tlat tit.11.1 JadtM DETITERONOMIE XVIt.w aoyceofjchovah my God ; and this great fire let me not fee any more , that h die not. 17 And Jehovah fain unto me, They have 18 well j vken that which they have fpoken. A Prophet will 1 raife up unto them from a- mong their brethren, like unto thee : and I will give my words in his mouth , and bee fhall fpeake unto them all that I Ihall corn- 19 mand him. And it (hall bee , that the man which will not hearken unto my words, which he (hall fpeake in my name, I will re- 20 quire it of him. But the Prophet whiçh Ihall prefume to fpeake a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to fpeak, and bee that (hall fpeake in the nave other z z gods , that Prophet f call even die. And if thou (halt fay in thine heart, J-low fhall wee know the word which Jehovah bath not z a fpoken That which a Prophet (hall fpeake in the Name of Jehovah, and the thing bee not,neither come (tes paffe i that it the word which Jehovah bath not fpoken, the Pro- phet bath it in prefumption , thou (halt not be afraid of him, I vinnotatians. IV O part] or, no portion, namely in the fpoyles 111 taken from the enemies : which would have been a great portion,as appeareth by lof 22. 8. So the Hebrewes expound it,Nopart in theoyle, nor inheritance in the land.Maimony tom.3. treat, of the Releafe and Jubilee, eh. i ;. feei!. 10. See the notes on Num. 18.20. nor inheritance] in the land of Canaan , which was divided among the other tribes, Numb. vb. 2, -- 53.57 Butbccaufe the Levites were adjoyned to the Prielts for the Cervice ofthe Lord and his Church, Num.18. r,2. &e.therefore God would not have them cumbred with the affaires of this life, left by thens they Ihould be hindred from doing their dutic,as it is written,No man that warreth, mtanglah hi atf f with the affaires of this life, that be may pleafe him who batbcbofen him to be afuldier, 2 Timotb.3.4. See alto Deue. 10.8,9. So the Hebrewes fay, Where- fore war not Levi aunted meet to have inheritance in the land of If eel, or fpoyles with bit brethren ? Be- eaule be was (peratedto fine the Lord, and to in- berit,him, and to teach bit firaitwayeo, and his juft judgements unto mom', Dem. 33. to. 2 berefre war he feparated from the wages of the world : they wage not warre as doe the ruff of I/reel, neither doe they in- herite, nor erne for themfelvee with flrcngth of their bodies ; but they are the Lords power (et *fiance ) a it it written (in Deus, 3 3. r r.) BLESSE LORD HIS POWER: and the bleffed(God) him ree!f earned, f r them; ae it is written (in Numb, 18.200 I am thy part and thine inheritanee.Maimony treat.of the Releafe and Jubilee,c,r3.fr2. fre- 69 efferingr]which were to be offered on the Altar by tire, as theMeat- offering, Sinne- firing, and Tref- pafe- offering of every man,Ntamb.18.9. and bis inherit ana] that is, all other things which be- ing the Lords right by his Law, he loath given to the Prielts and Levitcs. Of thefè,fee the notes on Numb.18. where foute and twenty gifts were be- llowed on the Pricks, all expreffed in the Law, The Greek referceth is to the fermer, Paying, the burnt offerings of the Lord fhalbe their inheritance. Verf 2. and be ] that is, Levi, put for all the Levites and Meth of that tribe : fo in Male. z. tp oken Lento him] in Nom, r 8.20. and other places.Herein God promifeth to thofe that feare him,his minikers, 1 Cor,19. 13, 14. and all his people, to be their inheritance, that is to releeve them,and fupply all their wants out of the ri- ches of his grace,2 Cor.9.8.So the Hebrewes here fay ; Not the tribe of Levi only, but every particular man of all that ramez into the world, whofi //Uric maketh him willing, and giveth him underflanding with know- ledge to feparate him fefe, to (land before the Lard, to mini fier unto him, and ;clime him, to heron ibe Lord, andwalke aright, as God did make him ; and that bee betake from If bis neck the yoake of many inventi. ono which thé fìnres of Adam have fought out (Te- slef, 7. 29. ) behold this man fantiifeth himfelfe holy of botes , and the Lord will be bit part and bis inhe- ritance for ever, andfor ever and ever ; and will weds. fate unto himin toit world the things that fhallbe ftffei eat for him, even at bee did voucbfafe mate the Priefis the Levites. Behold David faith (in Pfaime 16. 5,) The LP R Dit theportion efmypart and of my cup, thoufuflainefi my Lot. Maimony in the Releafe and,Jubilee,cb, r 3. f13. Vert 3. the Prief rdue ] Hebr. the judgement (or right) oftbePriefis : which the Chaldce expound - eth due unto the Priefls; and fo the word judgement is elfewhere ufed for dutie, Pfalm. 81. 5. flay a ffaugbter] that is,kill any beak for common food. The original( word generally fignifieth no more than to kil a beak(as is noted on Gen.3r.54.) and in fpeciall, to kill for Ccrifice unto God. But the large meaning is here to be chofen;for it agreetir not with the former lawes in Leviticus touching f crilices,that the Melts fhould have the cheeks, &c. and the generali expofition of the Hebrewes is,t hat this is meant of conmton meats. oxe er fheep]implyine(goats alfo;for that is ukrally com- prehended under the name fbeepe or lambe, that het] or,andbe,that is,every one of the people fhall give. give unto the Prieft. ] Heereupon thefe are called Gifts. Of them the Hebrewes write; Ir ü usmmaonded to give of every dram Beaf that it kilkd, unto the Prieft, the fhoulder, and the tiro cheko, and the maw,(Deuteronomie 18. 3.) and theft ine* veryplace are called Gifts. And this Commandement is in ufe continually, whether when there ira Tempe, or not ; and in every plue , whether within the land ( of Ifrael) or without it : and it is to be of eommon( doings ) teat of things fanilifed. If it bee doubtful! whether (the heafi ) bec a frfflirog, theftgofo muff bee given out of is : if it bee a frfllitte,tbai is al! the Priefis (Num- bers 18.¡ 5.) and if it bee not a f rflling, thefe gifts are 2 3