Obedlelice, ll E LIT E R ()NO M I E X. required, of the affembly_: and Jehovah gave them 5 unto me. And I turned my felfe, and carne downe from the mount, and I put the tables in the Ark which I had made,and there they 6 be, as Jehovah commanded mee. Md the fonnes of Ifrael journeyed from Beeroth of the fonnes of Jaakan from Moferah : there Aaron died, andwas burred there; and Elea - zar his fon adminiftred the Priefls office in 7 his ftead. From thence they journeyed to Gudgodah , and from Gudgodah to Jot - 8 bath,a land of rivers of waters. At that time Jehovah feparated the Tribe of Levi, to beare the Arke of the covenant of Jehovah, to ftand before Jehovah to minister unto him, and to bleffe in his name unto this day. Therefore Levi hath no part or inheritance with his brethren: Jehovah,he is his inheri- tance, as Jehovah thy God fpalte unto him. io And I flood in the mount, according to the former daies, forty daies, and forty nights : and Jehovah ht arkned unto me, at t hat time alfo; Jehovah would not deft roy thee. And Jehovah laid unto me, Arife,goe in journey before the people,that they may goe in, and poffeffe the land, which I fware unto their fathers to give unto them. And now Ifrael, what loth Jehovah thy God aske of thee, but to feare Jehovah thy God,to walk in all his waies, & to love him, and to ferve Jehovah thy God with all thy 13 heart, and with all thy foule. To keepe the commandements ofJehovah and his fatutes which I command thee this day, for good I unto thee. Behold, unto Jehovah thy God 4 belong the heavens, and the heavens of hea- 5 vens,the earth, and all that therein is. Only in thy fathers Jehovah had a delighr,to love them, and he chofe their feed after them, e- ven you, above all peoples, as it is this day. 16 tircumcife therefore the fuperfluous fore- skin of your heart,and make not your necke 1 7 fife anymore. For, Jehovah your God,he is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God,themighty,and the fearfull;which will not regard perlons, nor take reward. Hee doth the judgement of the fatherleffe and widow, and loveth the firanger, in giving 9 unto himbread and raiment. Love ye ther- fore the ftranger ; for ye were ftrangers in so the land of Egypt.Thou fiait feare Jehovah thy God , him thou (halt ferve, and to him fhalt thou cleave and by his name fh:ilt thou 2I fweare. I -le is thy praife,and he is thy God, which bath done for thee these great and fearfull things, which thine ties have faene. Ir I2 18 With feventie foules did thy fathers goe 22 downe in Egypt, and nosy Jehovah thy God hath made thee as the itarres of the heavens for multitude. L4 notations. A7 that time] Motes rehears ng the mercies of I God unto Ifrael,(for which they (hould love and obey him)lheweth how upon his requeff,God prefently fhewed the tokens of his grace,by venu- ing the covenant the Hiltory wfiereof is in Exo. 34. hew thee] herein they differed from the first Tables, which were the work f Clod, Exod. 32. 16. There being of Mofs hewing, (hewed the work of Moses Law upon the heart of man,which is to hew and polish it,but not to change it from (tone to flair, for that is the worke of Ghrilt : fee the notes on Exod. 3 r 18. & 34. r. come up] Mofes onely, and no man with him, was comman- ded to goe up to the top of the mount ; and it was to be in the morning, the time of mercie : fee Exo. 14. 2,3.Ofthe mount Sinai, and how it differed from mount Sion, fee the Annotations on Exod.l9.and zo. Ark] of this there was no mention in Exod.34. but in Exod. a 5. there the Arke and Mercie -eat that covered is , is commanded which was a figure of Chrilt. That feemeth to be the Arke here fpoken of; for any other tens - porary Arke we reade not of. Verfez. on the frli] Gods Law was the fame, alai unchanged; though the tables(figuring wens hearts) are changeable. Verse 3.Shittim wood] which was a kinde of Ce- dar, uncorruptibicLas the Greeke tranflateth it : fee the notes on Exod. 25.5. in my hand] the Greek faith, in my two bands, as was inDeut.9. r 5. The Tables which God made and gave before, were written on : thefe which Mofes made were hewed, but empty till God wrote upon them : fo the Law is written in mens hearts , and they doe by nature the things of the Low, Rom. 2. 14,! 5. but corrupting themlèlves in the things that they know, their hearts are hewed onely by Moses miniftery ; and however,they boalt of the Law, yet through the breaking the Law they dilhonor God, Rom. 2.23. till that be fulfilled which God bath promifed, I will put my Lawes into their mitrde andwrite them in their hearts , Hebr.8.I o. Verle 4. the ten words] that is, ten Commande- 4 meats, or Decalogtee: thefe were written by God hirirfelfe, but other Lawes then rehearfed, were written by Mofes, Exo.34.27,28. For there the Lord came downe in a cloud, proclaimed his name, renued the covenant, and repeated the principali Lawes, Exod. 34.5, &c. day of the affembly] dr,ofthe Church,that is,w hen the Church or people were affembled to heave the Law, or to meet with God, as Éxod. 19.1 y. Deut. 5.22. So in Deut. 18.16. And in Ails 7.38. it is faid ,Tics, (Moles) is he that Was in the Church (or Affimbly) in the wildernee with the Angeli, which spout to him in the mount Sina , and with our fathers who receized the lizely oracles to gleetinto ue. VerGi 2 3