i..ar / //l1 nu r -1 IletiNAY/n Iz DEUTERONOMIE XV. mbldeff of (that is, front within) the land Though God is able abundantly to &tpply al mens wants, yet fuffereth he fòme to have need , as for other caufes fo to stake triall of the love and compaf- fìou of his people to their poore brethren. -Tee have the poore withJon alwaia ; and when f everye will,. jee may doe themgood Marke t 4.7. Vert 1 2. an Hebrew, or an Hebrereef ] that Is, as the Chaldee expoundeth it , a fomteof /fragil, or a daughter of Ifrael; for the Ifraelites were called Hebrewes , Exod. 2. 6. afterward (whenthe other Tribes were fallen front God, and the Tribe of ladah abode in the truth, Hof i 1.s 2.) they were Called Iewee, Jer.34.9. Ezra 5.5. & 6,7,8, &c. Eft - her 4.7. & 9. t. fold unto thee]ofthe felling of the Hebrews, fee the Law fore-given in Exo. 2r. 2, -11. Lev.2 5. 39, -5 5. The Hebrew Expofitors underhand this Law heregiven,for him that was Cold by the Magiftrate, according to Exod.22.3. and not for fuck as fold themfelves. Aoim.treat. Of Servants, ch. 3. fe &.12. but it feeemeth by the words ofMofs,and by Jer.34. to extend further. in the fevesebyeere] to wit, from the time of bis Cale; for this is not the Ceventh yeere,the yeere of releafe fore- fpoken of in v.1,2,9. fee the Annota- tions on Exod. 21 .z, fend him out free] or, let bim doe cut after man: This was not an internsilTi- on of fervice for the feventh yeere only,but a lull releafc for ever ; wherfore God blameth the Jews in Zedekiw dales,who had releafed their fervants, and afterward caufed them to return, & brought them into fttbje &ion and fervitude again,Jer.34 14,15,16, &c. Neither was this releafe to be pur- chafed by the fervants of their friends, but was fir nothing, Exo. 21. 2. ThisSabbath , or feventh yeere, figured the acceptable yeere, the time of grace by Chrift, who releafeth freely by his Go- fpel , Inch as were the fervants of fin and Satan, Efa.6r.x,z.Luke 4.18,19.Rom,6.1 2,13,14. & 3. 24. Heb.2.14,15. Joh.8.32 ,34,35,36 54 Ver. t 4. Furnifhing rhea fbalt furnih him] that is, in any cafe furnilirhim, and that liberally, or adorne him as with a chain; from whence the fi- militude is here taken: that as crowns and chains were figues of honour and dignity, Dan.5. 29. fo the Matter fhould honorably reward his brother for his fervice ,& not turn him out as a vagabond. He was fold for extreme povertie,Exo.22.3. Lev. 25.39. and if helhould be turned away empty, he might either he forced to retnrne into fervi- tude, (front which God would free his people, becant& they were his- fervants,Lev.25.42,54.)or be driven to fteale, Prov. 30.9. or to beg, or live in milery. chy fleore] thy corn: by thefe three, flelh,bread and wine,he was fufficiently provided for his prefent livelyhood,and that of the belt. thy God bath bleffidtheelo implying other things betides thofe fore-mentioned,and giving a reafon of this precept fr6 the blelfing of God upon the Matter, which alío often commeth by nteanes of the fervants diligent and faithful! fervice , who therefore ought not to be tent away empty,Gen. 30. 27,30. & 31.6, 38,40,4x. For the quantitie, the Law appointeth not how much tin Matter 5 fhonld give his fervant at his departure : the He- brews gather from Exo. z 1.3 2. that he might not give him leffe than the worth of thirty fheke!', whether it were of one kinde (of the thing: fore-mentioned) or of many. Maim. treat. of Servants, c.3. C.14. Verfe 16. thine houfe] that is , thine honthold, wife, children, fervants; as the Chaldee faith, the men of thine haute. be is well] iswell ufed, and to his contentment.What the Hebrews gather from there words, is noted on Lev it.25.40. Verle x 7. thou Jhal, take an aule] this was to be done by the knowledge of the Magiltrates alío, Exod. 21. 6. fie the Annotations there. in bis eare,& in the doore]Co faftning his Bare to the door, as the Greek vertion here explaineth it ; to figtli- fie,t hat he yeelded himfelfas a perpetuall fervant inhis Matters houfe. afreto-zeus forever] that is, till the yeere of Jubilee ; or; all the daies of his Matters life : fee the noses on Exo. 21. 6. thou fall doe likewife] to furnilh her liberally when the goeth out of chy fervice,as verfl4. and (as Come thinke) to bore her care for a perpetuall fervant, if the will not goo out free at the end of fix yeers. But the Hebrews underhand it of the former on- ly , and hold that a woman was nor to be bored in the Bare. Maim. in Servants, ch. 3. feet. 13. Of Maid- fervants, fee the Law inExo.2 r. Vert 18. It fhall not be hard] or,Let it not be hard, that is , time hard unto thee, and grieve thee, that thou mutt Co furnifh him with thy goods when thou letceft bins go. the double] in Chal- dee, twofer one. the hire ofan hired fervant] that is,he hath been double the worth of an hired fer- vant to thee, that he hath ferved thee fix yerres. The reafon of this fpeech fome thinke to be, be- caufe of the hard fervice which he hath done ,"a- hove the fervice of an hireling, as in Luke 17.7. 8, 9. But by theLaw,Hebrew fervants might nut be ufed like llaves,but like hired fervants; Lev.2 5. 39,40. Thereforeothers underhand it in refpe& of the rime, that an hired fervant might nor be hired lodger than three yeeres, (as in ECa. 16.14. within three yeeres, of the Jeerer ofan hireling, be.) whereas this fervant had fcrved fix yeeres. But there is no Law given of God, t hat a man might not be hired for longer time than three yeeres; and there is the like phrafe in (perch of one yeere, EGay 21.16. Others thinke it to be in refpe& of his condition,that he was fold for a fervant ;and fo bound to his Matter, and could not be free when he would. Verfe 19. of thy herd] or, in (that is, among) thy herd, and in thy fie* ; meaning of beeves , theepe, and goats. After the laws that concern the poore and the fervants of lfrae!, he now repeateth a law which concerned'the releefe of his Minilters the Prietts that ferved theLord,and his peopleifael. /hail fant3ifie]chat is,thall Ceparate as holy unto the Lord :,the ground of this Lawwas becaufe God Cptote all the firft -borne of Egypt, from man to butt, but fpared the Ifraelites ; therefore hoe commanded them(in perpetual! memory of that benefit) to fan&ifie all their firtt -borne males env, to him. See Exodus 13. 2, 11, 12, 13,14, 1ç. net 16 Iy 18 19 /. %Part ~M1wa tttauntl/n / il