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i %/ii J1a11 IIWdtAY/m eri. .441111í 17 18 r9 20 2I 32 I 2 DEIITERONOMIE' XVI. the place which hee (hall chufe , in the feaft of unleavened cakes, and in the feaft of Wtekes, and in the feaft of Boothes : and he (hall not appehre before Jehovah empty. Every man according to tl:e gift of his hand, according to the biding of Jehovah thy God, which he hath given unto thee. lts I Y D G E S and Officers (halt thou give' for thee, in all thy gates which Jehovah thy God givcth unto thee through thy tribes; and they (hall judge the people with judge- ment of juftice. Thou (halt notwren judge- ment , thou (halt not refpeît perlons , nei- ther takeagiftx for a gift will blind the eies of the wife, and'will pervert the words of the juff. Iuftice juftice (halt thou follow, that thou twill live, and inherit the land which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee. Thou (halt not plant thee a grove , any tree, neere unto the Altar Of Jehovah thy God, which thou (halt make thee. Neither (halt thou fee up a pillar, which lehovah thy God hateth. ("Innotat ions . OSleeve] Hebr. foobferve; the in efiniceput for theimperative,as is noted on Exod.13.3 Abie] which wee call March: the Greeke expoundeth it , the month e non fruits. See the notes on Exod.13.4. and keepe the Pat over] Hebr. and thou fhalt doe (or make) that is, celebrate the feaft of the Paffeover, or Sacrifice the Paffeo- ver; fo named, becaufe God puffed over the hon- ks of the Ifraelites, when he flew the firlt -borne of Egypt: In memoriall whereof,thisfealt with the rites thereof; were commanded ;fee Exod.12. and the annotations there. It was a figure of Chrif our Paffeover, and of our redemption by him,whole feaft wee are taught to keepe, a Gor. 5. 5.8. by night] at mid-night the Angell of God flew the firft borne in Egypt , then role they up, and began to take their journey, though they went not out of Egypt till the day following: fee Exoi.12.s9.3o.4r.42. Verf 3. facrifice] Or, kfU,flej: foChrifl our Pafo- ver it facrifced for us, 1 Cor.5.7. by the preaching of Chrift crucified, and (hewing of his death, we OW keepe this feaft,Gal.3,r. a Cora ' a6. th. f ook] of fheepe, or goats ; fee Exod.12.5. the herd] of Buis, or Bullocks. This differeth fromthe Pxffeover of the Lambe,which was pre- cif-0y commanded to be a young fheepe or goat of the fiat yeare, one fora company, to be eaten all of it, the Tame night, with bitter herbes, &c. Exod. r a. But this was an addition to the former, and was of fheepe or bullocks, fo many as men would voluntarily bring to the feaft; cal- led therefore by the Iewes Chagigah,. that is, the feaft- offerings as the other was called Pafebs. An example hereof wee have in 2 Cleron.3 5.7.8. &c. where many thoufands of Lambes, Kids,and Bul- locks were in Iofiahs time by him & his Nobles given for the Paffeover.Of this the Hebrewes fay; When th0 offer the Pafover in the f r ff (month) dig r it with Peace -, fe rings in the 14 day, of the herd, of of the jloeke,great or fmall , males or females , with aioy facriiees of peace : and this is called the Cbagigah ( or feat!- offering) of the .14 (d).) And of ibis it is fsid (in Dent. 16.2.) thou fir Itfacrif ce the Popover to tiré Lord thy God, of the floeke and the herd. Ma imony in Korban Pefach, chap. i o. felt. t z. tocaee[é his name to dwell] which the Greeke expoundeth bis name to bee called upon there. The Chaldee thus , to caul bi. Majeflie ( or divine prefence)to dwell river e. So in ver. 6. This was where the Tabernacle or Temple fhould be placed ; which in time was at Ierufalem , where Solomon builded the Lord an houle, s Ghron. 17. t 2. that is, builded an houle for his Name, 2 Sam. e 7 3. See altoDeut.12. V.3.Leavened bread]which fignified corruption in heart,word,or deed; as hypocrifie, maliciouf- neffe,falfe doftrine, or any other wickedneffe, or wicked perfons : fee Luke ea. 1. Matt. 16.6.12. 1 Gor. 5.7. 8.13. and the annotations on Exod. 12.15. leven dayes ] after the Pafchal Lambe, 1,0/11.23.5 .--8. fee thenotes on Exod.s s. t 5. breadof of flillion] or, breadof poverty : fo cal led,be- caufe it was a memoriall of their afllifìionin E- gypt , and of their fealty summing out from thence before their bread had time to bee leave- ned,Exod. 12.34.39. Hereupon the lfaelites u- fed , after the eating of the Pafchall Lambe, to breake a cake of unleavened bread,and the father of the family gave every man a peeve, and raid, 7bia lathe bread of of jlitïion which our fathers did eat in the !anti of Egypt , &c. as is [hewed at large in the notes on Exod. 12.8. That 'bread Chrift confe- crated to bee a memoriall to us of his afi &ions and death for our fakes , whereby his body was broken for us, a Cori inboffe]. this word implieth a trembling , and an halfy flight for feare of danger,Deut. 20.3. a Sane.4.4. 2 King.7.15. See the notes on Exod.12.1 I. Verf4. frene with thee] or , fine ( appears ) unto 4 thee. Leaven might not be eaten, nor fo much as left within their dwellings, but carefully fought out & put away before the feaft began. The man- ner of doing it,and meaning tilereot,is (hewed on Exod. 12. 15.1 9. thy coati] or, thy borders; the Greeke faith, thy walls. Leaven,niight no way bee referved for any ufe till after the Pa[feover, but was purged out the day before;and abolifhed, ei- ther burnt, or otherwife made away , as is noted on Exod 1a.15. of theft fh]the Gr. tranflateth plurally, of the f efhes; to imply the other fàcrift- ces of the feaft , as well as tit:: Pafcliall Lambe; Whereofwhatfoever was left till morning,was to bee burnt, as a polluted thing, Exod. 1 2.10. The Hebrewes explaine this Law thus . Thu fall -off¢- ring ( Chagigah) of the foterteentb ( day ) is eh (mens) liberty (tool r) but not bound. And it is eaten Pfaff for 3 Ilinignill. 111i911t443W l