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s`'-v-nh, DEIITSRONOMIE XVII. 67 horfes, left hee lhould put confidence in worldly ltrength whereof bodes were the principal) , as appeareth by'Pfì Deit.2o.1. t. to Egypt] in which land were many hortès, which they accounted the ftrennth of their coun- trey, z Chron. t. 16. and 9. 28. whereupon it is Paid, Woe to them that got dowse to Egypt for belle, and flay on horfer, b:. El ay 31.1. not adde to re- tame] that is , not againe returne, either for the caufèaforefaid, or for to dwell there , becaufeof their great idolatries, and other Mines, whereby Gods people might bee corrupted. Só Jeremy from the Lord diflwaded the lewes from going into Egypt, Ier. 42. I 0. 14. 16. 17. &c: The He- brewes lay , It is lawfuli to dwell in all infix world, fave is the land of Egypt t but it it lawful! to return to the land of Egypt for merebandife,&c. Matnsony treat. of Kings, chap.5.lèct.7,8. Vert 17. multiply wives] take many wives ; the Hebrewes and louse Ghriltians underhand this prohibition of exceeding many, as Solomon had (even bundred,t King.' r.3. and not that moe wives than one are here forbiddendlut howfoever God bare with the Kings, Patriarkes , and other men that had moe wives than one and that this cu- ftome prevailed , yet from the beginning it was not fo, when hee made but two tobee one Beth, Gen.2.z4.Matt. t 9.56 Mal. 2.1 4.15. that hit heart turne not away] or, neither pall his heart turn away, to wit, from the Lord, unto the pleafures of lifc,or unto other gods, by means of many wives : as of Solomon it is Paid, His wives turned away his heart after othergeds,andhit heart mac not per - fell with the Lord bis God, s. King. z1.4. Although bit mother taught him better, laying , Give not shy firength unto women, nor tby sayer to that which clefiroy- eth Kings, Prov.3 1.I.3. greatly multiply] or,vehe- mently (exceedingly ) multiply flyer and g ld : whit h is another ticeane whereby the heart may bee withdrawne from God; for when nien bee rich and fidl, they are in danger to deny and fay ,Wie is the Lord? Prov.3 o.8.9, and they cannot fume Cod and Mammon, Matth.6.24. the care of ibis morld,and the deceitfulnefe of riches choke the ward of God,. Mat. 13.22. and they that will be rich fall into tentation, and afetare, and into many fiolifh andhurtful! btfis, which drowse men in deffruciiors and perdition, tTinsothy 6.9. Verf. 58. when bee fttteth upon the throne ] that is, 18 when hee is King : fee the notes on Exodus 11.5. the copie of this Law]the Greekc tran- flatech it , this Deuteronomie. The Hebrewes have recorded thus ; When the King pleb upon the, throne of his ltingdome , be is to write him the booke of the Law for bitnfelfe, over and befrde the booke which is - left bim of bis fathers, be. If his have left bim none, or, if that be laff, bee is to write him ewe booker - of the Law; theme be is to refers e in bis hoof ,' for f bee is commanded Of every one of Ifael; the other is not to depart from before ¿rim. If be gee out to war, it (peril) with him ; if he fit in judgement , it is to be with him, be. Maimony treatifè of Kings', chap. 3. felt r. before the Priefls]the originali booke ofthe Law was kept in the Sanctuary , as appeareth by Dent, the high Court taught by tradition: as alto from this word , refill doe, they teach that the rebellions Elder was not guilty of death for holding in judgement contrary to the decree of the high Synedrion,or for teat hingOthers to to hold, un- lefle hee teach them tr doe the thing, or doe it him - felf. Yet though hee were free from death , the Magiltrates might beat him, or otherwife punifn him. Main. in Rebel. chap. 3. left. t. &c. the Priefl] that is, the Prieflr, as in v. 9. tor, by their mouth every cvntrm:er fe,and every flro1 e was to be try - ed,Deut.21.5. flandeth to minifle ]lo in Ez44. 24.inrotmoverfe thyfbalRandin 'judgement : fee the notes on Deut. t o.8. there before Iehovah] or there unto Iebovah,as inDeut.2 t.5. the Greek tran- flateth , in tbename of the Lord. or unto the Judge] that is, the Iudger,as is noted on ver.9. And by this difiunaive Or the Iudgesare diftinguilh ed from the Melts forcmentioned. Pad die] themanner of his death,'the Hebrewes fay, was Itrangling; and they that put him todeath were the chicle Iudges. When trtoneit come (and teltihe) that he bath done according so bis teaching, or, that he bath taught others to doe it , they determine his festonee of death, in the judgement ball that is in bit Citie, and only him and carry him upfrone hence t Ierufalcm. And they put him not to death in the Iiidgement hall, that it in his I citie, &c. but carry bim up to the high Synedrien in Ieret- falem, and keepe him until! the f f , and fl rangle him at the feaft , at it is laid, and all the people (hall heare and feare, &c. Maimony in Rebels, chap.3. fe &.8. See allo the notes onDent.t3,1t. the evil!] the evill doer, as the Chaldeeexplaineth it, agreeable allo to theGreeke : fee Dent.' 3.5. 14 Verf. 14. and (halt ft'] that is, if thou flap fay, I will fit over mee a King: Thus God, who had let Judges over his people, permitteth them allo to havea king if they taw it fo meet, and would, and Ihould doe this tiling after an holy and or- derly manner. But when they fought it amiffe,it difpleafed theLord, t Sam. 12.12. t y. 19. Them God gave them a King in his an- ger, and tooke hint away in his wrath, Holen, 13.11. Is Verli S. Setting thou [bah fit] that is, thou fhalt in any wife fit : thus bindeth hee them to doe this thing, according to the rules here given,both for the good of their Common - wealth and Church, and for a figure of Ghrift,to whom the kingdome of Ifrael did belong, hay 32.1. Zach. 9.9. Luke 1.31.32 33. thy God fhallchufe] either by the minilleryof his Prophets, as by Samuel hee a- nointed Saui,t Sant. t o. t.andDavid,' Sans.' 6.1. by Abijah, he chofe leroboam, t'King.11.29.31. 35. or by other meahes , as by Vrim and Thum: mint' by Lot, or the like. thy brethren]in this Chrili was figured, as alto in his other functions of Prophetic and Prielthood ; for fo it is writ- ten , lehovab thy God will rail up unto thee a Prophet from the mirkhefi of thee, of thy brethren, Deut. c8.15. And, in all things it belovedhim to be made like unto his brethren, that bee might be a merciful! and faithfuUbigb Prieff, &c. Heb.a.t7. S61 Verf, 1 6. not multiply for fur ] not get him many {//.IisllViagininsmi manntfiAm'