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LJELITERONOMIE X1V tithe ; meaning the fecond tithe which them- - I lèlves were to eat, v.23. for there was a firft tithe . which was given to the Levites, out of which the vites paid a tenth part again to the Priefts, m, 18.24,-28.,38. Tisch of that Mich remained , the owners feparated a fecond tithe, which themfelves did eat before the Lord, 1,-7.! the firft and fecond yeere : in the third yerre is was given to the Levites, and to the poore, Deut. 14.28,2 9. In the fourth and fift yeeres it was ea- ten again by the owners , and in the lixt yeere was given to the poore. The tèventh yeere was a rest andSabbath to the land,then all things were comnton,,11. And this courlè they were conftantly to follow in "Pad. Hereof it is written by the Hebrews thus ; After that they have feparated the firli tithe every yeere they feparate a fe- coed tithe ; Deuteronomie 14. 22. and in the third yeere, and in the fiat, they feparate the tithe of the poore, inRead of the fecond tithe. In the fir II (day) of Tit: ri (or September ) is the beginning of the Jerre for the tithe ofcorne, andof puff, and ofherbes : and where- foe: er the beginning of the yeere it mentioned, it is the fir/i 4'T ifri . And the. fifteenth of Shebat [that is, the eleventh Moneth which we call January] it the beginning of tbeyeere fir the tithe of Trees (fruit.) Maimony tom. in Maafer fheni (or treat, of the fecond tithe) chapter 1. feétion 1,z. See allo the Annotations on Leviticus 27. 30, &c. all the revenue] or, all the in -come, that is, fruits or in- creafe which are gathered and brought in for food : the reafon of the name appeareth in z Sa- muel 9.1o. thou (halt till the land for him, and thou Pak bring in (the fruits) that th Maters Jenne may havefood to eat. The Hebrews lay , Al mans meat that lit k4pt, which groweth out of the ground, owetb an Heave -of ring : and it it commanded to feparate out of it, thefir ff fruitsfor the Priefl, &e. and likewifethe t.thes. Maimony inTrr:moth, chap. 2. feâ. r. And whereas the Scripture fometime fpeaketh of Re- ease , fometime of Corne (as after in verfe 23.) fometime of a Morten of bread,(as in Judg.I9.5) they fay, the graine , when it it eared, is called (T e- huab) Revenue, every where ; and after that it is tbreJ)ed and fanned, it it called (Dagan) Corne ; and when it is ground, kneaded, and baled, it is called (Paths) a Mar- la!, or Breed. Maim. in Beraeotb, chaP.3. fed.' . that the field bringeth forth] or, that commeth out ofthe field ; in Greeke, the generation (or increafe) of thy field. yeere by yeere] fo the Greeke allo inter - preteth the Hebrew phrafe, yeere yeere, which is drew here written, yeere lyyeere, Nehem. Io, 35 and Jonathan in his Thargum explaineth it, every yeere and yeere: whereto hee addeth, and not the fruits of (one) yeere, with the fruits of another yeere : meaning, that they mull feparate their tithes yeerly , and not put two yeeres tithe into one. Verfe z 3.Jhalteat] in Greeke, fhalt eat it : fpeak. ing of the tithe which the owners should eat: and fo Jonathan in his Thdrgum faith, Re fbai eat the fecond tithe befire the L 0 RD. before Jehovah] the tithes which were given to the Priefts, they might eat in every place, Num. 18, 3 t. this fecond 23 tithe was holy, and might not be eaten , but where Gods San&uary was; as within lerufa- lem when the Temple was there built. The frond tithe ú eaten by the owners, within the walls of Jerufa- lem, (Deuteronomie 14. 23.) Whofoevereatetb fo much as an olive of the fecond tithe , ordrmketh of it the fourth part (ofa Log) ofwine , without the wall of Je- rufalent, it to be beaten, as it it written (in Deuteron. t 2, 17.) thou mail not eat within thy gates, the tithe of thy corn, or of fly mine, or oftbine Doyle, Vic. and he is to be beaten for every one in particular : therere if be eat of them all three, without the wall, he it beaten three times. Maim. in Maafer fheni , chap. 2. felt, T. 5. This is meant (they fay,) if he eat thereof with- out the wals of Ierufalem, after it is once brough in thither ; But if be eat afit, before it commeth with the wall of Jerufalem , be it cbaf i fed withf/ripes. ibl 1. fed. G. Of beating, fee Dcnt.25. 2,3. and of the, holy manner of eating it, fee Deut. 26.14, bis name] in Chaldee, bis Divineprefince (Shecinah) whereby G.O D S pretence with his Church in Chrift, and by his Spirit, is meant : fee the notes on Exod. 34. 9. firfllings] thfe were given to the Prielts, Num.18.15, Nehem.I0.36. who had many other gifts , ofwhich , force might not be eaten but inthe Court of the San/uarie; fome(of which number bete firltlings were, might not be eaten but in the holy Citie : and fume might be eaten every where See the Annotations on Nuns, 18, to feare] this is the end of this ordinance, that the people might be inured with tite feare, religion, and fervice of God : (for feare is fonte- time ufed generally for Gods worfhip, Efe. 29.13, with'Mat, 15. 8, 9.) And thisflare they learned both by the a /ion it felfe, eating the tithe of all their fruits , with joy and thankfulneffe to him that fo bleffed their land and labours , the tenth whereof they confecrated unto him: and by be- holdingthe other holy things,andreligious adi- ons,pertormed by all Ifrael at their (olenm feafts. In this latter fence Chazkuni here expoundeth it thus ; That when thougoeff up to the feat, to eat thy f- rend tithe, and fhatt fee the Pri,fls in their fervire,! and the Levites in their f+trging, and the Ifraelites in their flanding, and the Syned'ien (or Magiflrates). fitting and judging the judgements of Ifrael, and the Dol'lors teaching; ( for from thence Doúrine went forth unte all Israel ) thou maiff learne to feare, Abe Lord thy God. Verle'24. too much for thee] that is, as the Greeke 24 explaineth it, be far away from thee. to carry it] in Greeke, to carry them , meaning the tithes fore- mentioned. hash blepid thee] that is, hach gi- ven thee fo great an increafe, that the tenth of them is more than thou cassif carry to the place of Gods San /Inane. Verle 25. turne it] or fell it for money : Hebrew, 25 give it for filver; which the Greeke tranflateth, feU them fir frlver. Of this the Hebrews have thefe ordinances; He that will redeeme the fruits of the fécond tithe, redeemeth them by their price (or womb) and faith, Loe this money tt ite head of shefe fruits, &c. and he carrietb the money up to Jerufalent. He that redeemeth hit fecond tithe , blefjeth God for the redemption