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DEUTERON. XI. the Lord in Chrift,as Paul iheweth it by the faste fimilitude of marriage, Ephef 5. 25. - -32. But this is fpirittiall, as hee faith, Hee that cleazeth to the Lord, be one fßirit, i Cor. 6. 17. It is to be done with purpofe of heart, Alt. t 1. 23. and with foule, Pfal.63.9. with a continued refolntion, as Ruth. 1.14. -16. So in other cafes, cleavingfgnifieth filch an union as will not be parted, lob 41.17 Dan.z.43. Compare alfo Deut.4. 4. and 11.22. and 13.4, and 30.20. fweare] hereby Gonf- 2I fion is implied, as is before noted on Deut. 6. 13. Verf.21. thy praife] in Grecke , thy glorying, that is, whom thou oughteft to praise continually, and in whom thou art to glory. So Ieremy laid, thou art my praife, Ier.17.14. and David, 0 God of mypraife, Pfal.109.1. and, the praifes of Ifrae, Pfal.a2.4. feareftell things] in Greeke, glorious things; which imply both the good things done unto Ifrael, and the evill unto their enemies, as appearcth by Pfalm. to6. 22. 2 Sam.7.23. Efay 64.3. 22 Verf 22. fez foules ] that is, feventy perrons: fonte Greeke Copies have feventie five foules; other fome, and (as Hierome witneffeth) the lxxij. In- terpreters tranflate here fevmty;though elfe where they have 75. which the HolyGhofl followeth in AA. 7. 14. See the annotations on Genet 46. 27.2o. made thee] Hebr. put thee at the fiarres, that is,made thee innumerable; which was a fin - gular bletrng remenbred before in and after inNeh.9.23.and a fulfilling of the pro - mife made unto Abrahanl,Gen.22. t 7. and againe unto Ifaak, Gen. z ó. 4. According to this fimili- tude the If raelites are called the hoff of heaven, and fiacres, Dan. 8. 10.24. and in other vifions , the flare of the Church is called Heaven, Revel. 4.2. and 11:t 9. and 12. t . 7. and the chiefe members of the fame, Starres, Revel. 6.13. and 8. t o. and 12.1.4. AMMAIiMMAMAIJ>MA CHAP. xI. t An exhortation to love and obedience, 2 by their arme experience of Gods great workes done in Egypt , anti in the wildermfe, 8 by promife of Godo great bleJngs in the land of Canaan, 16 and by threatnings. 18 Gods words weft be laid up in the heart, and for a Ave outwardly, 19, taught unto the children, 20 and writ- ten on the doore-ports. 22 Vpen kepingof the Law, the Gaffing out of the heathens, and Inkling their land, it promifed. 26 The bleffing and the thrfe it fit before them: 29 and muff after be pronounced on Gerinim and Ebal. mounts within the land. a Nd thou (halt love Iehovah thy God, ¡nand d keepe his charge, and his ftatutes, and his judgements, and his comman- dements, all dayes. And know ye this day Exhortations ;9 fì r (I f'eake) not with your children,whi,.' have not knowne, and which have not frene the .chaff dement of Iehovah your God, his grearneffe,hlsítrong hand, and his(tretch ed.out arme. And his fignes, and his deeds 3 which he did in the mid& of Egypt, unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt,' and unto all his. land. And what he did unto the armieofEgypt, unto their horfes,and to their Chariots;how he made the waters of the Red fea to flow over their faces as they purfuedafrer you ; and Iehovah bath deflroyed them unto this day. And what he did unto you in the wilder- 5 nes,antil ye came untothis place.And what d he did to Dathan, & to Abiraw, the fons of Eliab,the foil of Reuben,how the earth ope- ned her mouth , & fwallowed up them and their houles, & their tents,& al tile fubftáce that teas at their feet,in the mid fl ofal I frael. But your eyes have feenal the great work of Jehovah,which he hath done.Therefore (hall ye keepe all thecommandempnt whi I command thee this day, that yee may bee thong, & goo in, and polfeffe the land,whi- ther yee are going over to poffe(fe it. And 9 that yee may prolong your dayes upon the land,which Jehovah ?ware unto your fathers to give untothem, and to their feed ; a land' flowingwith milke and honey. For the land whither thou goeft in to poffeffe ir, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence yee came out,where thoufowedit thy feed, and ware. recta it with thy foot,as a garden of hubs. But the land whither yee are going over to is poffe(fe it, is a land of mountaines and of vallies; it drinketh waters of the raise of heavens. A land which Jehovah- thy God careth for; the eyes of Jehovah thy God are continually upon t, from the beginning of theyeere,even to the end of the yeere. And it (ball be,ì.fhearkening ye (hal hear- kenunto my commandements which I com- mand you this day , ro love Jehovah your God, and to ferve him , with all your heart> and with all your foule; That I will give the . raine of your land in his time,the fir(t ràine, and the latter raine ; and thou fhalt gather in thy Corne,&thy new wine, and thy new Oyle. And I will givegraffe in thy field, for thy cattcll, and thou maicit eatand befall. Take heed to your felves , left your heart be deceived, and yee turn'e afide,and ferve other gods, and bow downe your felves to them. And the anger óf Jehovah beekind- led againft you, and he (hut up the heavens, Ddddd 2 that 4 7 8 IO d2 13 Iq 15 10 1