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62 DEllTERO.NOMIE XL71. , f fir, two Lies and one night, like all the facrifices of fixteenth day of Nifan(or March) at which time the Magiftíates of Ifrael Pent Meffengers to reape the fheafe, the firft- fruits of Barley harveft, to wave it before the Lord : from which day pre - cifely, they were to number thefe feven week es, until! Pentecoft , which was the fiftieth day, as is (hewed more largely in the Annotations on Le- vit.23.10. i 5.16. Vert i o.Jhalt oiferve] Hebr. doe or H145, to wit, t o holy : fee the notes on Exod. 34.22. So after in verf. 13. of wec(es] fo called becaufc it was feven weekes after the bringing of the iheafe at the Paffeover : and it was fiftydayes, whereupon it is called in Greeke Pentecaff, AEt.2.1. See Levit. 23.15,16. a tribute ofasoluutary offering] or, a contribution of voluntarinef, that is, a vohtntary con- tribution of thine hand, which the Greeke tranfla- teth , at thine hand is able. The Hebrew Miffàrb (which is only found in this place) is a contributi- on, (as Mar is often nfed for a tribute:) or it is al fufftciencie, or enough : as in Deut. /5. 8. enough for his want, is by the Chaldee expoundedMifatb, the word which the Chaldee ufeth allo here. Wherefore this contribution here fpoken of is nei- ther the facrifice appointed for the feaft day in Numb. 28.27.--31. nor the two.loaves and facri- fices with them , commanded in Levit. 23. 17- 20. for thefe were not voluntary offerings , but bounded duties which might not bee omitted. But over and betide them , God here appointeth men to bring unto himvoluntarily , what they could and would. Verf.r t. fhalt réjoyee] this they were bound to ,11 doe, and it was one of the three things required of the Ifraelites at every folemne featt : fee the l notes on Exod.23. i 5. and after here on 5.14. his name]in Chaldee,bis Divine pre feroce, or /klajeffie. 12 Verf. i a. andthou fhah] and,may here imply the reafon, therefore thou fhalt abferve.For they canoe out of Egypt to keep a feat to the Lord in the wilder - neffe, Exod15.1 3. which they kept at mount Sinai, where the Law was given at this time of Peutecoli,orof Weeken, Exod. 19. 24. 5.-1 t . In memorials whereof this day was kept holy every yeare. And when they were come in- to Canaan they brought two loaves of the firft- fruits of the, ir wheat harvelt, with many facrifi- ces unto them adjoyned,d.evit.23.17.-- 2o.which increafed the folemnity. LA of all, the Law of Ghrift , was given by the Spirit in fiery tongues, to his Apofes, on this fellivall day, A&.2. Vert 13. Soothes] orTabervacie, made with the 13 boughes of trees,Lev.23 34.40. See the Annota- tions there. of thy floore,and of thy winepref]that is thy fruits,the corn wet, is threr(hed in the floor, cd2ewine preffed out of the £at:tlierforeit is cal- led the feafiofingatheriitg,an the goring out of theyeere; who tbou gatberefl in thy labors out oftbe field EX ,2 3.,6. Verf.14.rejoyce in tby feaff] this is meant both of 14 inward joy for the mercies of God,patt, prefent, & to conic by Chrift ; & of outward maititeftati- on of their joy,by facrifices ofthaukefgiving un- to God, & holy banquets ing with the poore, and mild tors of the Lord, as after loe commanded,. Vcrf. Peace- nffringt, ( Levit .7.15.16,17.) And it iaun- i awfull to leave of the fiefh of the Chagigah of the 14. day, untothe third day ; w it is laid (in Deut. i 6.4,) neither (hall ( any thing ) of the flefh , which thou .thalt facrifice in the evening, to the firfl day, remaine all night until the morning. By word of mouth wee hose learned that tb ».is a prohibition for leaving tbefiefh of the Chagigah of the fourteenth day, unto the fix- teenib day; as it it fold, unto the morning, till the morning of the fecond day. Maimony in Korb. lie - fach, chap. to. fed. 13. Of this was that pra- Etifeof the lewes inIoh.18,28. they went not into the ludgement hall , left they Should be de- filed ; but that they might eat the Pafover; mea- ning the. Chagigah ( or Feaft-offering ) of the Paffeover; for the Pafchal Lambewas caten the night before, Marke 14.12. &c. 5 Verf, 5. not fa orifice] or, not kill. thy gates] that is,as both the Greeke and Chaldee expound it, sky cities. This was a perpetuall Law for the Pafche, as the Hebrewesdeclare, tìrom this Law, thus; They Itiliner the Pafever but Mike Court,ar`the reff of the holy things : yea is the time when the high places were permitted , they facrificed not the Pafjiover in a private high place : and who fo ofereth the Paffeover in a private high place, ra beaten. For it is faid (in Deut. r 6.5.) Thou maift not facrifrce the Paffeover in any of thy gates : we hatebeene taught, that Ibis is a prohibi- tion to killit in a private high place , although it be in the time when high places are permitted.Mainiony in Kor- ban Pefach, chap./. feEt.3. 6 Verf.6. about the going down of the Sunne]that is, in the afternoon , before Sunne - Petting; for at Sunne- fetting the day ended. For the time of killing, fee the notes on Exod. t 2.6. 7 Verf.7. fball bolle] or, flab: fo the Hebrew word properly fignifieth ; and fo both the Greek and Chaldee doe tranflate it, though the Greeke addeth another word, thou fbalt bolle , and roß, and cat. Therefore this cannot be meant of the Paf- chal Lambe, which might not be boiled, but ro- lled onely, Exod. 12.8. 9. but is fpoken of the Cbagigah(or Feaft- offring)forementioned, which might be boiled if they would : and fo they pra- &i fed in Iofiahs Paffeover ; they rifted the PaJ]iover (that is, the Lambe) with fire , but the holy offerings they boiled in pots and in cauldrons, &e. 2 Chron. 35. 13, &c. unto thy tents ] that is, as the Greeke and Chaldee explain it,unto thy houfes,ordwellings. See the notes on Numb.24.5. g Veal 8. faction off mbly ] called in Hebrew Gnat- fereth, of retaining the people, or of reftraining them from worke: in Greeke, Exodion, the Out- going of the fealt : in Chalde;, an Af mbly, or Con, gregation. See Levit. 23. 36. any woke] to wit, any fervile worke, as is cxpreffed in Levit. 23. g, Numb. 28.25,butworke about dreffingmeat or drinke might be doneon the feaft dayes , but not on the Sabbath : fee the notes on Lev. 23.3.7. 9 Verf.9. Seven wecke:] or, Sevenfezens, to wit, of dayes. The Greeke addeth, Seven intirelweekes. See Levit. 23. m 5. where they are called feven Sab- baths. into the fl andmg corne] that is,from the