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DEUTERON. XL 4' he had ?epreffed the fadtions and mutinous re- bels among themfelves, which would have frib- verted they :der and ordinance of God concer- ning the P.e.,t2od, the meanes of the atone - nient and sued;, fitton betweeneGodandhis people. it l.-o;ti,,, ,Jes] that is , honrbolds ; as the Chaldee expounds it the menof their haufes: See Numb.16.3 z. at their feet] that is, in their pof- fefiion: the Greeke and Chaldee tranllate, that was with ihym. 7 Verf.7. have feene] or, are they that fee. There - fore this people, above all other, were bound to love the Lord. werke] or deed,that is, workes, as the Greeke tranflateth. So in the verfe follow- ing, commandement, for commandements. 8 Verf.B. be firong] in body and fpirit,to fight a- gainft the enemy : as in Iof.1.6. 1 Ioh 2.14. Or, be flrong,that is,livey and healtbfull,as the Gr. eran- tranflateth, that ye may live : and they that be firong, Mato. 12. arc by another Evangelift Paid to bee in health, oppofed to the ficke, Luke 5.31. peep] or, inherit the land; a figure of the kingdome of Gods grace and glory, which the righteous (hall poffeffeffe by inheritance, Efay 60.21. and 65.9. Verf.9. and honey] which fignified the great fer- tility of that land,and figured out fpirituall gra- ces and comforts, as is noted on Exod.3.8. I o Verf.1 o. th''oi fwedfl]and fo all the inhabitants, as the Greeke tranflateth, they f w.In Egypt (front whence Ifrael came) they had no raine , but by the over- flowing of the river Nilns, the land was watered; and by the labour of the husbandman, beckes were derived to moylien the ground. And that there they had no raine, is teflified both by the Prophets, Zach. 4.18. and by humanehiflo- ries, Pomp. Mela. lib. r. Herodotue in Euterpe. 2Vsc pluviofupplicat herbs Ind, 7ibul.lib.t. Eleg. 8. with thy foot] that is, with thy diligent labour, fig- nified fometime by the hand, Kahn. 128.2. fome- time by the foot, as Gen.3o.3o. This condition of theland of Egypt (the houfeof bondage) figu- red the elate of men naturally corrupted,wbich they labour to relieve by their owne workes,and with the muddy waters which are from beneath, proceeding froua earthly wifedonie, and carnali underftanding, I Cor. 1. 2d.2 t. and 2.4.5. Ezek. 34.19.Ier.213. I I V.1 tt.mounm:nes, &c.]hereby is meant the com- modious, healthfull, ánd pleafant fitnationof the land, ferre exceeding Egypt. Wherefore fortieth-1w the whole land is fignified under the nanie of a mountaine, Exod. 15.17. And becaufe it was hills and val lies , it could not bee watered with the over-flowing of any river, (as Egypt which was a plaine) but mull otherwife be moilt- lied with the raine of heaven, or elfe remain barren and fruitleffe. the raine] this, as it is dolt kind , and caufeth the earth to bee fruithull is nature ; fo it figured heavenly graces, the do- /trine of Gods word and fpirit , wherewith the kitties of men are made fruitfull in good workes, Efay 45.8. Mic. 5.7. See the notes on Gen. 27. 28. beut.3z.z.The want of raineisonthecon- trary, a figne of curfe, Zach.14.17.18. Rev.s 1.6. 9 Verf. 12. earetb for] Heb. feeketb, that is, carefielly fee th unto it and as the Greeke tranflateth, vifzteth. According to this phrafe, Sion is called a citie fought, (that is,caredfor, or regarded) and not frfairrr, Efay 6z. 12. And of Goda gracious providence towards the land of Ifrael, David fingeth how the Lord vifited the land, and plenteoufly moift- ned it very much enriched it , fofcned it with flowers, bieffed the bud of it, crowned the yeere of his goodneffe, and hispathes [the clouds] dropped fatneffe, Pfal. the eyes]this alto fignified Gods care and providence, for good, as in the like fpeeches, Ier. 4o. 4. Ezra 5.5. PCal.14.16. Though Gods providence be towards all peoples , and bee ivetb to all, lifeafd breath, and all things, A&.17.25. doing good, giving us rain from heaver, andfruit fullfeafins, Alts 14.17. caufing it to raine on the earth where no man it ; on the wilderneffe, wherein there is na Iob38.26. yet other peoples have not the word and promife of God, whereon to depend, as Ifrael had : where- by they might live, not by breadonely, but by every word that proceedetb out of the mouth of the Lord,Deu- teronomie 8.3. Verf.i 3. if bearkmingyee (ball hearken] that is, if yee (hall diligently hearken and obey. This paf- Cage of Scripture following,the Lewes read daily in their families, as is noted on Deug.6.4. Verf. 14. the firfiraine, &c.] or, the early raine. Twife in a yeare there fell lore of raine in Ifra- el ; in the beginning of the yeere,about Septrm= ber or O&ober ; and halfe a yeere after , which was in Abib (or March)which ecclelsaflically be- gan the yeare unto ilrael, as is noted on Exodus 12.2. whereupon it is called the latter raine in the firft ntoneth, boel 2.23. The firft raine fall after the rowing of their corne, that it might take, rooting in the earth : the latter raine was a little before the harvelt, that the care might be full. Of there the Scriptures fundry times fpeake; but fo as they depended upon God to whom Ifrael Mould obey, and of whom they thould ask raine, in the time of the latter rain , Zach. to. . and then bee would come unto them(with his blelfings) a the raine, at the latter and former raine unto the earth, Holes 6.3. So for the fruits, the husbandman waited, and had long patience, nntill hee recei- ved the early raine, and the latter raine , Tames 5.7. Whirls raine, as it figured heavenly bleffrngs in Chrift, Deut.32.2. Pfilm.72.6. fo they led Ifra- el to the fare of God ; but when they revolted from hint, they laid not in their heart, Let ua now fare the /Ardour God, that giveth raise , both the for- mer and the latter raine in his fart, kr. 5. 24. If there raines were fe.;fonableand moderate, the land was fruitfull ; (as Moles in the next words flieweth:) if they failed, then the drought as fire devoured the paflures ; if they fell immode- rately , the graines rottedunder their clods, loel s.19. 17. new alit] Thefe three were for the ufe of man, and the graffe after nientioned,for beats, as David alto (beseech in Pfal . By there earthly prouiifes God drew his people to obedience : but David had more gladneffe in his Ddddd heart, 12 13 84 11111,1111111111111MOMMIWAPPWOINIENavta ii7o11pÍIIG/'