DELITBRONOMIE XI. heart, in the light of the Lords cduntcnance, than when corne and wine increafed , PGalnte 4. 16 Verf. a 6. deceived] or, inticed and drawne away by riches,pleafieres,or false perfwafions:ofwhich Iob faith , If my heart bath begnefecretly inticed (or deceived) Iob 31.27. oshergods] that is,Idolr, falfely reputed Gods : fo. the Chaldee tranfla- teth, Idols (or Errours) of thepeoples. Verfi7. fhut up the heavens]this phrafe is ufed, both for restraining the naturali raine for mens fins, r King.8.35.and the fpiritnall raineofGods word and blef ings, Revel. 11.6. perish quick yJ or, ¡leeedily, fuddenly. The wicked heathens God fuffered with much patience,and would not have them destroyed fitddenly; Dent. 7.22. but his owns pe pie are threatned for their finnes to pe- rilh fuel enly : for judgement muff begin at the houfe of God, Pet.4.17. and he warneth his Church to repent, e. or elfe bee will come tinto her quickly, Reve1.2.5. 18 Verf. 18. Ay/at/cries] or frontless, written in parchments, and tyed to the forehead,as the for- mer were to the hand or arme : of theft, fee the annotations on Exod.13.9. t 6. and Deuterono- mie, 6.4.8. 19 VerC 19. teach them your children] caufe your children (Hebr. your fens) to learnt them; this explaineth the former precept, Thou 'halt whet them on sky children, Dent. 6.7. Abraham (the father of the faithfull) is commended for 'this, that hee would command his children, and his houAtild after bim, to kept the wry of the LOltD,Gen.i$ 19.andSo- lomons parents taught him the Law, Prov.4.3.4. and 31.1.2. &c. when thou walkef,&c.]anfwe- rable to theft, are thofe fayirigs of Solomon, When thou goeff , it fhall lead thee; when thou feepef, it 'ball keeps thee; and when thouawakeff, it fballtalke with thee : for the Commandement is a Lampe , smiths Law is a light, Prov.6.22.23. 20 Verf 2o. chore-pop] of this rite, fee the notes on Deut.6.9. ZI Verf.21.dajet may bee multiplied] Long life isa blefling,often promifed to them that keepe Gods Law. Heart , O my fnne, and receive my fflings , and theyeeres of thy life (hall be many, Prov.4.I , dayes of the heavens] t hat is, whiles the world en- dureth; for fo long, by the decree of God (in Gen.8a2.) (hall the dayes of heaven be; and fo long 'hall the heavens be over the earth. And un- der this,eternall life was alto figured.A like pro- mife was for the kingdome of David, or of Chrift , that his throne should be as the dayes of the heavens, Pfal.89.3 o. 12 Verf. 22. this commandement] the Greekeexplai- neth it, theft cowmandements:fee the notes on Dent. 5.31. toeleave ] that is, to continue fait united unto him and his Law, as is noted on Deut.l 0.20. 23 Verf 23. drive out]according to his former pro- mife, in Exod.23.23.27. -3s. But becaufe Israel kept not Gods commandement,thispromife was not fullyperformed, Iudg.2.5,2,3. 24 Verf. 24. (ball tread] The likepromife is made 17 after Mores death to Ifrael under Iefus their Cap - taine, Iof. 1.3. who was a figure of our Lord Ie- fus Christ by whom this promife vttf fulfilled, the wildernege] of Paran t was the foutherne border of the land °n naaü. and.Lebanon]a mountainwhich ., s the northern bound. By and Lebanon, wee may underhand and unto Lebanon, as the next words manifelt. Euphrates] in Hebrew, Phera&b : this is called the river for excellency fake, meaning the great river, as Dent. 5.7. Gen. 15.18. and fo the Greek tran- flateth it here.It was the ealterne border of their territories. bindmoff fa] or, afterfea, which the Greeke and Chaldee calleth the Weflernefea, meaning the maine or great fa toward the going dome of the Sunne, as is explained in Iof r.4. which tea is Paid to be after or behind them, becaufe it was to the Welt, and fo their wefterne bonnet' For the East is counted the fore -part of the world, the Weft behind, the South on th right hand, Pfal. 89.13. and the North on rte left: all which foure parts are called by these names in lob 23. 8.9. See this promife fulfilled in z Chronicles 9.26. Verf. 25.fland]or, fetbimelfe, that is, ref' or withffand you, as the Gre etranflateth. So iii lol1.5. ferre] its Greeke, trembling ; this was fulfilled before, Deut.2.2 5. Psàl.1o5.38, and af- ter Iof2.11. and r o.1 o. D D D Here beginneth the 47. Se &ion , of Le- &nre of the Law : See Gen. 6.9. Verf.26. /fit] Hebr. Igive : this wati,that they might take their choife of either of thefe ; for fo thephrafe elfewhere mcaneth,Deut.3 o. t 9.and fo to manifelt,that if the curie or evili came Upon them, they caufed it thenifelves. Verf.27. if ee fball hearken] or, that yet may hear- 27 ken: but the Hebrew A/her, That, is fometimes ufed for If as the Greeke here tranflateth it, and in Levit.4.22. So .4 flier in 1 King.8.31. is Im,that is, If in 2 Chron.6.22. Verf. 28. after ethergods] in Greeks, to frve other gods, following other religions, or divine fervi- ces, which the Chaldee calleth the idols of the peo- ples. So /.Iarehi obferveth from this place, that whotever committetb idolatry , hee turnetb afide from all the way which was commanded to ¡Jean: hereupon they fay, Hee that profiled, idolatry, is at if bee denied the whole Law. Verf. 29. put the bkffing] Rehr. give the bleffng, that is, caufe it to bee pronouncedupon mount Gerizim. The manner is lhewed in Dent. 27. where the Law is repeated and enlarged. A thing is Paid to be given fometime, when it is fpoken or pronounced with the mouth,as in lob.36.3.Deut. 13. 1.2. upon mount Gerizim] or, towards mount Gerizim, (which the Greeke calleth Gerizein:) fo after , towards mount Ebal, ( called in Greeke Gaibal.) For the people floodhaft of them over a- gainfi mount Gerizim , and halte of them aver again' mount Ebal, as is recorded in Jul 8.33. And 25 26 28 29