5z D -EUTERONObIIE XIV. ping the communion of the Saints among them- ! felves, which should be holy ; who as they mutt abttainc from falfè gods, fo from communion in the rites and ordinances of Religion, with the ijiildren of-filch. Chrifl is the Sonne of God in nature, the fmne of his love, Colo(! t. 13. Wee in Ghritf are the fontes of God by adoption, Rom. 8. t 5, by faith in Chrifl, Galath. 3. z6. So many or are fed by the Spirit of God, Ront. 8. s 4. and are made partakers of his love, as it is written, Behold what manner ofbze the Father bath bellowed upon tee, that wee fhould be called the children of God, t Joh. 3. i. not cut your felves ] as was the manner of the heathens, efpecially in their furrow, I King.18. 28. Jerem.41.5. and in particular, when their friends died, Jer.i6.6. which thing is chiefly in- tended here. The Chaldee tranflateth (hall not make a tumult. Becaute they are the children of God, therfore they matt walke in his feàre, 1 Pet. r. l'7. and purifie themfelves, even ache it pure, r Joh.3.3. and beare all accidents and afiftions that come upon them, patiently; and forEke all heathenifh cuftomes, and not hurt their owne bodies, which are the Temples of the bolt' Gboff, r Cor.6.1 9. See the notes on Lev.t 9.28. The He- brews fay,that Gedidab,thc cutting here fpoken of, and Seritab, the incifoso, in Levit. t 9.28. are one thing: and he that cntteth himfclfe for the dead, whether it be an incifion with his band,or an mcifion with an inflrument, he it to be beaten. Maim. treat. of Ido- tarry, chap. 12. (Ca. t3. putbaldhef] that is, nuke your felves bald,hy (having or plucking off the haire; which alto they tiled in mourning for the dead, Ezck.7.18. and 27. 31. Jer. 16.6. and 48.37. See alto Levit. 2 1.5. and 19.27. be- tweeneyour eies] that is, on the fore -part of your head: as the Pbylatieries which were to be between t heir eies,wereworne on their heads, as is noted on Exo.t 5. 9,16. And in Levit. 21.5. it is writ- ten , They fhall not make baldnejji upon their head. for the dead] this is an explanation of that which elfwlrere he faith, for a fink, Levit. s 9.28. and 2 1. 1. The Hebrews here fay, If father die, ye (hall not cut your felves, nor make you bald, nor farrow more than it meet ; for you are not fatberlef, be- carafe you haze a Father who is great, living, and per- manent, even the holy lolled God. But an Infidel!, when his father died) , bath no father that can helpe him in time of need; for hit f ther which is left him is of wood, and his mother of fone ; as it is written, faying to a flake, Those art my father; and to aflone,Thouhaft brought me forth, (Jer.2, 27.) therefore they weepe and cut them/lives and make them bald. And further, beeaufe thou art an holy people, therefore thou maiff not de forme thy fdfc (or make thee ill favoured) Cbazkunion Deut.14. Yea, even the wife among the heathens themfelves, blamed this follyin men, that mangled their bo- dies for the dead, calling them, Varia deteflahi- lia genera lugendi, pedares,muliebreslacerationesgena- rum, pet iorit,femorum, capitis pereufoncs. Cie. Tuft. quzft. lib. 3. 2 Verle 2. ofpeculiar treafure] in Greeke, a peculiar people; in Chaldee, abelavedpeople: fest the Annota- tions on Exod. 19.5. Vert 3. ary abomination] This Sol. Iarchi, and theThargum called Ionathaus,well explain, any thing that I haze made abominable to you (or put for fromyou.) For every creatureof Goditgood, t Tint. 4.4. and there is nothing common (or unclean) of it fed, Rom. t 4. 14. but by the ordinance of clod, certaine creatures, meats and drinker were made uncleane unto the Jewess yet not for ever, but impaled upon them tulip the time of r f suasion, Hebr. 9. 5o. And this Law taught them holineffe, ^in abftaining front the impure communion with the wicked, Att. r o. i 3,t 7,2 0,28. See the Anno- tations on Leviticus it. The Hebrews law this myfterie ; for Baal Hatt urim on this place no- teth , 2Y.s,x1 unto thrf words , For than art an holy people, d e. be faith , T hou fbalt not cat any abomina- tion; meaning , that they fhould not be commixed with Infidels, for Infidels are like unto beafis. Verle 4. Kid of goats] or the lambe ofgoats : the Hebrew Seb, is either a yong fheepe, or a yong goat, as Exod.i 2.4,5. and by naming the Lambe, he meaneth all the breed of theft bealts,yong or old; as the fen ofman, is tiled for any man general- ly, old or yong, Pfal.t 44,3. Job 25.6. Vert 5. Hart] in Hebrew, Ajal, a, wilde beaft well known,whofe female is called an Hinde,Gen. 49.21. light of foot,2 Sams 2;34. bringing forth her yong with great lorrow, Job 39.1,2,3. Such weremeat at Solemos, tablet King. 4.23. Rae-bucke] in Ffebr. Tfebi, of the pleafintnelfe or beauty of this beaft; inChaldee,Tabja;in Greek, Parkas: (wherupon the woman named in Syriak, Tabitha, Aft.9.36. is by interpretation,Dorker; in Englifh, a.Roe:) this beaft is very fwift, 2 Sam.2. 18. Chron. i 2.8. Song 8. 14. eaten al to at Solo- mon, table , t King. 4. 23. Fallow-deere] or, Wilde -oxe, Bugle, or Bel: in Hebr. Inhnmr,(a word not found, but here and in t King. 4.23.) the tSreeke tranflateth it, Boubalos, that is, the Buf , Buff , or Wilde -oxe, which fomewhat relèm- bleth our common Oxe, but is of another kindc, bigger, black, and more fierce. The Chaldee and Arabick retain theHebrew naine,lachmura,which fonte Hebrews b y, is a beaft like unto agreat Goat. Some late ExpoGcorsmake it a beaft like an Alfe; as an Aff in Hebrew is called Chamor. Wilde - goat] in Hebr. Ace, a word not found but in this one place : of it forme thinke the Latine Ake (by putting in the letter i) is derived, which we call the Ekb; a beaft fomewhat like a Fallow - deere. The Gr. tranflateth it 7-rage/op/vs, that is, a Goat- hart , which is in part like a Goat and an Hart : fuch are found in Arabia. Thebeft Hebrew Expo - fìtors fay, it is the wild-goat or rockgoat,:fo named ofcliming the rocks. It is a bcafl of another kind than the common goat; for be it wilde or tame, the beat/ is the fame. Pygarg] fo the Gr. & old Latine verfson tranflate the Hebr. Difbon,here on- ly ufed : which the Chald. called/ Rema, of high- trek. The Pygarg is a wilde beaft like a Fallow - deere, or Roe -bucker Wild-axe] or, Wild -Bull: fo both Onkelos and Ianathm, the Chaldee Parra- phrafls doe tranflate the Hebrew Teo, tiled onely hero, and in Efaiah 51.20. where it is called Ter. The- 3 4 S