":41111051 ad ail 1 111" ,1111Lia DEUTERONOMIE XVI 15 Verfe r5. keeptafafF] by offering of facrifi- ces,in th.mkht(neffe to God for his bleffings up- on them and their land. lardy jyfull] or, enc- y joyful; wich fpiritnall mirth ferving the Lord. So the Apoftle faith, Rejoyee in the Lord alwayes ; A,,ine I fay rejoyce,Pbi .4.4. 16 Verfe i 6.7" love times]the times before and after mentioned ; the Paffeover, or unleavened cakes; the Fealtof Weekes,or Pentecoft ; and the Feaft ofBoothes,or Tabernacles : fee Exad.23.14 --s7 and 34.. a z, 2 3. Of the fpeciall facrifices of t hefe Feafts , See I evit. 23. and Numb. 28. and 29. chapt. bee fboll not appear.] that is , no man allied : the Greeke faith as before, than (halt not appeare;in Exod.2.3. t 5.it was faid,rbey(ball not ap- peace before me,empty. Thus here are three things required, appearing, keeping afeafl, s erfi 15. and re- jeycing,verfe 14. every of which implyed a facri- hce,as is noted on Exod.23. 1 5. 17 Verfe. '7. according to thegift ofhis band] that is, Let every man appeare with a gift (or oblation) as he is willing,and his hand can give : which the Greeke explaineth, Exery one according to theabili- city ofyour hands. D b O Here beginneth the 41 feftion of the Law: See Genef.6.9.and 28. to. t8 Verfe t8. lodger and 0(fkers] in Chaldee, lodges and Avengers. Theffe- were to judge tau- fes, and execute the judgements: the Officers are called in Hebrew Shotritn, in Greeke Gramma- t s, and Grammatoeifagageis, that is, Scribes, and as Hierom calleth them in Latinc,Maflerr. Their work was to fpeake and proclaime unto the peo- ple what they ought to doe, Daut. 20.5. -9: /of I . TO, 11. and 3. 2, 3. and as the Hebrewes generally hold,to fee good orders kcpt,lawes ex ecuted,malefa&ors punilhed,and the like. There- fore they carried rods tad weapons, to execute juftice,as Pra:tors, and Li&tors in the ancient Ro- mane Common -wealth;and as Shcriffesand Con- (tables in England. There were both Judges and Officers of all tribes,and of the Levites, t Cbron. 23. 4. The Offi:,rs ( Shotrim) bad Haves and *hipper; and ¡bey flood before the lodges, and went about in the fl Teets , and into (hops , for to boo4 to right weights and meaftres, and to fmiteaßthat did wrong: andall that they did, was by the mouth ( or commendentent) of the lodger. And in whomfoe- ver they few any fowl. matter they brought him to the Iudgement -Hell, where be war judged according tobitwickedneffè. Maimóriy in Sanhedrin, chap.'. fefi. r, fbaie thosogive] that is,fb.rlt malls' , or conjfitutc,as the Greeke tranflateth. The manlier of making them,is ¡hewed in Deut.s. 13, 15. and what manner of perfons were to be chofen,is de- clared on Exod.t8.z t. thy gates ] the Greeke , and Chaldee expound it, thy cities. But actor= ding to the bigneffcof every chie, fo they ap- pointed in 'Creel Courts of judgement : the He- brewes reckon three ; ; The great Court in the Sanftuary,called thegreatSynedrion,where they Cet feventy ( Judges) and one as in Numbs 1.1 6. &c. where feventy were added unto Moles. 2 The Court of three & twenty, of which ( they fay ) there were two about the Temple, the one at the Court -doore of the $anituary, and the o ther at the doore Of the mountaine of the Tem- ple. And in every citie of ICrael , wherein were 120. men, or moe,the letter Synedrion ( of 23.)fate in the gates of the citie. 3 A city whet - in there were not T 20 men,they let therein three Judges ; for there is no Court of beffe therrehree, as Maimony Iheweth in Sanhedrin,rb.T.fetï. 3.4. giveth unto thee] fo within their done land Ifrael had this charge,but not withóut the ferric, as when they were difperned into other nations. We are not hound ( lay they ).to coitflitrrte Iodgeineitt Halo (or Courts ) in every eountrey and in every citie, but in the land of if eel oney , &e. at it is Paid in all thy gates , which the Lord tby God giz eth moo thee.Maimo. ny iii Sanhedrin,ehap. 1. feff.2. judgement of jufljce ] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth it, Mt judgement ; which is , when there is an equal! and indifferent courfe of proceeding, when the truth of the cantle is difcerned, and when judgement palfeth according to the Law, Pfal. 82.and 58.2, 3. So Chrift faith, lodge not ac- cording to the appearance.,but judge jufl judgement, lob. 7 a4.The Hebrewes fay,that thejullice ofjudge- ntent is,an equality towards both parties, in eve- ry matter : that they let not the one fpeake Cu much as he teeth needtull,and Gay to the other,Be briefe in your fpeech : and that they thew not a friendly countenance to the one, and fpeak gent- ly to him; and frowne upon the other,and fpeak roughly unto him. That the one doe not fit,and theother fiend; but both of them ftand,or if the Jtidges *are, that they both fit; and that the one fit not on high, and the other below ; bu t one betides another.It is unlawfull for the Judge to heare the words of one of the parties before his fellow be come,or out of the pretence of his fellow : and fo the one party is to be admonish- ed that he relate not his caufe to the Judge, be- fore his fellow the other party be route, &c.Mai- mony in Sanhedrin,cb.s T. Vert 19. nor wrefl lodgement] not decline (or per - vert,turne afide ) judgement, not give any wrong judgementfor any caufe, as did Samuels fonnes, whó turned afide after lucre,and Cooke bribes, and wrefl- ed(ar perverted) judgement, 1 Sam. 8.3. See Deut. 24.1,. reflood perins ] or acknowledge fares, that is, bepartiell,refpe&ingone more than o= .her: feeLevit .i9.i9.Deut.t ;t7.Prór.24.23., talg a gii i]or,a bribe : this is repeated from Exád. 23.h.fee the annotations there. Verle 20. Íuf see jaftice]that is, all mànner ftice, and nothing but justice, exaftly, carefully and continually thou lhalt follow: the Greeke tranflateth, Jujuy that while isjeojl ft,altChoirfellow. The doubling of the word, is for more vehe- mency:Cee Deu.2, z7.and when a word is trebled, it is molt vehement,as in Ezel¿.21.27.Efay 6.3. Verfe 2l .not plant thee] or,nee plant unte thee , or, for tby feeffe : fee the like phralè in Exod. za 4. a grove] called -in Hebrew 4/herab', ofFeltci j Fffff 2 pr, {sl,///r//tatll¡ant8a9t 11 ¡mg amow' -07