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laltPll,n dI, YIWdY/ ®EiITERONOMIE Xi 1. q.s tilting of Gods true fcrvice, Motes beginneth with the aboli(hing of al idolatrous monuments; in, It agreement bath the temple of Girl with Idols ? 2. Cor.6.16. 4' VerC4 not doe ft] in any oftlic former parli- (Illirs, or inch like: as not to dcftroy or do evill to Gods fanfluary or fynagogues, Pkd.74.3,7.8. nor to breake downe his Altars, 1 King. 19. t o. nor to deface any holy writings, or monuments of his name, Ier.36.23. The Hebrewes fay, Wha- feverd ro ;eth any name of the hog pure names,whereby the !defied God is calld, is by the lam to be beaten; fur loe of Idols bee faith; And thou fhalt defrroy the names of them, 6'c 7 hors ( halt not doe fe to the Lord thy God. He that talks atnaybut one (lone (by way of deffroying) from the Altar, orfram the Temple, or from any other part of the Court , is to bee beaten. Likeeàfe bee that burnetb any of the woad of the faniivary, &c. All the holy Scrip- tures, and the expofitions of them , it is unlawful! to bum any of thew, or defiraythem with hand, except they be fach as are written by ¡heretickes , &c. But holy Scriptures w'. en obey are old, are to be laidup. Mai- mossy in Iefudel hatorah , chapter 6, fe &ion 1.7.8. Verf. 5. to pot his name there] that is, to have it 5 confecrated unto him,and his divine fervice.Such Was the Tabernacle of Moles, the Temple of So- lomon the Citie Ierufalem, after God had cho- fen it; for of them God ftid, My name (hall be there, 1 King. S. 29. and his Name was called upon them, Dan. 9. 18. andput there, 2 King. 21.4,9. t King. 14.2x. The' Chaldee here expoundeth it, to cattle hisMajefiy (or divineprefenee) to dwell there. Now Chritt bath abolifhed the earthly Ierufalem, and requireth worfltip in(f;rit and truth every where, Ioh.4,a 1,23. (hall ire feeld] for anfwers and ofacles,which from themercie- feat,and by Vrim and Thunlntim, were given to the people , Noon. 7,89. Exod.z5,22.Nnm.27.21. All other places were forbidden; as, Seekenat Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, &e. Antos 5.5. (halt thou come] at all tintes,when thou wilt offer Cacrifice,Levit.17,8.9 brit three times iii the yeare by expreffe commo- de atent,Exod.23,r 4, - -17. And the Lord promi- fed to come (into them, and blare them, Exodus 20.24. 6 Vcrf. 6.facrifires]of all forts,as fanne- offerings, peace-offerings, and whatfoever pertained to the Altar SJerifices have their naine of flaughter,which were flaine,offered,and eaten before the Lord:the Chaldee here expoundeth it, the flaughter, (or fa- rràfice) of' your holy things. tithes]tlte tenth of the herd and of the flock, irhom both Prietts and peoplewere to bring& flay before the Lord, and eat them in Ierufdem : whereof fee Levit.27.32. and the tithes of corne, &c. whereof fee verC17. and Dent. 14. 2 2. 23. heave - goring of your band] the Creche r ranflateth , the ftrff- fruits , & in v.1 t. tbefl fl fruits fymrr bonds: There are the 3rtt fruits fpoken of in Deut. 26.2. &c. which with their hands they brought into the Sananary. Seethe annotations there. votes, andyour voluntary offerings] fttchas for Gods bleffings they willingly gave into him. The difference of three voluntary oblations from vowes,is (hewed on Lech. ' 7.16. fly lin s ] which were given to the Priefis, for them to cat , after the blood was f rankled, and the fat burned on theAltar f fee Numb.18.15.17. Verf .7. Tee 'ball eat ] to wit , filch things as 7 were lawful' for the people to eat : for all the things forcmentioned, they might not eat. Some were for the Prielfs to eat before the Lord Come for the people' rejoice] Gott is to be ferved with gladneffe, Pfal, too. 1.2. and the holy things of God might not bee eaten with mourning, Dent. 26.11.. Hof.9.4. yee putyour band] Hebr. the putting to (or finding firth ) of your band. This, though it may bee applied to that which they might take and eat, of the holy things,as in Gen. 3.22. yet it feemeth to be more generall, for all things that they fhould doe,and all bleflings that they fhould receive, as by comparing this phrase in Dent., 5. to. and 23.20. and 28.8.20. may ap- peare. So after in verf 18. &rsfes]that is, houfholdr, children and filch-like; as theChaldee expounder: ir,men ofyour boxfes : and fo Motes ex- plained' it in verfe 12. Verf. 8. which wee der] the Greeke expoundeth it, whicbyee doe. Iitael committed idolatry i . the wilderneffe, AA. 7.42.43. Howbeit this fpeech of Mofes feemeth rather to mean the true fcrvice of God , which was not as yet perfe acd,neither could be in their travels; as it was after in Ca- naan. right Whit owne 9esjthat is,which liketh orpleafeth hint : fo the phrase meaneth,in z Sam. 19.9.1 Chron. 13. 4. and is often fpoken of the corruption of men, as Iudg.17.6,and 21.25. un- to which Mofes oppoCeth that which is right in theLords eyes, verte 2 5.2 8. and ch.13. 18. There it a way which is right before a man, and the end there- of are the wayes of death, Prov.14.12. Verf..9. the refs] in Chaldee, the Iwufe (or place) of ref : meaning the land of Canaan, and in fpeci- all, Ierufalem there, 1 Chron.23.z5. where after their travels and warres, the Lord gave reftunto his people, 1 King. 8.56. But Da- vidbeing there; fpeaketit of another tell, which remainech for people the of God,Pfa95, t t. into which rett, wee that beleeve doe enter, an4, ceafe from our owne seorkes, Hebr. Vet it o. in confident fafèty] or, in feeosrity;it mea- i o meth without feare, Iudg 8.11. and 18. 7. and without danger of evil!, P1à1.78.53. See the like promifeinLevir.z5.18.19. This promiCe is ful- tilled in Ch rift, by whom we are delivered out of the hand of our enemies, that we might ferve God without feare, Luke 1.74. VerbI 1. And there fhall be]or,Andit (hall be that the place, 67c. See eerie 5. the choke] that is, the belt, or faireff,as the Chaldee tranflateth. Ver. ta. your gates] the Chaldeeexplaincth it, your eitles: 16 the Hebrew text fomecitne explai- neth it felfe,as is noted on Exo.20.1o. no part] ofthe fpoils or inheritance in the divifton of the land, but the Lord is his part and inheritance. Sec Dent. 10.9. Nuns. 18.8,-28. Verfe r3. left thou offer] that is, that thou offer I3 ant. 8 9 II t2 ,//,/%Ul/IIIIIII141ü`tl111 tllll,lllll/AIPA