Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

;;6 Keleaíìng debts., DEUTER may fell, and biey with ebe price thereof two males meat. 1f there be many poore, and he Gave not enough to give unto every one according to the meafure , then he fit - ' tech (the Tithe ) before them, and they part it among ihemfilves. With the fecond Tithe they may not pay debts, or wages ; nor redeeme captives with it , nor give amps thereof &c. Maimony in'Mattaeoothgnan, char- ter 6. in all the work] that is, all the worll6s, as the Greeke and Chaldee explaine it; or, in every worke. This manner offpeech, that he may blef thee, is a promife, and he will blefle thee, (as kedge not, that ye be not judged, Matthew 7. r. mea- neth, andye fhall not be judged, Luke 6. 37.) and it fheweth how godlinef is profitable unto all things, ha- ving promifeoftbe life that now it, and of that wbich it to come, r Timothie 4.8. Unto fuch duties as thefe, and to works of mercie, there are often annexed promifes of biding in the Scriptures, Prov. 3. 9, so. Ezekiel 44.-30. Malachi 3. lo, 11. 2 Co- rinthians 9.6,- 1o, ZaZ171S'4MS?eS?- 24?^'Z 22e5?S adtc u° a oats eja,a, CHAP. XV. r The feventhyeere, a yeere of releafe for thepoore. 7 Vies the poore men mull lend freely , and give ; the feventhyeere muff be no let thereof 12 An Hebrew fervant mall be fit free in thefeventhyeere, and liberally rewarded. 16 If he will not goe eu' free, hit eare muff be bored, and he it a fervant for ever. 19 All f rfllingr males of the cartel are to be fanEfified unto the Lord, and eaten before him; 21 Except it have a blemifh, then it it to be eaten by any, in any place: 23 But not the blond. I T the end of fevvn yeeres thou fhalt a make a releafe. And this is the man- ner of the releafe; that every credi- tour that lendeth ought unto his neighbour; doe releafe it : hee fha11 not exa& of his neighbour, and of his brother, becaufe he 3 hath proclaimed a releafe to Jehovah. Of a forrainer thou maift exaét it: but that which is thine,with thy brother,thine hand (hall re- 4 leak. Only, that there be not in thee a nee- dy man; for Jehovah bleffing will bleffe thee in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth S to theefor an inheritance, to poffeffe ir. On. ly,if hearkning thou wilt hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God, to obferve to do all his cömandement which I córnand thee 6 this day.For Jehovah thy God blefieth thee as hee hath fpoken unto thee; and thou (halt lend unto many nations ; but thou (halt not borrow; and thou (halt rule over many nati- ons, and they (hall not rule over they. 7 If there ilia] be in thee a needy man,ofone of thy brethren, in any of thy gates , in thy O N. X V. Hebrew lervants. land which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee,thou (halt not make ftrong thine heart, nor (hut thine hand from thy brother the needy man. But openin. thou (halt open thine hand unto him, and fending thou fhalt lend him enough for his want, that which is wanting unto him. Beware ofthy felfe, left there be a thought in thine heart of Belial, Paying; the feventh yeere is neere,the yeere' of releafe; and thine eye be evil' againft thy brother the needy man , and thou given not unto him,and he cry againft thee unto Jeho- vah,and it be fin unto thee. Giving thou (halt give unto him,and thine heart (hall not be e- vill when thou giveft unto him,becaufe that for this thing Jehovah thy God will bleffe thee in all thy works,and in all that thou put - tett thine hand unto.Forthe needy (hall not ceafe out of the land : therefore I doe com- mand thee, (tying; Opening thou 'halt open thine hand to thy brother , to thy poore af- hiéted,end tothy needy in thy land. If thy brother an Hebrew , or an He- brewellé be fold unto thee, and ferve thee fix yeeres, then in the feventh yeere thou 'halt fend him out free from thee. Andwhen thou fendeft him out free from thee thou (halt not fend him out empty. Furnifhing thou (halt furnifh him out of thy flocke, and out of thy floore, and out of thy wine - preffe; of that wherewith Jehovah thy God bath bleffed thee, thou (halt give unto him. And thou (halt remember that thou waft a fervant in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God redeemed thee; therfore I di com- mand thee this thing to day. And it Mall be, if he fay unto thee, ( will not goe out from thee, becaufe he loveth thee & thine houle, becaufe he is wel with thee; Then thou (halt take an awle, and (hait thru(1 it in his Bare, and in the doore, and he (hall be untothee a fervant far ever ; and alto untothy woman - fervant thou (halt doe likewife. It (hall not be hard in thine eies when thou fendeft him out free from thee, for the double of the hire of an hired fervant, hee bath ferved thee fix yeeres : and Jehovah thy God will blelle thee in all that thou doeff. Every firftling which (hall be borne of thy herd and of thy hocke, the male thou (halt fanétifie unto Jehovah thy God : thoufhalt not ferve with the firfilingof thy bullocke, nor fheare the firftling of thy flocke. Thou (halt eat it before Jehovah thy God, yeere by yeere, in the place which Jehovah (hall chufe, thou' and thine houle. And if there be 8 9 10 II 12 r3 54 15 16 17 18 19 20 21