DEUT ERONOMIE X. the Greeke tranflateth, and let them goe in. Thefe phrafes are one in fenfe, as is noted on Gen.12.I 2. and :7.4. This commandement and promife was a teftimonie that God now teas reconciled unto them, by the intercefon of Mofes. 12 Verf. I z. ask of thee ] This word , often tiled when men ask, that is , requefi or defire a thing of God, I Sam.'. 17. 20.27. tam./ .5.6. is here ufed for Gods arkittgobedience of men,as if he defiled and requefted the fame; and as in Mica.6.8. he is Paid to feeke, or require the like thing. This grace Paul fheweth more effettuallÿ, Paying; as though God did befeech you by zts , wee pray you in Chrif s ffead, beye reconciledtoGod, 2 Cor.5.2o. to feare] fee the notes on Deut.6.13. This feare is the begin - ning of wifedome, Prov. 1.7. by which men depart from eviii, Prov.t 6.6. Vnto which and other holy duties, Mofes calleth this people, as being the end and ufe of the former rehcarfall of their firms, and of Gods mercies towards them. So by other Prophets, her calleth men to obedience and humble walking before him, rather than to facrifice: fee 1 Sam. 15.22. Ier.7.22.23. Mica. his wages] that Is, to follow him, in his faith and religion, and all his commande- ments ; for theft are the wayes of God, Pfal. 25. 4.5 Aß15.25.26. TheChaldeetranflateth, she rayet which are right before him : fee the notes on Gen.' 8.19. and 6. 12. to love] The femme and end of the Law , 1 Tim. 1.5. See the notes on Exod.2o. 6. ferze]in outward obedi- ence alto; that wee love, not inward, neither in tongue, but indeedanti truth, a Ioh.3.18. What fer- ving implieth, fee noted on Exod.20.5. and Deut. 6.13. VerC 13. fur good] or, as the Greeke and Chal- dee interpret, that it may be well with thee: fo Deut. 5.33. In (-crying the Lord,the glory redoundeth unto him,the benefit to our felves: for,them that honour him, her will honour, s Sam. 2.30. and godlineffe hath the promife of the life that now it, andof that wbieb is to come, 1 Tim.4.8. 14 VerC. 14. unto Jehovah] or, of Jehovah: his they are, and of him made, preferved, and loved gene- rally as his creatures, for he faveth man and heal?. Pfa1.36.7. and it kind unto the unthankefull, and to the evil!, Luke 35. So it is acknowledged in Neh.9.6. Thou, even thou, art Lord alone, thou haft made the hea- vens , the heavens of heavens , with all their bof , the earth, and all things that are therein; the fear, and all that is therein; and thou prefervef them aII, and the huff of heaven worfhippeth thee. the heavens of f hea- vens] that is, the higheft heavens , as the Apoftle mentioneth the third beaten, 2 Cor. 12.2. Hereby the Angels alfo are implied ; fo in Targum Jona- than it is explained, the heavens of heavent,and com- panies of Angels which are in them, tominiferbefore {rime VerCi5. had adelight] which the Greeke tran- flateth,fore- chofete love them : and this is his fpeci- all grace to his Church in Chrift, Ephef. 1.3.4. 5. &c. their feed]their children, as the Chal- dee explains it ;for Gods grace is continued un- to thepofterity of the faithful!, even to thoufandr 13 of them that lore him, &e. Exodus 20.6. V. t 6. thefuperfluour fore -si nne] this the Greeke 16 tranflateth barahefè of heart t the Chaldee, fo- lyhnefe (or groffssefje) ofthe heart : See the anno- tations on Gen. 17.11. Hereby is taught repen- tance and mortification of the inward man, by cireumciftm of the heart, in the fpirit Rom. 2.29. in putting off the body of the firmer of the fib, Col. 2.11. For wee are the eircumcif on tbat mar flap God intbe Spi- rit, Phil. 3.3. Hereupon God promifeth to cir- cumcife their hearts, Deut. 30.6. and blameth them that were uncircumsifedin heart5Ier.9.26. Aft. 7.5 t. make notyourneckefiff] or, harden not (f iffen not)your necke : fee Deut.9.6. This is againlb their outward ditobedience , as the former was againft their inward ; and teacheth fitbmiffion unto the yoke of Gods law, contrary to their former Itubbornneffe. Verf. n7. God ofGodr ] that is, the chiefefGod,in 17 refpett of all that are called Gods, whether in heaven or inearth, as there be Gods many , and Lords many, I Cor.8.5,6. The Idols of the Heathens, the Angels in heaven , and Magiftrates en earth, are called Gods, Deut. 7.25. Pfal.8.6. with Hebr. 2.7. 8.9. Halm. 82. regard perform] or ref- pea ( or accept ) fans ; which the Greeke tranfla- 'teth , not have in admiration the pep; ( orface) of any; which phrafe the Apoftle ufeth, lisdever.16. Of God, fundry other Scriptures teftifie, that he refpetteth no perfons, as M. 1 0.34. Rom.a.l 1. 2 Chron.19.7. Iob 34.19.1 Pet.1.17. Ga1.2.6. Ephef..6.9. Co1.3.25. nor take reward] that is, will not pervert judgement , by condemning the innocent, or jullifying the wicked , for gifts or rewards, as unrighteous Iodges doe,. n Sam.8. 3. Pfal.'5.5. Efay 5.23. Veda 8. cloth the judgement] that is, exe vtteth the rigbtfull fentence, for delivering, or avenging them; as it is laid, the Lordbath judged (that is, delivered) him from the bandof his enemies, 2 Sam.' 8.19. And he doth judgements to all opprefd, Pfal.103.6. But the fatberlef and widow are here by name ex- preffed, becaufe fuch are commonly and eafily wronged in the world, Iob a 2.9. and 24.3.9. Pfalm,94.6. Ezek. 22. 7. therefore God is fald to be the Judge, that is,the Patron, defenderand releever of fùch , Pfalmc 68.6. and 1 0.14. and 146.7.9. and commandeth men to bee the like, Efay 1.17. Pfa1.82.3, bread] that is, as the Chaldeeexplaineth it, faod: for bread,which is the Jaffe and flay of mans life. is often tiled for all meat, as is noted on Gen. 3.19. And as God feedeth firangers, fo hee commandeth his people to doe the like, Deut.14.29. and 16.11.14, and 24. 19,20,21. and z6.11,12. VerC19. loveye iberefsee] or, And loveyee the fron- gee,to wit , as God loveth him, that is, manifefl your love by releeving him : fee Iam.2.1 5.16. ye werefrangerr]this remembrance of their former mifery,is often ufed, to move them unto compaf- ¡ion towards others.See Ex.22.21. Lev.' 9.33.34 Verf.zo. c leave] This word is firfi ufed to ex- 20 preffe the union that is between man and wife, Gen.2.24.applied here to lignifie our union with the, 18 19