4 4. V Yarning again!} D E U T E R O N O M I E X11. Idolatry. offerings, or heave - offering of thine hand. have they done unto their gods ; for even their Ions and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. Everyword 32 which I command you,that (hall ye obferve to doe : thou (halt not adde unto it, neither (halt thou diminifh from it. 18 But thou fhalt eat it before Jehovah thy God, in the place which Jehovah thy God (hall chufe ; thou , and thy fonne , and thy daughter, and thy man- fervant,and thy wo- man-fervant , and the Levite that is within thy gates ; and thou (halt rej oyce before Ic- hovah thy God,in all that thou puttelt thine 59 hand unto. Take heed to thy felfe, left thou forfake the Levite, all thy dayes , upon thy land. 20 When lehovah thy God (hall enlarge thy border, as hehath fpoken unto thee, & thou (halt fay , I will eat flefh, becaufe thy foule defireth to eat flefh ; in all the delire of thy 2 t foule thou maieft eat fle(h.Ifthe place which Jehovah thy God fhall chufe, to put his his name there, be far from thee, then thou (halt flay of thy herd,& of thy flock,which Jehovah hath give nnto thee, as I have com- manded thee : and thou (halt eatwithin thy 22 gates in all the delire of thy foule. But, as the Roe-bucke and the Hart is eaten,fo thou (halt cat it : the unclean and the clean 3 1hall eat it alike. Only be furenot to eat the blood , for the blood is the foule , and thou 4 (halt not eat the foule with the fle(h. Thou fhalt not eat it : thou (halt powre it on the as earth as water. Thou (halt not eat it,that it may be well with thee;and with thy fonnes after thee, when thou (halt doe that which is 26 right in the eyes of Jehovah. Onely thy ho- ly things which thou (halt have, and thy vowes, thou (halt take up, and goe unto the 27 place which Jehovah (hall chufe. And thou (halt make thy burnt- offerings, the fief]] and the blood, upon the Altar of Jehovah thy God;& the blood of thy facrifices (hall bee powred out upon the Altar of Iehovah thy 28 God, and thou (halt eat the ¡left). Obferve and heare al thefe words which I command thee , that it may bee well with thee, and with thy Eons after thee forever, when thou (halt doe that which is good and right in the eyes of Jehovah thy God. 29 When Jehovah thy God (hall cut off the nations from before thee, whitherthou áo- efttopo(feffethem, &thou poffeffeft them 3o and dwelleft in their land. Take heed to thy Idle left thou be enfnared after them, after that they bedeftroyed from before thee ; & left thou enquire after their gods, fay;ng, How did there nations ferve their god % e- 3 t ven fo will I doe likewife. Thou flualt not doe fo unto Jehovah thy God; for every a- bomination to Jehovah which hee hateth, Annotations. S7sinter] Here Mores entreth into the explica. I tionof the fecond commandement, concer- ningthe manner of Gods wor(hip, whenlfeael ( hould come into Canaan ; and propofeth in the 12.53.54. 15. and 16. chapters , Statutes for the ferviceof God and afterwards, Indgements for the reprefiing of evils. Verla. defirying] that is, ye thall fpeedily and 2 utterly deltroy; as the Grecke tranflateth, deffroy with deflruthion. In the Hebrew canons it is tàid, Wee are eommandedtodeftroythe Id ll,and the miniffring vejls thereof,and what[ooever is made for the fame,lleut. 12.2. And in the land of Ifrael we are commanded to perfecute ft. But every place which wee fhall fnbdue, wee are to deft ráy every Idoli that is therein , as it is written (in Dent. 12.3.) ands e fhall deffroy thenames of them wet of that place. Maimony inMifneh, treatife of Idolatry, chap. 7. lea. r. places] as houles, high places, temples, and the like. Hereupon the hosofe of Baal, 2 King. 10.27. the high places which Solomon and Ieroboam had builded for idolatry, a King.23.53.15. were deftroyed. But ifan houle were built for tile, and Idols afterwards letup in it, the Hebrews fay, When hee had brought in the Idoli into the boufe, fa long as it was there, the hopfe was unlawful far any ufi ; when it was taken out , the lvufe war lawful. Maimony treat. of Idolatry,chap.8. fea.4. !hall poNe] that is, (hall fhladue and have dominion over them, as the word often fig - nifieth: fee Levit.25.45.46. Ier.49.2. P1,1.82.8. gods] that is, as the Chaldee explaineth it, Idols : there aregods (fo called) many ; but unto ses there is but one God, 1 Cor.8.5.6. mountairser] in Inch high places, all nations for the moll part ufed to ferve their gods : into which corruption Ifrael fometime fell, s King. 57. 1o. 11. Ier.3.6. Eíek.so.28.29. Hof.4.13. Vert 3. pilars] or ffatutes , fianding Images: of 3 theft fee Exod.23.24. Levit.26.1. groves] which were wont to be as temples unto the hea- then, as is noted on Exod.34.13. See alto the an- notations on Deut.7.5. gods] in Chaldec,Ima- ges of their Idols. names] whether in fpeech (for the name of other gods might not be hoard out of their mouthes, Exod 23.13.) or imprinted in bookes, graven on pillars, impofed on places, or any other the like. So the Reubenites changed the names ofcities,that carried Idol names,Nnm. 32.38. As the beginning of true religion is repen- tance from dead wor4s,Hebr.6. s . fo in theconflits- ding