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6g. ChieTe fudges. D E LU T E R O N O M I E XV I I The King, hinr,to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people ; and thou (halt put away the evil! from the midft of thee. If a matter be too hard for thee in judgment between bloud and bloud,between plea and plea, and between ftroke and ftroke, matters of controverfies within the gates ; then thou flak arife and goe up unto the place which Jehovah thy God fhal chufe. And thou (halt come unto the Priefts the Levites, and unto theJudge that fhall be in thofe.dayes ; and thou (halt enquire , and they (hall thew unto thee the word of judgement. And thou (halt doe according to the word which they (hall (hew unto thee; they ofthat place which Je: hovah (hall chufe : and thou fhah obferve to doe according to all that they informe thee. According to the Law which they (hall II teach thee, and according to the judgement which they !hall fay unto thee,thou (halt do: thoia (bait not decline fró the word weh they (hall flew unto thee , to the right hand or to the left. And the man that will be prcfump- 12 tuoufly not to hearken unto the Prieft that, ftandeth to minifter there , before Jehovah thy God, or unto the Judge, even that man (hall die; and thou (halt put away the evi). from Ifrael. And all the people (hall heare 13 and feare , and not doe prefumptuou(ly an}¡, more. When thou art come into the land which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee,and (halt 14 poffeffe ir,& dwell therein,& (halt fay,I will fet over me a King,as all the nations that are round about mee. Setting thou (halt fet o- 15 ver thee a King,whó Jehovah thy God (luau! chufe: from among thy brethren (halt thou let over thee a King; thou maift not fet over thee a man that is forreiner,which is not thy brother. But he (hall not multiply hones to 16 himfelfe, nor caufe the people to returne to Egypt,to the end to multiply horfes;for Je hovah hath Paid unto you, ye (hall not ad de , to return this way any more. Neither !hall ' 17 he multiply wives to himfelfe, that his heart turne not away;neither Thal he greatly multiply to himfelfe flyer and gold. And it (hall be when he fitteth upon the throne of his kingdome, that he (hall write for him- Idle the Copie ofthis Law in a Book,out of that which is before the Prieffs, the Levites. And it fhalbe with him, & he (hal read Cher- 19 in al the daies of his life,that hemay learn ro fear Jehovah his God, to keep all the words of this Law,and thefe Statutes, to doe them. 7 That his heart be not lifted up above his 20 brethren; . ! or lwppirefre, a bled grove : filch the Heathens Wed for the fervice of their gods,as is noted on Exod.34.13. but the Lord would not have Cuch ncerc his altar, in his Cervice : notwith(landing the Ifraelites corrupted thentfelves herewith Con- dry times,as Iudg.3.7.and 6.25., King.14.23.and 16.33.2 King. 21.3i7. and there were prophets of the groves,' King. 18. 19. For this fin God threat- ned to root up Ifrael out of the good land,which I he gave to their fathers,r King.14. t 5. The He. brews fay, He that plantetb a tree here unto the Al- tar,or in any (pire ) of the Court-yard , whether it be ' barred iree,or tree that beareth foal, although he doe itfor to adorne the Sanlluary,and beautifie it , be is to be bea- ten,Deut.l6.21 Beeaufe tisi, wee the mannerof Idola- ters , they planted trees by the Altars fede , that thepeo- ple might amble there, Maitnony treat. of Idolatry eb.6. f9, 22 VerCc22. fet thee upa pilar]or,fetup for thy felfe affatue,or ffanding image: whereof fee the annota- tions on Lev.26.1. EVCI:M27:7a27. CHAP. XVII. i The things facrii ieed to the Lord muff be unhlcmi[h- ed. 2 Idolaters are to be f encd to death, being conci- 1%dbywitneftès. 8 Hardee.*roverftes are te be de- teiminedhy the Law which the Priefis and Iudgesfhew- ed,wbicb were in the pewee that the Lord fhould chute. 12 7hceontemuer of that determination muff die. i 4 The elellion anddude oft King. 1 ^THou (halt not facrifce unto Jehovah 1 thy God,Oxeor Lambe, wherein is blcmifh,any evill thing : for that is an abomination to Jehovah thy God. 2 If there be found in the midfl of thee,in a- ny of thy gatcs,which Jehovah thy God gi- veth unto thee, man or woman , that bath done evil! in the eyes of Jehovah thy God,in 3 tranfgreffing his covenant ; And hath gone and ferved other gods, and bowed himfelfe down unto them,eirher to the Sunne , or to theMoone,orto any ofthe hoft of the hea- t vens,which I have not commanded ; And it he told thee,and thou haft heard of it , and haft inquired diligently; and behold it be a trtith,andthe thingcertaine,that this abomi- 5 nation, is done in Ifrael : Then thou (halt bring forth that man, or that woman, which have done this evil thing unto thy gates,the man, or the woman , and (halt none them 6 with flones,and they (hall die. At the mouth of two witneffes,orofthree witneffes,(hal he that is to die,be put to death' ; he (hall not be put to death at the mouth of one witneffe. The hand ofthe witneffes ¡ball be firft upon 8 9 Io t8