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66 DEUTERONOMIE ,XY lI. bens 35.1.6. 23.24. &c. Blood and blood is by four. referred to those Lewes mentioned in Levit. ' 15.1 9. and Deut. 22. 17. plea] or, judgement and judgement, caufe and caufe, as in t King.3.I6. I 7. - -28. firoke and firoke ] or, plague and plague : which the Chaldee tranflateth, plague of leprofie, and plague of leprofe: wherein there might be dit- hcnitics , that the Priefts could not ealìly judge : fee Levit. 13. And 4. chapters. But by plague or Jiecke, may alto be meant ftrokes and wounds that one man gave unto another. matters] or words ofJbjfes, that is, of difagreement among the Judges , that they could not accord in the feti- telsce of judgement, becaufe of Tome doubts and difficulties. So.theChaldeetranflatech it words (or matters) of divifnonofjudgement Iehofaphat explaineth it thus , between blood, and between Law and Commandement,Statutes and lodgements, 2 Chro. 19.1 implying all difficulties about any part of the Law whatfoever. thy gates ] in the G reeke and Chaldee,thy cities. then thou] Heb. and tloufhalt arif;fpeaking to the Iodge or Iudges, which found the. too hard for them in judgement: fo it is written of the Iudges, the bard matter they brought unto Mores , and every fmall matter they judged themfelves, Exod.18.z6. fleall chafe] to put his name, and to dwell there ; fee Deut. 12.5. This place afterward was Ierufalem , as it is raid, Moreover, in lerufalem, did Irhofaphat fit of thé Levites, and of the Friel. Is and of thech,'efe of the fa- thersof Ifrael , for the judgement of the L O RD, and I for eontroverftes, &e. 2 Chron. And there were let thrones of judgement, Pfal.I 2 1.5 . 9 Verf. 9. and :pose the judge] by and is meant or, as is opened in verf. 2. or unto the Lodge: by the lodge is underftood the high Councell or Senate of Iudges, which were of the chiefe (or heads) of the fathers of Ifael , 2 Chron. 19. 8. as they who here are called Priefis, are in verf. 12. called the P, left : and in 1 Chron. 4.42. many captaines are in the Hebrewcalled an Head. And as among the Priests one was chicle , fo among the Iudges one was Prince or Ruler, a Chron. 19.11. The He- brew records fay, When any doubt arofe in any cafe, to any one of Ifrael, hoe as ked of ehe lodgement hall (or Synedrion) that was in his citie ; if they knew, they told it him : if not, then he that enquired, together with the Synedrion or with the mefjengers thereof, went up to Ierufr.nem and enquiredof the Synedrion that was in the mountaine of the Temple ; if they knew,they told it him ; if not, then they all came to the Symdrion that was at the dooro of the Court yard(of the Temple: ) f they !new, they told it them ; and if not they all came to the Chamber of heaven (florae) to the great Synedrion, and squired, &c. Maim. tons. 4. treat. of Rebell s, c. 1. fect.4. Of the three Synedrions inlerufalem, fee the Annotations ou Numb. 11. 16. that fhall be in tho fe dayet] From hence the Hebrewes gather, that if the high ,Synedrion had judged and de- termined of a matter, as feemed right in their eyes, and after them another Synedrion rofttup, which upon reafons fe miug good unto them, difannlled the former fe stench; then it was difa- nulled, & judgement paffed according as fee:ned good unto there latter : Thus art not bound (fay they) to wake faze of er the Synedrion(or Iudges), bat are in tlyge eration ( the time wherein thou livelt.) Maim. in Rebels, e.2. C'. the word ofjudgmot] that is the matter or- fenience of judgement: which was to be according to the Law of God, v.I t. as it is laid of the Priefts, And in controze fe, they Chad (land in judgerent ; and they fhall judge it ac- cording to my judgements, Ezek.44.24. Whereupon it was alto Paid unto the Indges,Te fha/lWarnethem that they welt* not againfi the Lord, and fo wrathoomê uponyou,and uponyour brethren, z Chron. 19.10. Vert'. 10. according to the word] or according to the I o feutence of the word: Hebr. them utbof theword: fo in v. I I . all that they it forme thee] or, all that they teach thee, to wit, agreeable to Gods Law , as before is (hewed, from Ezek.44.24. And, in this fenfe,Chrift laid to thepeople of the Scribes and Pharifees; fitting in Moles that ; All what fevcr they bid you obferze, that obfrae and doe, Mat.23.2.3.which he meaneth not of their owne traditions , but of their doctrine according-to Mofesfor when they taught , for dotlrines the commandements of men, bee both reproved them himlclfe,and willed his Dis ciples to let them alone, as blind leaders of the blind, Matt.1 5.1.2: -14. and charged them to beware of the leaven of the Pharifèes andSaddaces, that is, their do/Irine, Matth. 16. 6.12. Here therefore the He- brew do &ors have [tumbled at the Law , whiles I from this Scripture they would eltablifh not on- I ly the written Law of God, but the Law by word of mouth, (or,by tradition) the foundation whereof they make the high Synedrion which was in le- rufalem : from whore judgement they held it not lawfull to decline. Maim. in Rebels, chap.'. Verf. t s. According to the Law] or, according to the II moots (that is, the fentenco, do£irine or commandement) of the Law. not decline from the word] or, not turneafelefrom. The commandement todoe, and the prohibition not to decline, jeyned together in this Law , doe (hew the weight thereot: the naming of the Lam, lodgement, and Word -, which the Priefts and Iudges should teach , (heweth the rule of right judgement to bee given of God in his Law, IoC 1.y, Deut . 5.32.33. Ezek. 44.24. from which when the Priefts departed, the Lord made them contemptible and bate lefaseall the ptople,' Mal.2q.8.9. Vert: 12. the man that will de prefsemptuorJy] or, I2 inprefumpt ion , proudly; as the Greeketranllatech, in pride; the Chaldee, inwiclpdneff. Itisoppo- fed unto ignorance and erronr, Exod.21.13 14. By the man here leemeth to bee meant either pri- vate perfon,or inferiour ludge,that proudly di C- obeyed the fentence of the higheflCouncell ; but the Hebrewes referre it chiefly to the Rebellious Elder, or Iudge : and whereas they brought their owne traditions (or law by word of mouth) within the compa(fe of the Law to be taught,(as' is noted on except the Sadduces whit II I had been from their youth trained rap in their fa- thers opinions,and never received the traditions of the Pharifees ; that filch were not to this Law, for not obeying the doctrine which the