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Y,tWJt///Í - //,. // .Againflfalle DEUT ERO NO MIE XIII. Prophets 47 firvice of an Idoli howit ü , although thou ferve it not ; fir this thing occaftoneth toturne aller it , and to doe at they doe. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chap. 2. (èä.2, mil[ I doe] not unto idols , but to the Lord, as the next verfe manifefeth. So not only the worfhip of falfe gods, but falfe or ido- latrous worfhip of the true God, is here forbid- den ; and all imitation of Idolaters is condem- ned. So in Lair. r8.3, 31 Ver{ .3i.everyabomination]theChaldee expouu- dcth every thing that is abominable before the Lord: in Grecke, the abominations which the Lord hated). to their gods ] the Chaldee expounds it, to their idols. This one particular of burning their children, is named , (all other being implyed) becaufe herein they (hewed molt zeale and love ; as Abra- ham for lacrificing his Ionise at Gods command, is highly commended, Gen. 12.12. and Ifrael, when they would (hew themfelves molt ltudious to pleafe the Lord, inquired about givingthefruit of their body for the fnne of their foule, Mich. 6.7. and fometime praétifed this abomination , Pfal. 106.37,38. Ezek. 23. 37.39. But God here con- demneth the molt fervent devotion of Idolaters. 31 Verf32, Every word]'or thing; in:Chaldee,eve- ry commandement. Hereby God appointeth his owne word and law , to bee the only rule of his fervice,without imitating the cu{tomes of others, or deviling any thing of their owne.So,in Levit. 18.4. Deut.4.I.2. MdlDRMAIAAIIMc;AìTiAATiM CHA P. XIII. 1 The Prophet that vnicetb to idolatry, though be give figues which come to pap, muß not be hearkenedtmto,but put to death. 6 The brother, child, wife, or friend, that inticeth to idolatry, muffnot be hearkenedunto, feared, or concealed, but ßonedtodeath. 12 Thecitie that revol- teth to fine othergods , after due inquiry, muß be fmit- ten with the fword, men and heap utterlydeßroyed, the fpoiles burned , the citie ruined forever, and none of that execrable thing referved. I F there arife in the middeft of thee a Prophet, or a dreamer of dreames, and hee give unto thee a figne or a wonder; 2 And the figne commeth, or the wonder which he fpake unto thee, faying; Let us goe after other gods,whichthou haft not known & ferve them : Thou (halt not hearken unto the words of that Prophet, or unto that dreamer ofa dreame;for Jehovah your God tempteth you, to know whether you be the lovers of Jehovah your God, with all your 4 heart, and with all your foule. After Íeho- vah your God {hall yee walke, and him yee (hall feare,and his commandements (hall ye 3 keepe, and his voice yee (hallobey,and him you (hall ferve, & unto him (hal yee cleave. And that Prophet , or that dreamer of a dreame, (hall bee put to death, becaufe hee bath fpoken revolt againft Iehovah your God , which brought you forth out of t:.e land of Egypt , and redeemed thee out of the houfe of fervants, to thruft thee out of theway,which Iehovah thy God comman- ded thee towalke therein : and thou fhalt putaway the evill from the middeft ofthee. If thy brother, the fonne ofthy mother, 6 or thy fonne,or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bofome, or thy friend, which is in thine' tape foule, entife thee in ferret, faying, Let us goe & ferveothergods, which thou haft not knowne, thou nor thy fathers. Of the gods of the peoples which are round about you, nigh unto thee , or farce off from thee, from the one end of the earth, even unto the other end of the earth. Thou (halt not con- Cent unto him,nor hearken unto him,ncither (hall thine eye (pare him ; neither (halt thou pitty, neither Chair thou concealehim. But 9 killing thou (halt kill him ; thine hand (hall be firlt upon him, to put him to death ; and afterwards the hand of all the people. And co thou (halt (tone himwith ftones,and he (hall die, becaufe he hath fought to thruft thee a- way from Iehovah thy God,which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the houle of fervants. And all Ifrael !hall heare and feare , and Yhall doe no more as this evill thing, in the middeft of thee. If thou (halt heare (fay) in one of thy ci- ties,which Iehovah thy God giveth to thee, to dwell there,faying,Certaine men,the fons 13 of Belial, are gone out from the middeft of thee,and have thruft awaÿ the inhabitants of their citie,faying,Let us goe and ferve other gods, which yee1have not knowne : Then (halt thou enquife,and !halt fearch,and !halt aske diligently ; and behold (if it be) truth, the word certaine, this abomination is done in the middeft of thee. Smiting thou (halt fmite the inhabitants of that cine with the edge of the fword,utterly deftroying it,and: all that is therein,& the cattell thereof,with the edge of the í ;word. And all the (poile 16 of it thou (halt gather into the middeft of the ftrcet thereof; and (halt burne with fire the citie and all the fpoile thereof, every whit,to rehovah thy God: and it (hall be an heape for ever,it (hall not be built againe. And there (hall not cleave tothyhand 17 ought of the curled thing,that Iehovah may turne 5 7 8 II 12 r4 IS //,I /.Is/ /U/illtl®www 1 tilt, nd'sA