50 DEL1T-ERONOMIE 14 the le(fer part onely were withdrawne,then they were killed , but the citie it felfe was to be let Rand, as is further (hewed in the Annotations following. other gods] in Chaldee, the Idols of I the peoples : fo here were two evils , the forfaking of the trueGod , whom they had knowne, and the following of other gods whomthey had not knowne. Ot thefe the Lord faith by his Pro- phet , Be aflomfhed , Oyee heavens, at obis, and be hor- ribly afraid , beyee very defolate, faith the LORD; for my peopk bave committed twoevils, they have forfalq a me the fountaine of living waters ; they have hewed them out cificrnes, broken ciflernes that can hold no water, Je- remie 2. 12, 13. Verfe t4. Then fhalt thou enquire] fpeaketh to /pet, and therein chiefly to the liulers,whom it nto(t concerned to try out this cafe : and by thefe three, enquire , flare!), asks, and that well or diligently, he teacheth what care (hould be had for finding out the truth ; that this fevere judgement came not upon any without their due demerit. The Hebrews fay, They judge not acitie thrufi away, but in the Judgement Hallef feventie one (Magifirates:) it is faid (in Deuteronomie 17. s.) Thou pate bring firth that manor thus woman unto shy gates, and fhalt Ilene them, &c. Particular perfons are kLiledby the ludges that are in every citie; but the multitude are not /Oiled fare by the great Synedrion. The great Court doe fend, and enquire , and (earth, till they know evidently , that all the chie , or the mofl of it , is thrufi away , and turned to idolatry. Afterward they fend two learned men , to admaniflo and to convert them. If they convert and fbew repentance, it is well: but if they perft3l in their sly, the Synedrion doe command all Mad to gee up againfl them to warre: and they doe befregc them, and wage warre again 11 them, until the cute be broken up. When it isbroken up, forthwith they fit for them many Courts of Judgement, and doe judge them : whofoever bath two witnef s come again( him, that he ferved an Idol, after they have difpatched him, they put him apart. If all the Idolaters be found the lefr number , they floe them to death, and the ref! of the citie is delivered. If they bee found the greater number, they carry them up to she high Court, and give fentence there againfl them. Maim. treat. of Idalat. ch.4. feet.3,6. I 5 Verfe 15. finite the inhabitants] the Geeek faith, kill all the inhabitants with the (laughter of the fword : which is to be underiood, if they be all found guilty : as they fay, They kill with the ¡word all that have feoved(the Idol ;) and [mite every pie, men, women and children, if all (the citie) be tbruft away. If the Idolaters be found the greater number , they (mite all the little ones , and women if the Idalaten with the edge of the fword. And whether the whole, or the mall part, be thrufi away, they ffone to death thole that did thrufi them away. Maimony ibidem, febtion 6. utterly deflroying] with a curie or execration : af- ter the Grcekverfion,anathematizing. Of inch the Hebrews lay , The men of the citie drawn away (to Idolatry) have no part in the world to come, (that is, in life etcrnall. ) Tba/nutd. Baby!. in Sanhedrin, cap. Chelelt she cattel] and of the easel that is kited, it is forbidden to male any profit (or efe) oftbem, XIII. even of the 0xe that is finned. Maimony in Idolatry, chap.4. felt. 13. Verfe i6. all the fpoileof it] This the Hebrews 16 underhand largely, whether they be the goods of the Idolaters, or of the other that fell not tinto Idolatry : for fo they write ; The goods of the je fe men that are within it, if they be the reft of the inhabitants of that citie, which are not drawne a- way with the multitude , they are burnt with the gene- rall !pole: forafmueh at they dwell therein , their goods per. A company of paingers from place to place, if they paffi thorow a citie fi drawne away, and be drawne away with it ; if they haze continued in it thirtie dates , they are killed with the fword, and their goods perifh; if not, they are fluted to death, and their goods are to their heires. The goods of the men of another ci- tie refirved therein, are not burned, but returned to the owners; fir it is faid, The ( poile of it, and not the (pile of their neighbours. The goods of the wicket men of that eitie, which are refined in another eitie, if they be gathered together with it, are burst in the gene- rall: if not , shy perifh not , but are given to their Mires. The hay things within it , fueb at are fantiified for the Altar, doe die; far the facrifice of the wicked is an abomination. Things fanbiified to she maintenance' of the Temple, are redeemed, and afterward burnt e for hisfaid, The joile of it, notehef,oule of heaven. The firil- borne, and the Tithe that are perfctl, are as the holy things of the Altar and die : fresh at are blemifbed, are as the common cartel[, and are killed, &e. The f - cand Tithes , and the money of the ficond Tithes, and the holy Scriptures that are within (the title) are laid up in flare. Maimony in Idalat. chápter 4. fefti- on 7, 9, 10, 1 5. every whit] The Hebrew Calif here tiled; is fomctime an whole Burnt -o- ring, Lev. 26.32. Deuteron. 33. to. Hereupon the Hebrews lay , IlClna fo exesneth judgement upon the citie drawne awa}'(to Idols) loe heoffereth the Burnt - offering Calif; of it is written, Every whit (Call) to the L 0 RD. thy God : neither that onely, but turneth away burning angerfront lfrael, (Deuter. 13. 17.) and bringeth a bleffing and mercies upon them. Maimony in Idalat. chap 4. Iè$.t 6. an heape] the Greek tranflateth, uninhabited; the Chaldee, a defolate beape. The Hebrews fay, Whsfoexer buildeth it, it to be beaten: but it is lawful to turn it into Gardens or Orchards ; for it a faid, it foal not be built again; not built fir a citie , a it was before. Maimony dem, feftion 8. Verfe 17. not cleave to fly hand] that is,thoulhalt 17 not make any profit or tile to thy felfe of any of the goods of the citie. Compare the example of Jericho, Jof.6.17, &c. and fee the Annotations on' Dent. 7. 26. from the burning] the Chaldeeex- poundeth it, from the firengtb; the Greeks from the wrath of his anger, which oftentimes is ktindled, not onely againli the (inners themfelves, but all Ifraet for their fakes, as Jof. 7. 1,11,12. and 22. 17,18,20. Verfe 18. obey] or hearken to the voice ; in Chal- 18 dee, (hall receive the word of the L 0 RD. that which is right in the eles] which the Grecke ex- poundeth, That which is grad and 'leafing before the LORD. CHAP.