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5 DEUTERON ( feventh yeere releafeth a debt though it be lent I upon a bill which fecureth the debt by goods; ¡but file tooke affurance by land,when he lent it, then it releaféth not. Alfo, he that lends to his ¡ neighbour,and fctteth him an appointed time of ten yeeres, he releafeth not (in the feventh.) He that lends unto his neighbour,and conditioneth with him, that the feventh yeere (hall not releafe him, hemull notwithftanding relealè,for he can not truitrate the right ofthc lèventh yeere. If he condition with him, not to releafe that particu- lar debt in the feventh yeere, the condition flan- deth ; for that roan hath bound himfelfe in his goods, whereas the Law bath not bound him. Mulas (or Forfeits) for enforcing, or for enti- fing a Maid , or for bringing an esili name &c. are not relca1ed. He that lends upon a pawne,re- leafeth not, if the debt be xquivalent with the pawne : but if it be more,the overplus is releafed. If the Judges have given fentence (at Law) and written , Thou , filch an one , art bound to pay this man thus and thus, he releafeth not, for this is not in the nature of a thing lent. Thefe and the like cautions Maimony (beweth fn his Paid Treat. of the Relea fe and Ittbiler, ch. q. Of Tome of there there is gueftion to be made, whether,they be a- greeable to the Law of God here given, efpecial- ly if it be underftood but of an intermiffon of the debt for the feventh yeere onely. 4 VerCe 4.. Onely that there be not] or, To the end that :hire be not : it fheweth the reaib s of the former law of releafe, that there might not be through exaaing of debts , any man brought to extreme povertie. in thee] in the midi} of thee,O Ifrael, or, among you : fo againe in verf.7. a needy map] This word noteth a depth of poverty, and bath the name Ebjon,of wi(hing or defiring things that may releevc his wants. biding will bleffi thee] that is, will furely blèffe thee much; fo that thou (halt not lore by it, if thon performe this dutie to thy poore brother. The Greeke explaincth it, far this thing the Lords bleffmg will bleff thee. 6 Verle 6. bl ffedh thee] or, bath bleffid thee , that is, will Purely bleffe thee: a promife fpoken of as al- ready done. thou (halt lend] God will fo bleffe thee, that thou (halt have enough to lend, and (halt not need to borrow : fo it is explained in Deut. 28. 12. rule over many] as otherwaies, fo particularly by lending unto them, being ri- cher than they ; for, The rich ruleth over the poore, and the borrower is fervaut to the man that /endeth, Pro. 2 2.7. Compare alto Pfal. 37. 21,26. Ver. 7. any of thy gates ]'or; one ofthy gates: which the Gr.&Chaldee expound cities. not make ffrong] that is, not harden thine heart ; for Co there phralès doe one open another; as in Ex.4.21. & 7,3. The Greek exposndeth it,not turn away shine heart: the Apoftle calleth it affirming up ofebe bowels (of com- palhon) from him that bath need, , Joint 3.17. flout thine band] that is , abftaine from giving : contrary to the opening of the hand, in ver.8. 8 Verle 8. open thine band] that is , be bountiful) and give : fo againe in verf. t r. Thus it is laid of God, Tbox openef thine hand, they are filled with good, OMIE XV. Pfal. 1 04.28. & 145. 16. Our Saviour faith, Doe good and lend hoping fir nothing again; and your reward fha/l be great, andye frail be the children oftle mofi high; for be it kiinde unto the unthanite/ull,and to the evil!. Beye therefore merciful!, aryour Father a f it merciful' Luke 6.35, 36. Verle 9. a thought] Hebr. a word; ufed generally for any thing or tbsught : the Greeks faith, a hidden word, or fecret thing. in thy heart], or with thy heart. of Belial] that is, ofeiekednef; lee Deut. 13.13. This is to be referred unto the former, a word(or thought)ofBe /ial;as they are joyned in Pli. 101.3. & 41. 9. that is, a wicker thing (or thought) in thy heart, and fo the Gr. explaiueth it, an un- lawfttll thing. Some refer it to the latter the heart; as if he (hould fay, a thought intby wicked heart. thine ye be evil] hereby is meant themanifeftation of a covetous affeaion, as is after (hewed by the effelt, and thougiveft not unto him; and proceedeth from an evil! heart,v. i o.for the eie declareth what is in themind. This Solomon teacheth by the con- trary, laying, He that hath a good eye, fhall be bled fr begiveth of his bread to thepoore, Prov.2 2.9, wher- to agreeth that fpeech in Ecclef. 35. 8. Give the Lord his honour,witb agood ye,anddiminf not the ftrfl . fruits of thine hands. But an evill eye lignifieth en- vie and covetoufneffe, as , Eat thou not the bread of him that bath an evil[ ye, Prov.23.6. and, Is thine eye evil!, becaufe Iam good ?Matt 20. 15. and Chri(t faith, that an evill eye proceedeth from within, nut of the heart of men, Mar.7.21,22. it be finuntóthee] or, fin in thee, that is, a great fin, for which thou (halt be condemned, as is (hewed in Mat. 25. 41, 4z, 45. Thus fu is ufed fundry times for a molt finful and damnable anion; as,The thought offool - ñes (that is,of the fool) it fin,Pro.24.9. &, If I had not done among tbem the works which none other man did, thy had not hadftn,Joh.15.24.fee alto Jarn.4.17.And this fin is thegreater,& thefoonerpuni/hed,when the poore for want of releefe doe cry untoGod. Verle t o. Giving thou fhalt give] that is, In any Io wife give , and that freely, bountifully , &c. So in verfe i 1. opening thou fhalt open thine hand. thine heart fball not be evil!] or, let not thine heart be e- vil, that is, grudge not, grieve not, nor diftrult the providence of God : So the Greeke tranfla- teth, thou f/tale nos be grieved in thy heart. This is fpoken of the heart, becaufe a pretence of libera- lity is fomtime made without a good heart,as is (hewed in Prov. 23. 6,7. Hereupon it is fàid, Every man according at be purpateetb in his heart, (fo let him give:) not of griefs, or ofnecetie; fir God lovetb a cheerful' giver, 2 Cor. 9. 7. will 140 thee] and confequently will inrich thee; for, the bkfJmgof the Lard it maketb rich Prov. 10.2 2. Other blef- fings alfo are implied, for he faith, If thou draw out thy foule to the hungry, and piffle the aliEled Joule; then /ball thy light riß in obfcurity , and tbydark, ne (ball be at the prone' day, and the LORD will guide thee continually, and fathrfie thy Joule in droughts, and mall fat thy bones ; and thou fhalt be like a watered garden , and like a king of water, whop waters faile not, Efay 58. co, 11. VerCe I t. not ceafe out of the land] or , from the ',tide/eft 9 II