IJ1r/ ////dd/wt.t hC,lrini DEUTERONOMIE XIV. redemption thereof. IV ben thy redeeme it , it is not by the name of Tithe , but by the name of common (or profane) things : and thy fry , How much are thefe common fruits worth; though all doe kioow that they are 7itbes. They redeeme not the Tithe fruits, but with flyer ; and they redeeme them not with filver uncoined , but with par f amped , which bath (erne fi- gure or writing upon it: and of he redeeme it with a wedge of Elver, or the like, he dab nothing. He may not redeeme àt with money which u not currant at that time, and in that place. Neither may be redeeme it with money which is not in hie owne power ; at it 'it written , Thou flab binde up the money I N THINE HAND. He that redeemetb his fe- rend Tithe before be have feparated it; as if be fÿ, The fecund Tithe of theft fruits be redeemed with this money ; he faith not any thing , _teeing be halls not fee out the Tithe. But if he haze fit them out, and then fay, the fecond Tithe which i, in the North, or in the South, be common (or profane ) for this money ; loe then it is redeemed. When they redeeme the found Tithe, it mull be with the worth thereof and not by guefè, but exa£ily, by the meafisre, or by the weight thereof, and fa they give the price. If the price be known , be may redeem: it by the mouth of tine ; but if it he not knowme, at if the wine begin to be fowre, or the fruits to be rotten, &c; he it to redeeme it by the mouth of three chapmen. They may test carry the Tithe fruits from one place to another, to redeeme them there. Maimooy in Maafr fheni, chapter 4. and binde up] the Greeke faith, and (halt take the money in thine bands. 26 Verse 26. thy foule atkethof thee] in Greeke, thy foule defreth; by fink, meaning appetite or luit after meat or drinke, as inPfa.78.28. they asked meatför their joule. They might not bellow the mo- ney on other things , than for food or anoint- ing, as the Hebrews delare it thus; He may not take for the money of the Tithe, ought fave mans meat, which groweth out of the earth, or which it nourìfhed by that which groweth out of the earth; as the particulars expreffd in the Law, oxen , fheepe, wine, or Prong drinke.. Therefore they may not buy with the Tithe money water or fait, &e. beayfe they grow not, out of the ground. Honey, egges, and mélke, are as oxen , and fheepe ; for though they grow not out of the earth, yes are they proceeded of them which are murifbed from the earth. Likewifi, they buy not a bear with' the Tithe money out of ]erufalem. Maimony in Maafir fheni, chap. 7. feEt. 3, 4, g, 16. and thine houfe] in Chaldee, the men of thine iioufe; meaning fisch as were Beane, the uncleane might not by the Law, Deut. 26.14. Who foeateth of the fecond Tithe, in his emeleanmfé, it to be beaten. Maim. in Maafr fleeni, chap. 3. felt. 1. 27 Verle 27. thy gates] in Greeke and Chaldee, thy cities: fo in verse 28. not forfake him] that is, not negleet hiss , but nsinilter fufhcieot for him alto to eat, drinke and rejoyce; feeing he bath no land of his owne , to fupply this unto him : See Dent. re. 19. And this here feenieth not to be meant only of the firf} Tithe, commanded to be given untothe Levites, Nuns. 18. but of commu- nicating alto theft fecond Tithes with them,,to rejoyce together as may be gathered by the Law following,verfe 29. Verf. 28. At the end of threeyeares ] in Greeke, zS Ater three yeares : but it is meant in the third yeare,to wit,of the feventh or Sabbath yeare; and fo agaiue in the lìxt yeare,for every third yeare is`. meant. Therefore in Dene.26.12. itiis written, In the third yeare. all the tithe] The Hebrewes write, After a man bash reaped the feed of the earth, or gathered the fruiter of the was , and ended the work. thereof; bee fèparateth out of it one of fftie ; and this is ealfed T be great Heave - offering (or Fit f fruits) and it'itgiven to the Pries : andof this itflooken in Deuter. 18.4. Afietward hes feparatetb out of the remainder, one of tame; and that it called the fr-fl tithe; and bee gi- ver, it to the Levites : and this is mentioned in Numb. 18.24. After skis , bee fparaetb out the refidue one of tenne; and that it called thefecond ythe : and it is for the owners , and they catch; leri f /em : and this is pc- ken of in Leviticus 27. 30, 31. and Deuteronomie 14. 22. According to this order doe they fèparate in the fief f yeare of the fevers, and in the fecond, and in the fourth and in the fifth. Ent ip the third, and in she fxt of the feven, after they have feparated the firf sithe, gee f paraeth out of she remainder, another tithe , andgizrth it to the poore,and that is called the tithe ofthe poore. And theft twoyeares there is no fecond titb: but the tithe of the padre; andthat is fpoken of in Deut. r 4.28. and 26.12. Tbeyeare of Releafe [which u the feventh yeare] it all free ; and there it in it rw Heave - offering nor tithes at all, either firf or fcond,or tithe of the poore. Maimo- ny tom. 3. inMattanoth, gnanijim, ch. f. 2. S. thy gates] in Greeke and Chaldee, thy cities : im- plying cities,fuburbs, and fields about them; but not out of the land ; as the Hebrewes fay, They may not Barry out of the land for is is fail , WIT $- IN T PR- GAT ES ; and (in Deuter. 26. r 2.) That they may eat within thy gaies. Maine. in Matta - noth, ch.6. fir 7. Verf 29. the Lenite] he was to have all the first tithe,Num.i8,24. and of that doe the Hebrewes understand this, and not of the fecond tithe: as Sol.Iarchi here faith ,The Levite (shall come) and take the firf tithe: and the (ranger and the father - lefè, and they (hall take., thefecond tithe, for it it for the poore of thisyeare. And Chazkuni faith, In the third yeare, the firf tithe it for the Levite, and the fecond tithe it to bee divided unto the poore. See the notes on Numbers 18. pall ease and bee fatitfed]or, eat and have their fill. They were not bound to cat it in Ierufalem, as the fecond tithe of the former two yeares ; but might eat it within any of their gates. About the distribution of this tithe, they had there Orders: The Owner of the Field, when pedre folk¢ pafeby him, and bee have there the tithe of the Poore, he giveth to every poore body that pafeth by him, fo much of that tithe at may fatisfiehim, accor- ding to Deuteronomy 14. 29. How much is that ? If it be ofWbeat, he gives him not lefì than half: a Kab: if of Barley, not iefe than a Kab: of Rye, not lefè than a Kab: ofFigges,not lefè than five and twentiefhe- keg weight : of Wine,nt left than bad a Log: of Oyle, not left than a porter (of a Log) due. And if her give him of any other fruits, it is not lefe than that bee may 29 /!iirilusiblWas t vnmwrt/2OPWAPINIII