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O//'aLU tu, DEUT ER ONO M I E X. 5 Verf: 5. in the Ark ] fo the covenant remained in the midit of Iliad , and the Tables were not broken as at the firft : howbeit Moles face fhined at his fecond commingdowne , which terrified the people, and cantedhim to voile his face ; an other tigne of the wcakneffe of his legali minilte- ry : fee the notes on Exod. 34.29. there they be] for an evidence of Gods grace , and teftimony of his covenant renewed with Ifrael. Wherefore thofeTables werecalled the Tefiimonie ; and the À, l wherein they were put, the Ark of the 7effi- many : fee 6 Verf. 6. journeyed] the Arke of Gods covenant going before them, to fearch out a rafting place for then, Nnm.1o.33. So this was another tells- loony of their reconciliation with God, and of his graces to bee communicated unto them in Chrifl. Betroth] by interpretation,Weüs, or Pits :which word is not mentioned inNum. 33. 31. but understood there. Neither was it a place by mount Sinai, from whence they first journey- ed, Num. s o.33 .but many (cations from it, as ap- peareth by Numb .33.16. -3 t. Mofes therefore keepeth not here the order of their travels, but fgnifieth how they had gone many journeyes forward, the Lord condufting them.Some of the Hebrewes (as Ahen Ezra) doe thinke this was a- nother place than that of the tonnes of Iaakan, mentioned in Numbers 33. and that hereby is meant Kadefb. fences of laakan] who was one of the pofterity of Seir, whom the Edomites drove out of their land, s Chron.5.38.42.Mo- fes before named hin, Akan, Gen. 36. 27. From the Fits or Wells of theft Infidels , God removed them towards the land of Canaan,thepromifed holy land, where by faith in Chrifl, they might with joy draw waters out of the f untaines of falvation, Efay 12.3. Moferah] called before (in the pin- rall number) Mnferath, Numb. 33.30. and it was their llation before they came to the wells of the foncesof Iaakan, though here Mofes nameth it af- ter. Wherefore we are hereto underfiand againe, from Moferah, or,and Moferah. The Greeke calleth it Mifadai, changing R into D. which is ufuall,as i noted on Gesa.4.18. But Abm Ezra (as before) 'thinketh this Mojeerah,wan the name of the wil- derneffe of mount Hor,where Aarondied, & not the Moferotb fpoken of in Num. 33. there Aaron died] not at Jtloferah, (unleffe it were the wilder - neffe of Hor, as Aben Ezra iuppofeth) nor at Bee - rorh,butmany journies from it,at mount Hor,Num. 33.37.38. We are therefore to underhand theft words thus,there, (or rbither) where Aaron died Or fìtpplying the former word, from thence where Amon died. buried there] out of the land of Ca- naan, whereinto he might not enter, bccaufe of his fin fee theannotations on Numb. 20.24. &c, in bid fiemilAs the death of Mofes and Aaron, with their lifter Marie, (the King,Prieu and Pro- pheteffe of Ifrael)was a teftification of the weak- neffe and impoflibility of the legali kingdome & prie[lhood to bring them into the kingdome of God: fo the continuance of the Priefihood in Aarons pofterity was another flgne of Gods grace towards Ifrael, for reconciliation of them tohimfelfe, and blelling them, till Chrifl (who hath a Priefthood that paffeth not from him to a- nother) fhould come , who is able perfeftiy to lave themthat come unto God by him,Heb 7./1. Verf.7. From theme] namely , from Seerotb of the fönnesof Iaalqn,Numb33.32. Gudgodah] in the Chaldee,Gudgod; in Greeke,Gadgad: before Mofes named it Horhagidgad , that is, the Hole of Gidgad: fee Num.33.32.3 3. lot bath] in ,;reek, Ietabatba, as in Nuns 3 3 33 Ver.8.At that time- not when they came to La- but long before, whiles they were at monist Sina, God feparated the tribe of Levi : fee Nuns. 3.5.6, &c. So the time (whenGod wasprovo- ked to wrath ) commendeth the riches of his grace. feparated] from all other bufsnes, to ferve the Lord and his people,Exod.a 8.1. Numb. 3.45. and 16.9. tribe of Levi] of which tribe Aaron and all the Melts were; fo hee fpeaketh here of the whole. to Beare] Hereupon David Paid , It is not for any to beam the Arlie of God , but for the Les ites,&c. I Clsron.c 5.2. See allö Num...}. x 5. to fiand] this gefinre the Priefts & Levites ufed in al their miniltration,(tafsdiug,not going; and it was a fsgne of fervice, as hee that floodbe- fore the King, Icr. 52. I2. is in another Scripture called the fervant of the King, 2 King.a 5.8. So af- ter , in Deut.s7. 12.& 18.5.7, Iudg. 20.28. In like manner, the Prophets are Paid collard before the Lord, i King.17.1. and 18.15. a King. 3.14,. and 5.16. Likewife alló the Angels, as Luk.t./9. I amGabriel that ffand before God: fo 2 Chron. ,8.18. And as the Levites flood before the Lord, fo they are raid alto to fe-nd before the people, and to ferve titan, Nuns. 16.9. 2 Chro11.3 5.3. Ezek. 44.1'. to ble] of this duty, fee the anno- cations on Numb. b.a 3. Thus God provided for the comfort of their fouies, whiles his nsiniftery was fetled ansohg them, by which they might daily have acceffe unto his throne of grace. Verf. 9. no part] to wit, no part in thefpoiles g taken by want , no inheritance in the land of Ca- naan, which was divided among the other tribes only : fee Numb.18.20. and 26.5 3.57. and 35.2. Deut. 18. I. heir] for of the firft- fruits, tithes, vowes, oblations of the Lord, the Prielfs and Levites had their livelihood : fee the anno- tations on Num. s 8.8.9-- 20.21, &c. Therefore the Chaldee paraphrafl here tranflateth, tbegifts that the Lord loath given him, [bey are bit inberitance. Of which fee more in Dent. 5 2,19. and 14.27. and 18.1.2, Vern s o. And I flood] or, wben I badfiood,that is, so both flayed (or abidden) and in prayer waited upon the Lord for mercie. Standing, often fsgui fieth prayer, as is noted on Gen, 18.22. and the words following here manifefl the fame. bearkned ] the Chaldee expounds it, accepted my prayer. deffroy] Heb. corrupt ; which when it is oken of God,ufually ineaneth deftru&ion feeGen.6.t3. Vert. r,.tbattheymay]or,andtheyßa/l, which II Ddddd the 7 //1iarssiw®s®wIIITsHíñìlAm, jl