Go File Yaieover. D E Ù T E R O N O M I E X V 1. Tabernacles. not ferve]that is,as the Greeke explaineth ' not to doe anyworke therewith ; as to plough, tread out the corne, or any other like. Becaufe thefe bcaitswere the Lords, he forbiddet h men to ufe them as their owne,for any work- Ccrvice,or pro- fit to thcmCelves. So the Hebrewes hold the Law by proportion,to concern all other holy things, as well as the firftlings; and that for tranfgrelfing this charge, men were to be beaten. Maimony tom.3.in Megnihak,c.i.f.7. 20 Vert 2o.7 hors fbalteateit] this is not meant of the owner, but fpoken to the Melt, unto whom God gave all the firftlings of ICrael, Numb.1.15, 17,18. See the annotations there. jeare by yeare]every firftling in his yeare, and not deferre the eating ofit till the yeare following. frail rbufe]to put his name, and place his Sanftuary there fee Dent.12.5,6. thine hopfe-] thy fa- mily ; in Chaldee,the men gib, houfc. 2I Verf.2I . lame or blinde] underltand,ifthe beàft be lame or blind,or any otherwife blemifhed. The firftlings were to be killed, their blood and fat brought to the Altar, their flefh eaten by the Prielts as is noted on Numb. 18. 57. but no blc- mifhed thing might come to the Altar, by the Law, in Lev. 22.18,-22. therefore not the Dra- lings that had blemifh on them. 22 Ver. 22. Thou fiait eat it] fpeaking to the Prieft, to whom the firltlings were given for their live - lyhood : fee Numb.' 8.17. within the gates] in Gteeke and Chaldee, within thj cities, that is, in any of their common habitation. a the Roe - backe] that is, as ordinary meats wherein is no holineffe. So in Deut. 52422. 23 Verf 23. thebleud] becaufe it is the foule, or life, and was for atonement oftheir foules upon the Altar , therefore no blond of bead or fowle might be eaten : fee Deuteron. r 2.23. add Levit. 17.I1,12.. CHAP. XVI. t A repetition of the Law touching the Feaff of the Paffèover , and of unleavened bread : 9 Of Woke' or 1' entecoff : 53 Of bodies or Taberna- efts. 16 Every male mutt appeare, and offer accor- ding to the gift of bis band, at theft three Feafi1. 18 Of ordaining hedges, and doing julíice. 21 Groves and Pdars are forbidden. 1 Bferve the moneth of Abib, and keepe the Paffeover unto Jehovah thy God : for in the moneth of A- i bib, Jehovah thy God brought thee forth 2 1 out of Egypt by night. And thou flialt facri- fice the Paffeover unto Jehovah thy God, of the flocke and the herd , in the place which Jehovah Thal chufe,to caufehis name to dwel 3 there.Thou (halt not eat with it any leavened bread ; feven claies fhalt thou eat with it un- leavened cakes, the bread of a$hidtion : for thou came(} forth out of the land of Egypt, in hafte; that thou-maift remember the day of thy comming forth out of the land of E- gypr,al l the dales of thy life. And there (hall 4 not be teenwith thee,any old leven in al thy coati, (even dales ; neither (hall any thing of the heft] which thou flak facrifice in the e- vening,in the firft day,remain all night,untill the morning. Thou maift not facrifice the 5 Paffeover within any of thy gates,which Je- hovah thy God giveth thee.liut at the place 6 which Jehovah thy God (hall chufe,to caufe his name to dwell, there thou fhalr facrifice the Paffover in the evening,about the going downe of the Sunne, at the feafon that thou came(} forth out of Egypt. And thou (halt 7 boil and eat,in the place which Jehovah thy God flail chufe ; and thou flualt turne in the morning,& go unto thy tents.Six daiesthou 8 flialt cat unleavened caker,and in the feventh day flea /l be a folemnaffembly unto Jehovah thy God ; thou flualt not doe any worke. Seven weeks(halt thou number unto thee, 9 from beginning (to put) the fickle into the ftanding corne , thou (halt begin to number the feven weekes. And thou (halt obfcrve to the feat} of Weekes unto Jehovah thy God, with tribute ofa voluntary offering of thine' hand,which thou flak give,according as Je- hovah thy God hath bleffed thee. And thou i 1 (halt rejoice before Jehovah thy God; thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, apd thy man - fervant,and the maid- fervant,and the Levite which is within thy gates, and the ftranger, and the fatherleffe, and the widow, which are in the midit of thee, in the place which Jehovah thy God (hall chute, to caufe his name tò dwell there. And thou (halt remem. 52 ber that thou waft a fervanrin Egypt, and thou (halt obferve and doe thefe ftatutes. Thou (haltobferve tinto thee the feaft of 13 Boothes, feven daies,when thon haft gathe- red in of thy floore,and of thy wine-preffe. And thou (halt rejoice in thy feaft;thou,and -14 thy fonne, and thy daughter, and thymaa -' fervant,& thy maid-fervant,and the Levite, and the firanger, and the fatherleffe,and the widow, which are within thy gates. Seven 15 daies (halt thou keepe a feaft untoJehovah thy God, in the place which Jehovah fháll chufe, becaufe Jehovah thy God flail bleffe thee, in all thy. revenue, and in all the worke of thinehands; and thou (halt be furely joy - full. Threetimes in a yeere flail every male r6 oftheeappeare before Jehovah thy God, in the -