exod.32.7. and Gen.6.11,12,13. molten calfe] the word calfe is expreffed in v.16. This molten calfe they worfhipped and Motes Paid, Oh, this people have finnedagreat finne, and have made them gods ofgold, Exod. 32.8,31. Verfe 13. flying] Here the Grecke verfion ad- deth, 1 have fpoken unto thee once and twi fe, flying; Ibave feue, &e. I have fene] by the Lords fee- ing and bearing of fanners, is often meant a due re- gard of their Connes, to punilh them in lais anger, Deut. 32. 19. Pfal. 78.21. & 90.8. But when he pardoneth (ìnners,he is fold to hide his face from their tannes, and not to fee them ,Pfalme 51. n. Numbers 23. 21. Verfe 14. Let me alone] which the Chaldee ex- pounds, Leave off thy prayer before me. So in Exo- dus 22. 10 9 1e 12 13 84 Verfe 15. burned] Hebr. burning: the terreur I5 of which fight onely, might have kept themfrom this fin, in that the lignes of Gods prefence were not yet departed from their ties. See Exo 19.18. and 20.18. two hands] both hands full with bletfngs of the Lord for them,if their unworthi- nelle had not turned them away. Verfe 17.Itooke] the originall word lgnið 17 a purpofed taking bold, and handling of a thing; as they that goe to warre,are Paid to take (or handle) the (hield, Jer. 46. 9. and they that expound the Law, are faid to handle it, Jer. 2.8. So Mofildid this advifedly,gnided by Gods Spirit; fignifying that the covenant hem eene God and them was now dilanulled and broken, and that the Law pertained not to them, except to their condem- nation, for breaking the, fame. See Exod.3 2.19. Verle 18. I fell downe] the Greckeexpoundeth 18 it, I prayed befàre the Lord the fecund time ,as at their f. Here Motes repeateth, how by his humble inter- talon, they efcaped deltru&ion,and were recon- ciled again unto God. See the hifiorie at large, in Exod.32. 3 1,&c. forciedais] the number of dales and of yeeres , fundry times mentioned in the Scripture, for humiliation or judgement. See the noces on Gen. 7. 4. fine] the Greeke tranffateth, finnes; reffe &ing the manifold evil! in this, and their other tranlgreflions. Verfe 19. or I was] the Greeke applying this to the time prefent alfo, faith; Aud I am afraid: For 19