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DEUTÉRONOMIE XIII. turne from the burning of his anger, and may give unto thee tender mercies, and may have tender mercie on thee, andmulti- ply thee, as lice hath fworne unto thy fa- 1 8 thers. When thbu (halt obey the voice of Iehovah thy God, to keepeall his comman- dements,which I command thee this day,to doe that which is right in the eyes of Ieho- vah thy God. vSnnotations. r TF there arife] or , when there !ball (fand up by which word is fignified the open and bold car- riage of deceivers. Mofes having from the firft Commandement,taught the doftrine of one on- ly God, whom wee fhould in faith,love, and obe- dience have to be ours, & give our felves to him; and from the fecond commandement, taught the right way of ferving this God , according to his owne word, doth now from the third contman- dement, teach to beware of the abufe of Gods name and word unto vanity,herefie, or idolatry; and fo generally warneth Ifrant to take heed left they tranfgreffed the firft and fecond commande- ments by the breach of the third. inthe mid- deft ofthee] fpeaking to Ifrael, amongft whom many falfe Prophets did arife, a Pet. a.l. Vnto whichdanger al Churches are fubjeft,as it is laid, Moreover of your orant [e lver flea! men arife , !peaking perverfe things, Aít.z o.3 o. a Prophet]a publike feducer, touching whom he giveth warning firft, as afterwards of the private, in v.6. &c. What a Prophet fignifieth is noted on Gen.2o.7.& Exod. 7.r. dreames] this'wasoneof thewayes, by which prophetic came of old unto men,Num.12. 6. Ier.23.25.28. By aPrephet he frenieth to de- note the principali fort,fitch as law vifions : by a dresmer,the iuferiorfort,that few things more ob- fcurely. he give] either by word and promife, or by aftion or gefture,as s King.' 3.3. & 22.11. Mat, i 2.39.40. wonder] any miraculous, or fupernatorall thing; as Iannes and Iambres in appearance turned water into blood,Exod.7.a2. 4 Verf.2. or the wonder] Heb. and the wonder : thefe are fail to come, when they are effected or fulfil- led : fo Ier.28.9, Deut. s 8.2 2. fading] that is, and be fay : as fading in a Cbron. a 3. 12. is ex- pounded, and faidin a Sam. 6.9. to in 2 King.aa. 9. compared with x Chron.3 4.16. after other gods] the Greeke explaineth it,and time other gods ; which the Chaldee calleth, idols of the peoples. Thus the religion given of God by the hand of Mofes, was eftablifbed againft all oppofrtion that after night arife,upon what pretence foever:And fo the faith taught by Chrift and his Apoflles, was confirmed againft the future fignes,and lying wonders of Antichritt, TheHc- brewcs fay , If there ffand up a prophet, and hee cloth great (,gnes and wonders, and feeketb to deny (or make fèfe) the praplhfe of Mofes, wee may not hearken unto him, but we know certainly, that theft fignes are by en- chantment and forcer). For the prophetic of Mofeet was not by fignes, env. but with our eyes wee faw, and with our cares wee heard at he dirt Beare, &c. There fore the Law faith , If the fagne or wonder come to page, thou !halt not hearken to the words that Prophet, (Dent. loe, bee commeth unto thee with fagne and won- der, to make that fa/ which thou haft feene with thine eyes. And forafmuch at wee believe not in a wonder, but beeaufe of the commandment which Moles comman- ded to how fhonld wee receive this fagne , which commetb to make the prophefie of Mofes falf , which wee fur and heard? Maimony tom. in Icrude ha- torah, chap.8. feftion 3. See alto the annotations on Exod. 19. 9. Verf. 3. that dreamer ] or, the dreamer of that. dreame ; and fo the Greeke tranflateth it. God oempteth] or proverb : See the notes on Gen. 22.1. But there God himfelfe immediately tempted A- braham ; here mediately, and that by evill meanes, which he of his grace and wiledonte or- detach and difpofeth for goodto his people : as alto the Apoftic faith , There rauft be alJbereftes a- mongyou, that they which are approved me be made ma- nifeff amongyou, a Cor. t Verf 4. After lehovab] theChaldee faith , after the fiare of the Lordyam God. Here the Lord and his commandements are oppofed to all other: fo that after Jehovah, meaueth after him only; as our Saviour expoundeth a like fpeech, Mat.4.1 o. from Deut.6. Verf. 5. (poken revolt] or apeffafie, that is , fpoken words to taufe thee to revolt , or turne away ; as the Greeke tranflateth, to make thee to erre from the Lord. This judgement of the falfe Prophet(as all other weighty matters) none but the high councell of 71 Elders might judge of, as the Hebrewes fay, Talmud. Bab. in Sanhedrin, ch. t. and Maimony in Sanhedrin, ch.5. See the annotations on Num. 11.3o. the evil] both perlon and worke as the Chaldee tranflateth, the evi! doer : the Greeke the evill thing: but in Deut.17.7. the Greeketran- flateth, the evil! one ; which Paul approveth, uling the fame words, in t Cor.5. a 3. Verf. 6. thy brother] by nature, or in the fame 6 faith and Church : but the Greeke addeth,thy bro- ther on thy fathers fide , or an thy mothers. fin of thy mother] fuch are deareft brethren, as the exam- ple of Iofephand Benjamin fheweth,Gen.43.34. and 45.52. 14. daughter] Love and affe &ion defcendeth from parents to children , as it were by inheritance; and the daughter for infirmity of fcx,is molt fpared and pitied ; but may not fo be in this cafe. of thy bofome ] the Greeke faith, which is in tby bofome. at thine owne foule] molt dearely loved , put therefore in the laft place; for a friend ffickrtb doter than a brother, Prov. 18. 24. And as man and wife are one fief'', Matt. 19.6. fo friends here areas one foule. intise with mo- tions,reafons, exhortations .the Create tranlla- teth, exhort : the Chaldee, eaoenfel. The Hebrewes write ; He that entiteeth any one of Ifrael, whetherman or woman, hoe/too be ftoned; although neither theintifer, nor the iatifed, bath worfhipped the idol, yet bee dial, for 3 4 f