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h8 DEüTERONOMIE Deut.31. 26. 2 King. 22.8. out of that was the Kings copie to bee written,that it might be per- felt. 19 Verf r 9. it foal be. with him] in all places whi- ther he went , bee carried this copie of the Law with hint , as before is noted : So God faid unto Iofita. Thit book¢ of the Lam fhall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou (hark meditate therein day and night, &c. Iof. 1.8. This David did, as appeareth by Pfal.119.16.2497,98,99, &c. learne to feare] under this namefeare , not only the inward reve- rence, but the outward worthip and fervice of God is alto impligd , even all true Religion : as that which is written,their fearre torrardr me i, taught by the precept of men Efay 29.13. is expounded by our Saviour, In vaine they worfhip me, teaching do- Urines the precepto of men, Matt.15.9. 20 Vert 20. not liftedup above bit brethren] becaufe the honour of the Kingwas great,and all were to obey him in the Lord, Iof., .16.17.18. Eerier. 8. 2.3.4. Rom. 13.1. therefore hee is warned to Thun pride, and loftine(íeof heart; whereupon David faid, Lord my heart it not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty, &c. Pfal. 131.1,2. The contrary was found l i Nebuchadnezzar,to whom the moll high God gave a kingdom , and majefiie, and glory, and honour : but when his heart war lifted up , and bit mind hardened in pride, bee woo depofdfrom biokingly throne , and they Cooke hit glory from him,Dan.5. i 8. z o.The Hebrewes fay At the Scripture giveth great honour to the King, and every one it bound to honour him ; fit commanded) him , that hit heart bee humble within him, and woun- ded, at it is faid (in Pfal. 1 09,22.) My heart is woun- ded within mee. And hee may not carry himfelfe with pride of heart in Ifrael, more than it meet, Deuo17.20. but mull be gracious and pittiful", both to little andgreat ; and goe out and come in for their pleafure and for their good, and base regard of the honour of the fmalleff: And when bec fpealo,eth unto all the congregation in general" words , bee fbouldfpeakegently, at it is faid (by David, in 1 Ghron.28.2.) More me my brethren, and my peo- ple. It it a. faid (in I King. 12.7.) If thou wilt be a foevant unto this people tbit day, lrc. And he muff al- mayesnfeexceeding meelopuef : wee have bad nette grea- ter than our mailer Moles , yet he faid , And what are wee your murmurings are not again((ue (Exod. 16. 8.) And he bare their cumbrance , and their burden, and their murmurings, and their indignation, as merf,ng fa- ther beareth the fuel<,ag chikkrit m.11.12.)The Scrip- ture ealletb hima Shepherd to feed Iaeob his firvant: and the manner of a fhepberd is expreffed (in Efay 40.11.) gee Tial lfeedbitfl ocke likeafbepherd,heelballgatherthe lambes with his arm¢, and carry them in his bafome, &c. Maimony treatife of Kings, chap.z. fe &.6. CHAP. XVIII. I ThePriefis and Levites bate no inheritame , but the Lord.. 3 The Priells due from the people. 6 The Levites partions. 9 The abominations (the nnlawfrell arts) of the nations are to be avoyded. 15 ./1 Prophet ùpromifèd, whom Ifrael beare 20 The prefump- tuoua Prophet is to die. THe Priefts, the Levites , all the I tribe of Levi (hall have no part nor inheritance with Ifrael : the fire -offe- rings of Jehovah, and his inheritance, (hall they eat. And hee flail have noinheritance among his brethren : Jehovah. hee is his in- heritance, as he bath fpoken unto him. And 3 this,fhall be the Priefts due from the people, from them that flay a flanghter (of any . beaffs) whether Oxc or Sheepe, that he (hall give unto the Prieft the (boulder, and the two cheeks and the maw. The firft fruits of thy corne,of thine wine,and of thy new oyle , and the firlt of the fleece of thy (beep (halt thou give unto him. For Jehovah thy God hath chofen him out of all thy tribes, to (land to minifter in the name of Jehovah, him and his fonnes all dayes. And if a Levite (ball come from any one of thy gates, out ofall Ifrael, where hee fo- journed; and Mall come with al thedefire of his Tonle, unto the place which Jehovah (ha chufe ; Then hee flail minifter in the name of,Jehovah his God, as all his brethren the Levites that Rand there before Jehovah: Theyfhall eat portion like portion, betide hisfales, by his fathers. When thou art come into the land which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee, thou (halt not learne to doe afrer the abominati- ons of thofe nations. There (hall not bee found in thee any that makethiiis fonne or his daughter to paffe thorowthe fire; a divi- ner of divinations,an obferver of times, or an obferver of fortunes,ora witch. Or one that charmeth a charme, or that askeh of a familiar fpirit, or a wizard, or that feeketh unto the dead. For every one that Both there things , is an abomination unto Jeho- vah: and becaufc of thefeabominations,Je- hovah thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou fhalt bee perfeû with Jehovah thy God. For there nations which thou fZalt poffell'e, hearkned untoobfervers of times, and unto diviners: but are fir thee, Jehovah thy God hath not fuffered thee fo. Jehovah I S thy God will raife up unto thee a Prophet, from the middeft of thee, of thy brethren, like unto mee : unto him yee (hall hearken. According is all that thou askeditof Je- 16 hovah thy God in Horeb, in the day of the affembly,faying, Let me not heave again the voice 2 4 S 6 7 8 9 Io II I2 13 14