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111 Y.1., /N 22 23 "111tlilñ3. UEUTERONOMIE XV. be in it a blemifh, lame, or blinde, any e- vili blemifh , thou ihalt nor facrifice it un- to Jehovah thy God. Thou fhalt eat it with. in thy gates, the unclgane and the cleane (perfon) together, as the Roe - bucke, and as the Hart. Onely the.bload thereof thou fhalt not eat, thou (hale powre it upon the earth, as water. tll nnotations. ^ T the end of fienyeerer]Hereby feamethpro- perly to be meant according to the old Latine vcrhon , In the J eenthyeere 3 as in Deut. 14. 28. At the endof three yeeres, meaneth bathe third yeere : and in Jet 34. 14. ieisraid, At the end of five,tyeerer, let ye gee everymanhitbrother, &c. that is, as there after followeth, when he bath fitted thee fix yeeres ; and Mofes here in Dearer, 15. 12. explaineth it, in the feventh yeere : and the Greeke Interpreters tranflate that place of Ieremie, At the end offvenyeeres, thus, when fexyeeres are fulfilled. So here, the end of f venyeerer, is the feventh yeere, which is the end or loft of the feven : and as fer- vants were to be releafed in the beginning of the feventh yeere, when they had fully ferved fix ; fo Aben Ezra (upon this place) expoundeth this re- milfion of debts, to be at the beginning of theyeere. Howbeit fome of the Hebrew Expofitors cake it otherwife, flying; The feventh (yeere) rekafeth not debts of moray , but at the end thereof, at it it fail (in Deuterouotnie r 5. r .) At the end of fevenyeeres, &c. And there he faith (in Deuteronomie 31. so.) At the end of f venyeerer, in the f kmnitie of theyeere of Releafe, in the feaf of Tabernacles. What it (meant) there ? after (f venyeerer;) fa thefargieenejJè ofmonies id after feven (yter'er.) Therefore he that lendeth to bit neighbour in the fevemh yeere it fire, may require hit debt all the yeere; but when the Sun is let in the night of New -y ere, day, at tbe going out of the fevoeeb yeere, the debt le loft Maimogo in Mifneh, tom.3. treat, of the Releafe and Itabilee, chapter 9. feltion 4. This feventh yeere is that fpoken of in Exodus 23.1 r. and Leviticus 25.4. which was a Sabbath and relt for the land, that it might not be tilled; and a yeere of refuting debts, figuring the yeere of grace, the acceptable yeere of the Lord , which Chrilt preached, by whom wee have obtained of God releafe of our debts, that is, the forgiveneffe of our fins, Luke 4. 18,1 9. Mat,6,1 2. Luke.' 1,4, and are taught allo to forgive, if we have ought a- gaintt any ; that out father aifí which is in hea- ven, may forgive us our trefpaffes, Marke 1 r . 25. that we be kinde one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God forChriits fake hath forgiven us, Ephef,4,32. Goloff. 3.12 13. See the Annotations on Lcv,2 5. a releafe j or, a reminds, or internrifon, called in Hebrew Sbemittab, in Greeke Aphefes, that is, forgiven or, remiffon : the wordwhich the New Testament ufcth forfergivenr/ offins, Marke r. 4. Mat. 26. 57 28, whereof this releafe of debts was a lhadow. And the word is likewife tired in Exod, 23. 1 t. where fpeech is of the land , that it fhould be let roll, or intermitted from tillage, which was but for that feventh yeere only : wherefore it cannot be gathered from thisword,that the remiffion of debts here commanded ,was to be for ever, but might be an ititermitfion onely for the feventh yeere, wherein was neither lowing, nor reaping, nor other works of husbandry, fo that the poore had not fuch meanes to pay their debts, as in o- ther yeeres, Howbeit, the Hebrews for the moll part hold the remfihon to be perpetuail , and therefore have their limitations for Tome debts and debtors, as after (hall be (hewed. Vert a. the manner] Hebr. the word; which the Greeke expoundeth , the ordinance (orcommande- ment) of the releafe. every ereditour ] Hebrew, every Mailer (or owner) of the lending ofhit band, that is of the thing lent with bit hand: which feeneeeh to imply money, and the like , and that which is a mans owne, whereof he hath power, as to lend, fo to remit. It may allo be interpreted, eveg ma- fier of the exal/ion df bit hand, which he may exalt ofbit neighbour, doe releafe it; that is, every creditour that bath right to exalt (the debt) with his hand, doe releafe that which hee might exalt. The Greeke expounds it thus; T loose flak forgive entry proper debt (or every debt of thine owne) which thy neighbour owetb thee. Chazktmi here obferveth, that the releafe is óf ilings lent, not of things taken by robbery, or of things committed of craft to be kept. not exall] or, not urgently exalt; in Greeke, not ask, (or require :) wh'ich the Hebrews underftand boils of exalting the debt , and an oath concerning it, as fome cafes might require. The fesemh yeere' re.'eafitb an oath , as it it laid, TROY] SHALT NOT EXACT;. not at all ; neither top ), nor to fweare; meaning, an oath before the Judges, &c. Ent an oath of them that base a thing to keepe, or far partnerfbip, or the like ; wherein if he confine, he muff pay; infuch cafe he frreareth , f ter the ( yeere ot) rekaf,. Maimany in treat. of the Sekafe, chap. 9. feétion 6, y, and of hit brother] that is, of filch a neighbour as is his brother in the faith ;to except the fleanger, an is vet. 3. So And, is often ufed for explanation, as I meane,or that isto fay: fee the notes on Gen.] 3,15. beeaufè be bath proclaimed j or, when he (that is, G O D by the Magiltrate) hash proclaimed, or Ireaufi it it called a re.'eafe, 7bargum Jonathan ex poundeth it of a Proclamation by the Magi -, ¡traces. to Iehovab] meaning, to his honour, and by his commandement. The Chaldee trap' flateth, behire ob. LORD: the Greeke, to the Lord rig God. Ver.3.Of a forreiner] whom the Chaldee called-) a forme of the peoples, meaning an brachen. exalt] the Greeke addeth, require whatf;rter things are thine with him. thine land fh..11ydeafe] which the Greeke explaineth thus, but to thy brother tbar fbalt snake a releafe (or forgiuneffè) of thy debt. In this the Hebrews (which hold the releafe to be for ever) have their limitations. They fay, the feventh 2 3 a%/d/1t111l1a1tsu to Ilia nil AM, /