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G DEUTERONOMIE not. This precept is often and carefully urged, becaufe the people were prone to fall into the ttanfgreffion of it, as the hiftorics of Scripture maniteft, 1 King.r z. 2.8. 2.9. 30. 2 King. 17.9. 1 t. And it taught men the unity of the faith of Chrift,and the band of love and peace,to be kept in the heavenly Ierufalem, whither all people Ihould retort, Rev. l } Verf. 14. that I command thee ] the Greeke ad- deth, this day. So not the place only, but all other things in Gods fervice , were to be according to the word ofGod, becaufe thenatura8 man (not re- generate by Gods word and fpirit ) receivetbroot the things of the fpirit of God, neither can be know them, 1 Cor.2.14.. and in the things which he knoweth hee corrupteth himfelfe, Rom. i. as. and God would have obedience to his word, rather than fa- orifice, l Sam.' 5.22. 1 5 Verf.15. Notwithflanding] or Only, as theword verfe 16,26. It is a liberty granted for civil! things, but with a limitation. in all the defireof thy flute] the Greeke tranflateth, in all tby defre, the fmle being put for the wholeperfou. It meaneth,; wbatfoever thou, or thy f ule deftreth. maifl flay] this word is the fame that is tiled for facrificing (which alfb tvis with (laughter of the creature ) but applied here, and often, to the flaying for ordinary foòd. Of this the Hebrcwes fay , It is lawful! to flay (for common food) in airy place without the court (of the Sanauary ;) for they flay in the court none bat the bolt' things of the Altar only. But it is unlawful! to flay common things in the court, either cattell, heat! , or bird. And fit it fail (in Deut. 12.21.) If the place be farrefrom thee, which the Lord thy God fha8 chufe, &c. then thou fhaltflay, era. and eat within thy gates. Here thou art taught, that they fay not flefb for ones defire , but without theplace which the Lord bath chofen. And that which is faire without the place, » larrfell to bee .eaten within all gates. But bee that fayeth commas things in the court, that f efb it p tre , and unlawful! to bee ufd ; but they burie it,,bre. Maimony tom. 2. inShechitah, ch.z. fanion 1. 2. to theMelling] that is, the li- beral tk, or bounteous gift: fo retraining all profuf riot, and keeping men within the limits of dint ability. thygates]in the Chaldee, thy cities ; and f0 the Greeke, in every chie. may cat] or (ball eat. God would have no difference of perlons, nor of places, nor of clean beads, (as after followeth) left there Mould grow any re- fpea of holineffe in fuch civili things, which might turne to fuperftition. 16 Veda 6. 04] as the Greeke faith, But the blood, towit.,of beaits, and of fowles, Lev. 7. a6. this was abfolutely forbidden even in civili diet ; the reafbn hereof is noted on Levit.t 7. pure it] or flied it on the earth, and cover it with duff, Levit. 17.13. fee the annotations there. 17 Verf.! 7. Thou maiefi not] that is, it is not per- mitted or lawful! for thee,as the Chaldeeexplai- neth it. gales] in the Greeke and Chaldee, ci- ties; fo in ver 18. and 21 .The fecond tithe which the owners did eat, was holy,aad might not bee eaten but in the place where Gods Sanauary was : fee the notes on Dent. 14.22.23, beave- offering] in Greeke, fruits; in Chaldee, the fe- paration, that is, the feparated thing : fee verle 6. Maimony in Biccut im (or treat. ot` Firft-fruits) chap.; , feEt.3. faith, The heave-nfering of thine hand is the ,jirf fruits; and , The Prieft that eatetb of the, frfl jruats cut of Ierufalem , after that they are brought within the malls, it by the Law to bee beaten; for it ís fail, Thou maaeft not eat within tbygates, &c. See more on Dettt.26.2.4. Verf..r9.leftthouforfake] that is, thatthottforfahy 19 not, or neglea not, either by ereaing a new mini- fterie , as did Ieroboam, 2 Chron. 13.9. or by with - holding thy offerings, the means of their livelihood, which is in fpeciall here intended. So in Neh.l o. 39. wee will not forfake the hottfe of out God ; where mention is made of bringing up their offerings. The fame finne is called the fpey- ling of God, Mal. 3.8, Sce alfo Dem.14.27. upon thy land] the land of Canaan out of which in fpeciall, tithes,firft- fruits, and the like were to be paid. The Greeke tranflateth , all the time that thou fhalt live upon the land (or earth.) Verf. zo. Becaufi thy fink] or, as the Grceke tranflateth, if shy foule d freth. V.22. Pi the Roe- Ladd that is, as common and profane meats, without any refpeet of holineffe. So after, in Dent.' 5.22.23. Verf. 23. Only be fine] or, lefirong: theGreeke 23 tranflateth , Talk heed ffrongly: it meaneth a full and firme purpofe of heart , not to eat it at any time. Of this Law,fee the notes on Lev.1 y.l o.&c. it the fule]figuratively fpoken, becaufe the fule (or life) is in the blood, as is expreffed,Levit.' 7.51. not eat the foule ] becaufe God gave them that upon the altar, co make an atonement for their fouler, Levit.1 7.' 1.12. Verf, 26. holy things] Hebr. holinefs : the GhaL dee applieth it to their tithes. Vert 27. the fefb and the blood] both of them 27 were wholly brought to the altar, Levit. 1. The Greeketranflateth , the f eflo thou (halt off r upon the altar. facrifices] to wit , peace - offerings , for theflefh of themwas eaten by the owners, Lev. 9.15. upon the altar] theGreeke tranflateth it, at the baß (or foot) of the altar. Verf. 28. in the eyes] that is, as the Grecke and Chaldee expound it, before the Lord. Verf. 29. to pofefjè them] or,to difnherit them ; as the Chaldee faith, to Gaff themout: the Greek tran- flateth , to inherit their land. God having given di- reaion for the place of his worfhip, now procee- deth with the things and manner of fervice which they fhould performe unto him. Vert 3o. left thou le enfnared] that is , deceived in thy mind, and fo fall into finne and deftruai- on, by following their religion. The Greek tran- flateth, that thou fele1not tofallowthem. See Exod. 23.33. As the nations were to be detlroyed , fo their idolatrous fervice was to be abolished, that none of their cnftomes Ihould bee retained in If- rael. How did] Hebr. How will, that is, how ufe' they to ferve.Hereupon the Hebrewes f.1y,Tha emaaff not inquire ( or ask) concerning the way of the fervice 20 22 26 z8 3°