' %IU / /q lltllll u\. -tt.rJatl 30 Todeftroy DEUT ERON. X1I. And the Hebrewgnalfometimes ignifieth towards ! a place, as in Exod.9.42. towards heaven. Verf3o . Are they net] that is, Loe they are , fpeak- ing as of a thing well knowne. See thenotes on Gen.4.7. by the way] or, after(behind) the rcay of tbe going donne of the Swine , that is, the way to- wards the Weft, or Sumac- Petting. Gilgal] the place where Ifrael was circumcifed afterward ' in Iofuahs time, Iof.5.9. Oks ofMoreb]or, plaines of Morch, as the Chaldee expoundethit; which was a place by Sechem, where God firft ap- peared to Abraham after he carne into the land of Canaan, and there Abraham built an Altar to the Lord, Gen. 12.6.7. And that mount Gerizim was by Sechem, (in that part of the countrey which after was called Samaria) appeareth in Iudg. 9.6.7. And the Hebrewes fay, in Talmud Bab. in Sotah, ch. 7. that Gerizim and Ebal were in Samaria.Thbre on mount Gerizim was the Sa- maritans Temple,z Maccab.6,2.wherethey wor- (hipped they knew not what, Iob. 420.21. See allo lofephue, Antiq. i.,1. e.8. It feemeth they took occafion of that fitperftition from this Law, thinking Gerizim to be a holy place, becaufe the bleffings were pronounced on it ; and they called themfelves, thofe that belong to the bled meant. And there have bin of them in that place of late yeers, as Benjamin in his Itenerario relateth, how bee law the citie in a valley betweene themountaines Ge- rizim and Ebal, wherein the Samaritans dwel- led,and did facrifice there on mount Gee izim,a I- leaging that which is written in the Law, And thou !halt put the ble fng upon mount Gerizim. IIMAPIAMMAIMAIAM CHAP. (1I. 1 Places andmonuments of idolatry are to be del ray- ed: 4 they may not doe fo uns: the Lord, but mull feehe and lteepe the place of his fervine, which bee himfelfe fhould chufe 5.11.14. Thither all their facrificrs and holy things muff be brought. 12.18. There they andtheir fa- milies, and the Levite, nntff eat, and rejoyce. 15. 21. For civill of they might k:lland eat rbithin theirgates. 16.23. Blood isforbidden to be eaten. 29. The manner of fervice which th. Canaanites ufed, may not be inquired after, nor the like things done unto the Lord, but his com- mandemenrs only. r Hefe are theftatutcs and the judge- ments which see (hall olïferve to doe, to the land which Jehovah the God of thy fathers giveth unto thee, to poffeffe it 2 all the laves that ye live upon the earth.De- ftroying ye (hall dettroy al the places whet- in the nations which yeJbagpoffeffe, reeved their gods, upon the high mountaines , and upon the hills, and under every greene tree. And ye (hall break downe their alrars,and 3 breake their pillars , and borne their groves j with fire; and ye (hall hew down the graven images of their gods,and ye hall deftroy the names of them out of that place. Yee (hall not doe fo unto Iehovah your God. But unto the place which Iehovah your God Thal chufe outofal your Tribes,to put his Name there, even unto his habitation (hall ye leek, and thither fhaltthou come. And thither ye (hall bring your burnt- offerings, &your fa. crifices,and your tithes, and the heave -offe- ring of your hand,and your vowes, Se your voluntary offerings,& the firft -he gs ofyour herd, and of your flock. And there yefháll eat before Iehovah your God, and yee (hall rejoyce in al that ye put your hand unto,you and your houles, wherein Iehovah thy God bath bleffed thee. Yee thrall not doe after all things which we do here thisday,every man all that is right in his Dnepr eyes. For yee are not come as yet unto the cell, & unto the in- heritance which Iehovah thy God giveth unto thee. But ye (hall paffe over Iordan, & dwell in the land which Iehovah your God giveth you to inherit, and nee will give you re fl from all your enemies round about, and yee (hall dwell in confident fafety. And there (hall be a place which Iehovah your God fhall chufe, to caufe his name to dwell there ; thither (hall yee bring all that I com- mand you, your burnt-offerings, and your facrifices, your riches, & the heave-offering of yourhand,& all the choifeofyour vs wes which yee (hall vow unto Iehovah. And ye fhal rejoyce before Iehovahyour God;you, and your fonnes , and your daughters, and your men - fervants, and your women-fer- vants, and the Levite that is within your gates , forafmuch as -he hath no part nor in- heritance with you. Take heed to thy felfe, left thou offer thy burnt offerings in every place which thou (halt fee. But in the place which Iehovah (hall chafe, in one of thy Tribes,there thou (halt offer thyburnt -offe- rings,and there thou (halt doe all that I com- mand thee. Notwithfanding, in all the deliire of thy foule,thou maift flay & eat flefh , according to the bleffing of Iehovah thy God, which he hath givento thee inall thy gates:the un- cleane and the cleane may eat thereof; as of the Roe-buck, and as of the Hart. Only the blood ye (hall not eat, ye (hall powre it up- on the earth as water. Thou mai(t not eat within thy gates, the tithe of thy corn,or of thy new wine,or of thine oil,or the firfilings of thy herd,or of thy flocke, or any of thy vows which thoufhalt vow,or thy voluntary offerings, //i.ivitlduiowr nton P, fi