DLUTERONOMIE X1V. 49 fir teschi tc worflrip it. Whether the intifer be pri- vate man , Prophet, be the intifed one ftngular perfon, man or legman, or afens perfon, thy are to die by fin- ning. He that ir,tfeth the multitude of a citie, he is a thrufrer away, and is not called an rotifer. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chap. 5. tiff. 1, 2. See after in verfe 13. other gods] in Chaldee, Idols of the peoples : fo in verfe 7. 7 VerC7. unto tin other end] that is,all the world over. Hereby God condemneth all the feigned Religions thorowout the earth, as being gone altray from him : and having made himfelfc and his word knowne unto Ifrael, would have them therein to reit their faith , without declining to novelties. We know that we are of God; and the whole world lieth in wiekedneffa, 1 Joh.5.1 9. 8 Vert 8. not content] or,not affefï,have any liking or will unto him. From which word the He- brews gather, that it ie unlarofull f r the intifed to love the rotifer. !L/aimtoy treat. of Idolatry, ch. 5. felt. 4. If he were drawn: away by him, lb that hee laid, Gee we and let ut fence them, although they had not at yet ferved, both of them were to be flood, the intifr al,d the intifed. Ibidem lea. 5. yeBare] to wit, from vengeance. See this phrafe inGen. 45. zo. Dent. 7. 16. pitie] or ufe gentleneffe and in- dulgence, as Genef. 19. 16. concealehim] but bewray and ufe all meanes to bring him to bis punifhtnenr. Therefore the Hebrews thinke,that the intifedperfon was to take witnelfes , to fee if he would intile before them :,if hee would not, then.(they fay) it is eommandèd to lay privie wait for him, and they 1. y trait for none that are guiltie of death by the Law, but fir Chit man. And thus they doe it The intifed bring:tb two men , and fits them in a dark: place, fo that theymay fee the rotifer, and heare his words, but he may not fee them. Then he faith to the in- tifer Say what is it that yon ford, &c. When be bath fpoken, the intifed anfwereth; Hon fhall we leave our God which it in heaven , and gee and f rve flocks and Hones? If he convert hereby, or hold hit peace, he is five : Eut if be fry unto bim, thus are we bound to doe , and thus it befeemetb ut ; then they that flood there aloof:, bring him to the Iudgement Hal and they font him. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, ch.5. felt. 3. 9 Vert 9. _fbalt kill him] by (hewing the thing to the Magiltrate,who hath power to kill him: ther- fore the Greek tran(lateth, Shewing thou fhalt flew concerning him. thine band] this is fpoken to the acculer, or fir(i witnesfe, who mull call the fire (tone at him, Dent. 17.7. Of the manner of fto- ning ufed in Ifrael, fee the notes on Leviticus 24. 23., I o Ver. 1 o. to tbrufi thee away fiom lebovah] in Chal- dee, to make thee to erre from the fear: of Lord, that is, to goe altray from his true worship and fern ee, as feare in Efay 29.1 ;. is expounded my/4p, in Mat. 15. 9. of fervants] in Greeke and Chal- dee, of ervitorlr, or bondage. IT Veril t r. (hall doe no more] Hebr. Pall not add: to the at this evil word, that is, any filch evil( thing as this is. For puni(hment of tranfgreffours , is a meant to reftraine others from wickedne(fe, and to make themwife, Prov.21.1 s. On the con- Crary, Beeaof: feostence adainfi an evil work: it not executed ffeedily, therefore the heart of the former of men it fury ft in them to doe evil[, Eceief. 8. s s. See the like in Deut.17. 13. The Hebr. gather from the words, All Ifrael (Hall beare , &c. that a cryer was to proclaime before him unto all, the caufe of his death; and they note force forts of evil( doers , before whom fuch Proclamation was made; the rebellious Elder, (Deadly . 13.) the pre - fumptuoutfalfewitnef,(Dem. 19. 19,20.) thernti- teer to Idolatry, (here fpoken of) acid the ftubborne re- bellious fn, (Deut. 21. 18 21.) Maimony tom. 4. treat. of Rebels, ch.3. , V. 12. If thou fbalt heare fay in one] or,When thou fhalt heart of one, that is, of any one of thy cities. This is one of the molt revere Lawes, wherein God Iheweth his jealoufie and indignation against I- dolaters , to the utter rooting out, not ossely of their perforas but of their polteritie, goods and citie it Idle for ever. of thy cities] of the cities of Ifrael, which were Gods people , against whom onely this Law is given , if they Mould be drawn to idolatry , and not againtt thofe that were without. So of fpirituall judgement it is Paid, Doe notyee judge them that are wi:bin? But them that are without God judgeth, 1 Corinthians 5. 52,53. Verfe 13. fanner of Belial] that Is, wicked or mischievous perlons, which the Chald. interpre- teth, fannerrf wicksdnjle. Belial (in Hebrew Beli- jiagnal) is by interpretation , without profit, or, without yoke, that is, lawlelfe, rebellious andwic- ked ; and this name is given unto Satan or Anti - chritt,oppoCed unto Chrifl; in 2 Cor.6. s 5.and to be fins of Reba! , is to be addifted or given over unto wickedneffe,as in 1 Sam.2.12. Judg. 19.22. 1 King. 21. 1o. The like is of a daughter of Belial, I Sam. 1. lb. and man of Belial, a Sam. 25. 25. and sometime the wicked art limply called Le- lia, as in a Sam. 23.6. Nahum 1. 15. and as it is here applied to perlons, fo is it allo to wicked things, words or thoughts, as in Dearer. 15. 9. out from the middefi of thee] or, from among you, fpeaking to Ifrael, from whom filch wicked per- (óns might in all ages goe .forth , as they did allo from the Chriftian Churches, as it is laid, They went out from ut, but they were not ofun, s Joh.2. 19.And this theirgoing out,argueth like5vife their 4ubborne and pretiunptuous carriage in their evil(, which they did not in fecret, but as prodax wing wane against the Lord. have thrall away] or, have driven, have withdrawn, to wit, out of the way, as was exprelfed in eerie 5. the Chaldeç exponndeth ir, bave caufed to erne, ( orgue of ray:) and it noteth the force and eL}icacie of Inch feducers ; as leroboasn is laid to have driven Mad from following the Lord , 2 King. 17 21. See before on Dent. 4.1 9. the inhabitants] This is fpoken generally and indefinitely: if all the inhabitants were reduced, there is no doubt but the judgment following was to be executed: the Hebrews àlfo think, if the greater part of the cia tie were drawn away,they all that were fcduced, were to dye, and the citie to be dellroyed : but it Eceee the Ilimpipplimpumwszawsummommv, imiars í> I2 z3