0 WO / / /// halll t YkhoJtld/ V nr Cleane Beaíts. DEUTERON. X l V. Vncleane meats. 51 . iME7 CHAP. XIV. Gods children are not to disfigure tbemfeher in mounting for the dead , 3 nor eat any abominable thing. 4 What may, and what may not be eaten, of 1 eaffs; 9 efkWhes, r t of Fowles. 19 Creeping things mg not be eaten, 2 t nor that which dietb of it raft. 22 Tithes to be eaten before the Lord, 24 or (f the way be too long) to be turned into money , and it to be bellowed on things which thy fhould eat and drinite with jy before the Lard. 27 The Levite may not be forfaken. 18 The third yeeres Tithe 5 for the Levite, firanger, fatherlele, and widow. yEe are the fonnes of Jehovah your God : yee (hall not cut your feives, nor put baldnes between your eles, 2 for the dead. For thou ara an holy people to Jehovah thy God; and Jehovah hath cho- fen thee to be unto him a people of peculiar treafure, above all peoples which are upon the face of the earth. 3 Thou fhalt not eat any abomination.Thefe 4 are the beats which yee (hall eat ; the Oxe, the Lamb of Sheep, and the Kid of Goats. 5 The Hart, and the Roe-buck,& the Fallow - deere, and the Wild -goat, and the Pygarg, 6 and the Wild -oxe, and the Chamois; And every beat that parteth the hoofe ' and dea- veth afunder the cleft of two hoofes, that cheweth the cud among the beats, that yee 7 (tall eat. But this yee (hall not eat , of theta that chew the cud , or of them that part the cloven hoofe; the Camel, and the Hare,and the Conie, b ecaufe they chew the cud , but they part not the hoofe , they fhall be un- 8 cleane unto you. And the Swine , becaufe he parteth the hoofe, and cheweth not the cud, he)hall be uncleane unto you : of their flefh ye (hall not eat, and theircarka(fe yee (hall not touch. 9 Thefe ye Thal I eat of,all that are irrt the wa- ters, all that hath finne and fcale (hall ye ear. r o And all that hath not finne and fcale , yee that not ear, it /hall be uncleane unto you. z a Every cleane bird yee (hall eat. But there 12 -are -they ofwhich ye (hail not eat: the Eagle, 13 and Oflìfrage, and the Ofprey: And the Vulture, and the Kite, and the Glede, after 14 her kind : And every Raven after his kind : r 5 And the Owle and the Night-hawk, and the Sea -gull and the Hawke after his kind : 6 And the great Owle, and the little Owle, t 7 and the Red- fhanke: And the Pelican, and 12/7/tI /0/1 the Gier-eagle, and the Cormorant: And 18 the Storke , and the Heron after her kinde, and the Lapwing, and the Bat : And every 19 creeping thing that flieth, it )hall be unclear . unto you : they (tall not be eaten. Every cleane fòwle yee (hall ear. Yee (hall not eat of aey carkaffe ; thou (salt give it unto the ftranger that is in rhy. gates , that hee may eat it; or thou m.:ifE fell it unto an alien; for thou art an holy people unto Jehovah thy God. Thou (halt not Teeth a Kid in his mothers milke. Tithing thou (halt tithe all the revenue of as thy feed, that the field bringeth forth, yeere by yeere. And thou (halt eat before Jeho- vah thy God , in the place which he (hall chufe, to caufe his name to dwell there, the Tithe of thy corn, ofthy new wine, and of thy new oile, and the firfklings of thy herd, and of thy flocke that thou maift learne to feane Jehovah thy God,all daies. And if the 24 way be too much for thee,that thou art not able to carie it, becaufe the place is farfrom thee, which Jehovah thy God (hail chufe to let his name there, when Jehovah thy God bath bleffed thee ; Then (halt thou turne it 25 into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and (halt goe unto the place which Jehovah thy God (hall chufe. And thou 26 )halt give the money, for all that thy foule defircth; for oxen, or for (beep, or for wine; or for thong drinke , or for whatfoever thy foule asketh of thee: and thou (halt eat there before Jehovah thy God ; and thou !hale re- joyce, thou and thine honk. And the Le. vite which is within thy gates, thou (halt not forfake him , for he bath no part nor in- heritance with thee. At the end of three yeeres thou lhaltbring forth all the Tithe of thy revenue in that yeere , and Galt lay it up within thy gates. And the Levite,becaufe he hath no part nor inheritance with thee, and the oranger, and the fatherlefle, and the widow which are within thy gates , (hall come , and (hall eat and be fatisfied; that Jehovah thy God may blelle thee, in all the worke of thine hand, which thou Galt doe. 20 21 23 Annotations. THE fmtrtof Iehovah] or, fames to Iebovah: the Chaldee tranflateth, foams before the Lord. Under the name fmner, hee implieth daughters al- fo , as is expreffed in Deut. 32. 19.2 Corinth. 6. 18. Mofes here entreth into precepts concer- Eceee 2 ning 11111111 t1 28 29 r