ßieís>ings DEUTERONOMIE X1. I that there bee no raine, and the land yeeld ¡nòt her increare, and ye peril]) quickly from ' off the good lâd,which Jehovah giveth you. 18 ; And yee (hall put tiefe my words in your ' heart, and in your foule, and /hall bind them for a figne upon your hand,and they (hall be 19 Ì for Phyladerics between your eyes. And yee (hall teach them your chrldren,fpeaking of them when thou fitte(t in thine houfe,& when thou walkeft in the way,& when thou 20 lyeft downe, andwhen thou rifeft up. And thou (halt write them upon the doore.pofts 21 of thine houfe, and on thygates. Thatyour dayes may be multiplyed, and the dayes of your children, in the land which Iehovah fware unto yourfathers, to give unto them, as the dayes of the heavens upon the earth. 22 For if keeping, yee fhall keepe all this com- mandement, which I command you, to doe it, to love Iehovah your'God, to walke in all his wayes, and to cleave unto him ; 23 Then will Iehovah drive out all there nati- ons from before your faces,and ye (hall pof- f2ffe nations greater and mightier than your 4 felves. Every place whereon the foie of your foot fhall tread, fhall be yours : from the wilderneffe & Lebanon; from the river, the river Euphrates, and untothe qindmoft S fra (hall your coaft be. There (hall nota roan ftand before you : Jehovah your God will give the dread of you, and the feareof you upon the face of all the land,which yee (hall tread upon , as hee hath fpoken unto you. 26 Behold , I let before you this day a blef- 27 fing, and a curfe. A bleßïng , if yee fhall hearken unto the commandements of leho. vah your God , which I command you this 28 day. And a curfe, if yee will not hearken unto the commandements of Iehovah your God,hut turneafde out ofthe way which I command you this day , to goe after other gods,which yee have not knowne. And it /hall be, when Iehovah thy God 29 hath brought thee in, unto the land whither thou goat; to poffeffe it, that thou (halt put theblefling upon mount Gerizim, and o the curfe upon mount Ebal. Are they not on the other fide Jordan by the way of the going downe of the Sunne, in the land of I e Canaanite,which dwelleth in the plaine, over agai nil Gilgal,befides the Okes of Mo- at rehe For yec are palling over Tordan,to goe in, to poffeffe the land which Jehovah your and curtes. God giveth unto you, and ye (hall poffeffe it, and dwell in ir. And yee lhall obferve to doe all the flatutes, and the judgements which I fee before your faces this day. 32 Annotations. ANd thou /halt love] or,Love thou therefore..2W fes returneth to exhort Ileac! unto the love of GOD, and to Phew the fame by their conti- nuall obedience. his charge] or, his cuffodie, hit obfervatien: which word is often tired for a watch, as in Exod. 14.24. The Greeke trauflateth it charges , orcufodus; meaning, ordinances to be hot heedfully: fo in Genets 26. 5. Leviticus 8. 35. and 18. 3o. Verle 2. for (I fpeake not) withyour children] or, that (it is) not your children (or firmer ) namely, which have feene Gods greatneffe, &c. but your yes (are they) that have feene, &c. verfe 7. Hee commendeth Gods fpeciall favour to their owne perlons, morethan to their fathers, or to their children , in !hewing them his great workes , for which they fhould the ore love and obey him, This he aft nu er cónfirmeth by many arguments. the chafifements] or nurture: which the Chaldee tranflateth ,da£irine,orinfrat-lion. It implieth nur- ture both by words and workes, as Deut. 4. 36. &8.5. Lev.26.18.Prov.l.2. &4.r. fretchedoat] the Greekeand Chaldee tranflate high arme. See the notes on Deut. 4.34. Vert 3. deeds] or ails, inGreeke, wonders. Of there fee the hiftorie in Exod. 7,&c. And here is the firfr Argument, from Gods mightie workes in Egypt. Verte 4. arme] or power,forces. So the Greeke 4 tranflateth, the power of the Egyptians. See Exod. 15.4 to their holes] Hebr. to bis borfs, and to his Chariots; (peaking of them as of one man, or having ref-pelt to Pharaoh their King. to flow] or, to fwim; and over their facer, is like that in Lam. 11. 54. waters ,owed over mine head. Hee meaneth they were drowned, the Sea covered them, they range as Lead in the mightie waters, Exod. 15.1 o. der rayed] or, made them peridb : fo that there remained not fo much at one of them, Exodus 14. 28. This was an extraordinary favour of God, who oftentimes fuffereth the oppreffors to have the (bong hand, whiles the opprelfed have the teares, and no comforter, Ecclef.4.i. So this is the fecond argument from Gods power hewed at the Red Sea. Vert 5. what he did] or, the things which he did, S In his continuall guiding them thorow that ter - rible wilderneffe, where they bewrayed their many infirmities, and had experience both of his chaftifements, and of his mercies : the third ar- gument and motive unto obedience. Vert 6. Dathan] of whore hiftorie, fee Numb. 6 16. This is the fourth argument of Gods great- nello', tó perfwade Ifrael unto his love : for that hee x 3