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i DEUT ERONOMIE Xr For the Lord, though he pardoned it theo,refer- ved vengeance till mother opportunitie, xo.3z. 34. hew keyedunto me] that is asthe thaldee explaincth it, accepted my prayer. 20 Verfe zo. with Aaron] who made the calfe for them, and would have excufed himfelfe, but was guilt ie of death : fee Exod. 3 s. 21 ; -24. z I ' Verfe 21. your fame] theCalfe is fo called,as be- ing the thing wherein they finned. So Idols are called afinite, in Efa.31.7. the brooks] that came out of the Rocke Horeb, which Roche in figure was Chrift, t Cor. t 0.4. of which they drank, CO figni- fie the abolilhing of their finne by Chrift , upon their repentance and faith : fee the notes on Exo- dus 32. 20. 22 Verfe 32. at T aberab]or,inTaherab: that is (as both Greek and Chaldee do interpret it) the Bur- ning : a place fo called, becanfe the people wmplai- mng there, the fire jibe Lord was kindled, and confumed form of them. See the hiltory in Nuns. 1 I . t, 2, 3. Maffab] in Englifh , the Tentation; and fo the Greek & Chaldee tranflate it. A place at Rephidim in the wilderneffe, before they came to Horeb, ten flations from Egypt, in the firlt yeere of their travell,where wanting water, they temp- ted God, fay ing, I.r the Lerd among fi us, or no 1 and there he gave diem water out of the Rock; Exo. 17. See the Annotations there, and Pfal. 95.8,9. Heb.3.8, &c. Deut.6. r6. Kibretb hattaavah] in Englilh, the Grazes of tuft fotranflated alto by the Greeke. Here (a little from Taberab fore - mentioned) they loathed Manna, and lulled for flefh: God gave them Quailes, but they died ofa plague, while the flelh was yet betweene their teeth; and being buried there, occafioned this name of the place,for a perpetuall memoriall. See Num. II. 4,- 34. and the Annotations there. AlfoPfal.78. 12 31. & 106.14,15. 23 Verfe z3. KadO-home] where, being come thorow the wilderneffe of Pbaran to the border of the land of Canaan, they were commanded of God to goe to take poffellion. Then they fent Spies,who ditiourag,red the people : fo through want of faith tlley,durft not enter , and were for it condemned te/4o.yeeres wandring in the wil- derneffe , and there ended their dales. See Num. 13. and 14. chapters. againfi the mouth] that is, againft the word, or commandement : in Greeke ,ye (Obeyed the ward. 24 Verfe 34. that I kptewyon] the Greek expounds it, from the day that he was /mown untoyou. So he con- cludeth with a general! charge of rebellion upon them, (hewing hereby the impof iibility of the Law, and minifterie thereof, to bring men unto God ; for it caufeth fin and wrath to abound ; as fi.on1.4. 1 5. and 8.3. ìtal.3. 19,22. For befides then particulars, they finned many other times in the wilderneffe, as is noted on Numb. 14. 22. and in PGI. 78. and i o6. z 5 Verfe 25. I fell donne ; in Greeke, I prayed. He returneth to fpeake of their reconciliation to God, which was by the prayer ofillofeet, as a me- ' diatour,and figure of Chrift : by whom (and not by our owne deferts) we have entrance into the king dome of God,Gal.3.zz,24. Ro111.3.20, 22. & 5.I,2, &c. at Ifell downs] to wit ,let the firft, as v.18, or, which I fell downe, that is, which I laid before that I fell downe. But the Hebrew after, which, is fometimes ufed for at, as in Jer.48.8. Paidfor to deft roy] that is, faid that be would de fi royyou. See the like phrafes fo expounded in E1a.49.6. with Ads 14.37. i Chron.17.4. with z Satn.7.5. Mar.zo., 9. with Marke to. 33,34.. Verfe 26. Lord Iebovab] in Greeke, Lord, Lord: in Chaldee , Lord God. See the Annotations on Gen. 15.2. thy people] this tefpefteth their a- doption in Chrill,and justification, i Pet.2.9,10. inheritance] this implieth their fan&ification, unto the obedience and ferviceof God by the Spirit : See Exod: 34. 9. through thy greatneffej in Greeke, through thy great flrenng:h, as 5.29. it im- plieth alto his great goodnelle,.and therefore is often fpoken of his gracious workes for his peo- ple, Chron.17.19:Luke 1.49. Verfe 27. rig fervants] He meaneth Gods oath unto them , ro multiply their feed and td give the land for an eternall inheritance, as is expref- fed in this prayer before,Ex.3 z.13. So the Greek addeth here, unto whom thou fwareff by thy fife. bardneffe] the naturall corruption, whereby the heart is hardned, that it cannot repent and be- leeve the word of God; (from which, the two e- vils following doe flow) Rom.z.5. Verfe z8. the land] that is, as the Greeke and Chaldee, both explain, the inhabitants of the land. This reafon is alto alleaged in Exod. 32. 12. and Numb. 14. 16. 4a 3, = T T 3 `` °F,14, 35 z6 27 z8 . C H A P. X. I A rehearfall of Gods mercies , in yenning the two Tables of the Covenant; 6 in leading the people fore, ward towards Canaan, and continuing the Frieft(wod after Aaron death; .8 in feparating theTribe of Levi mue the minifferie; so in bearltning unto Mofes hi4 fiait for the people. I An exhortation uno: oledienee, 14becaufeof Gods glorie: 15 love unto *ad ; i7 ¡it- 'lice towards all ; 21 hit fearful! worker, 22 and mul- tiplication of his people. AT that time Jehovah faid unto mee, Hew thee two tables of Ifone,,like the firft, and cotre up unto me, into the mount,andthou (halt make thee an Arke of wood. And I will write on the tables the words which were on the firft tables, which thou brake(t,and thou (halt pur them in the Arke. And I made an Ark of Shitttm wood, & hewed two tables of (tone like the firft,& went up into the mount, and the two tables in my hand. And he wrote on the tables,ac- cording to the firft writing, the ten words which Jehovah had fpoken unto you in the mount out of the mida of the óre,in the day of 2 3 4 /,drav//N/dlq®IM lo19'l'Iplitr