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DEUTERONOMIE XIV. TheGrceke tranflateth it Oryx, which is a beak like a Goat. The Arabick nameth it Tajetal. Chamois] this name is borrowed of the French,as being a buff like a wild Goat. The Hebrew name is Zemer, the Arabick Zirap/ea; both have the fig- 'Mica; ion of offing. The Greeke tranflateth it Cameltparda &s , which is a word compounded of the Camel and the Pantheref. TheChaldee cal- leth it Disfa, which is a kind of Roe. Thelè feveu forts of beasts and three of cattell, are all to be underuood of feverall kinds, (as the Scripture giveth them every one a. féverall name) and are not to be diliinguifhed by their wildncffe, or tantenefs,but by their different nature; for as the Hebrews Gay, the wilde Oxe, and the (Ow) fatted in the frail theft' are of the kinde of the Oxe. Maimony treat. of Forhidden Meats, chap. t . fe &.8. And the Scripture confirmeth this, as when he faith of David, He f.:ceifieedOxen and fatlings, 2 Sam. 6. 13. that is, oxen fed in thepaftnres, and fatted in the hall. Moreover they lay, that there are no other cattell, or beaus in the world,lawfull to be eaten, I fàve thefe ten kindes, rchearfed in the Law ; they and the kin des of them, as is noted on Lev. 14 3. And further, they have this faying, 7/sough all thefe (ten kindes) are lawful! to be vim; yet ire mull put a difference letweene the cicae cattell, and the Beane beafls. For the beats, their fat is lamfull (to be eaten) and their blond muff be covered: [Leviticus 17. 13.] but cleanecattell, their fobs unlgmfull to be eaten, [Le- viticus 7. 23.] and there is no charge to cover their blond. Maimony treat. of Forbidden Meats , chap. 1. fe &. 9. 6 Ver. 6. that chemeth] underhand, and that chew - eth,(as theGreek addeth the word and)for it mutt doe both,elfe it was not Beane. And here,becaule the former beaus may be unknowne by their names, (as is to be feene by the varietie of inter- pretations) Cod giveth two general! ftgnes to know a Beane beau by , the parting of the booje in teraine, and thecherringofthecud: ot which, fee the Annotations on Levis. i 1.3. 7 I Ver. 7. Camel] of this and the tell that follow, fee the notes on Levit. t 1.4, -7, and of the excep- tion, how in cafes of'neceflity uncleane meats migbtbe eaten, it is there fpoken. theY chew] , or, every of themchewetb. 9 Verfe 9. in the waters] whether in the fear , or in the rizers, Levit. s 1.9. fin and fi ale] in Greeke and Chaldee, finnes and fales: fee the Annotations I on Lev. I 1. 9, &c. 1 o Verfe lo. unclean] and fo anabomination, as is faid in Levit. t i. to, 1 I. that their fiefh might not be eaten, nor their carkle s touched,as before in verfe 8. I2 ' Ver. 12. Eagle] of this,and the reh that follow, fee the Annotations on Levit.t I.13, &e. 13 Verfe 13. Vultur] called here in Hebrew, Rash, of Seeing; in Levit. 11.14. Dash, of Flying. Chaz- kuni here faith , Raab andDaah are one, and it is cal - led Raah, becaufe it Teeth much. Ionatban in his Ti cry e. let h it, the white Dajetha, according ts, 'ie in Levit, t i. and Onkelw nameth . t, that is, Daughter of Wing. G/edc] a kinde of Kite or Puttock, in Hebrew Dajab: this is not mentioned in Levit. t t ,(lee the Anno- tations there on v.t 4.) the Greeke calleth it Iili- nos, that is, a Glede or Kite. Verfe t 5. Ovule] or yong °ale, or yang Ofiri 1S fee the notes on Levit. i i.16. for this and the re . that follow. Verfe 19. that flesh] or, of the flying fourle : in 19 Greeke , all the creeping things of finales ; which lonathan, Solomon Iarchi, and others expound of Flies, Bees , Hernete. and all fuch like: See Leviticus 11. 20. Verfe zo. cicane fomie] or, cleave flying thing ; im" plying the kindes of Loos/is, which were law- full to be eaten, Levit. 11. 21 22. Verle 21. arty carldi] the Hells of a clean beau 2I or fowle,that eitherdieth alone,or is not order- ly flaine: fee the Annotations on Leva7.15. the firanger] not the Profelyte,or Granger joyned to the Church , for fuch were bound to keep¢ the whole Law, and this in fpeciall, Levit. 7.15. but as both the Chaldee paraphrafes expound it, the uncircwmciféd firanger that is in thy Cities ; and the Greeke, the Mourner th et is in thycitirs. Of three forts of (rangers, fee the notes on Exod. 12.43, 45, 48. This hranger here fpoken of, the He- brews call Ger tofbab, that is, the flrangerinhabitant (or Sojourner ; in Greeke, Paroikir :) and they de- fcribe him thus ; Ger to(hab it an heathen, who takes upon him that be will ferve no Mu, with the reftdue of the commandements which were commanded to the font of Noah, [whereof fee the notes on Geniis 9. 4. ] but he is not circumelf d nor baptifed. Such an one they (the Ifraelites) doe receive, and he is of the Saints of the nations of the world. And why it he called Tofhab (an inhabitant ?) beeaufè it is lawful" for us to let him inhabit amongti us in the land of IF reel. Maimony tom. 2. in Iffurei Bieb, chap: 14. fa&. y. Of Etch, they held that they might be in the hate of falvation,as they conicffeelfwhere. Tire Saints of the nations of the world, they hate a por- tion in the world that is to come (in lite eternall) Maimony treat, of Repentance; chapt. 3. fe &ion 5. fell it unto an alien] or, fell thou it to aforreiner; ist Chaldee, to aflame ofthe peoples; an heathen that dwelt not in the land of Ifrael. an holy people] and therefore art to (hew forth holinelfe in o- beying all the commandements of the Lord , though impofedbut for a time, and as fhadows of better things. For meats, and drinks, and slivers wafhiogs, and carnal! ordinances, were impofed on the (ewes, until( the time of reformation, Hebr. g. i o. But now it is faid, Let no man judgeyou in meat or in drink, &c. which area fhadow of things to come, but the body is ofChrifi, Col. z. t 6, i 7. not f<ethe a Kid] this Law is twice given before, in Exod. 23. 19. & 34.26. fee the Annotations there. Un- der the name of a Kid, the Hebrews underhand a Lamb alfo,and Calf,or other beau : and by fleshing, they imply alto eating, or making any profit or ufe of flefh fo boyled. The Chaldee tranflateth, thou fhalt not eat fiefh with milk. Verfe 22. Tithing thou (h alt slabs] that is, fhalt I in any wife, carefully, faithfully feparate the i Eeeee 3 tithe; 20 22 .//WeON11MIBM&1IYtCl /%, AlinEr/