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70 out of it ) for the Prieft. Gifts are due of none but , clean heals only, as it is fetid, WHETHER O X E OR S H E E P E, tic. whether st bee killed for mans: meat , or for lofted infidels, or dogs , or for me- dicine, theft gifts are due of rt. If a Profelyte have a beafl frilled, if it were before be was joyned, he is flee; if after bee were_joyned, be is bound (to give theft grfs.) In a place where no Priefts be , they may prize the gifts and eat them, and give the ptice to any Prieft that they will. If hee will give theft gifts to one Prieft bee may ; or if bee will divide them, he may not give baffe themaw to one, orhalfe the "boulder but the fhoulekrto one , and the maw to another i and the cbeekeeo to them both, [that X, to each of then: one.] If a Frill willfell bi gifts,bce may, or give them to an Infidel' , &c. for there is m190- line in them at all. The Prieft may not violently take the gifts, nor aske them with his mouth ; bpt be receives them when they are given him , with honour, &e. Mai- mony in Biccurim (orlrfl fruits) chap. 9. fee1.1. &c. thefhoulder (faith Maimony,ibidem felt. 18.) and they may not plueke off the wool' , or flay them, but give them with their skim and with their wooll. 4 VerC4. The fir( fruits] of theCe,Cee the Anno- tations on Exod.22.29. and Numb.18.12, Theft were called by the Hebrewes, the heave-of- ring and it was to be given(they (ay) to the Prieft, whether it were clean or unclean : though the carne or ogle were all ondeane before it was feparated , the owner was bound to karate out of it an heave-offi- ring, and give it to the Frill. If it weree/eane, the Prieft dideat it; if une /tan, they ufed it for burning, be. And whofon'er feparated the great Heave- oe- ring , or the heave- ffering of the tithe, bee blefed (God) before hee fparatedit, after the manner as bee ufed teblejpe for doing all thecommandements. Maimo- ny in Trumoth chap. 2. feet. 14. 16. Other things hereabout are noted on Numb.' 8. and Le- vit.z 2. if tije flare i Of this there is no meafure Pet by the Law ; but by the Hebrew Do- £tors, they might not give le than one of fsxy (the fixtieth part , as of otherhrft- fruits is noted on Exod.22.29.) And this is not due but in the land (cf Ifrael) as the firf iuits of the corne, and of common (beasts) not of ho .And of fheepe only ,male and female: ' for their wool' is meet for clothing. He that feepmateth the firfl of bis fleece, and it be left, is indebtcdfar afterward nntill hegive it unto the Prieft. He that faith, all my fleece be fir! fruits, bis word muff be confirmed. Who Ji hatb many fleeces of fir(- fruits, and would divide them among the Priefts , be may not give lee to every one , than the weight of five fbekelr of white wool!, enough for a little coat. Mainsony in Biccurim, Verf.5. to /land to mitrefsr. er in the name, &c.] the Greeke interpreteth it, to ßaotd before the Lord thy God , to mini! er and to ble ns the name rf the Lord. This (heweth a reafonot the fermerduty;becanfe God bad called the Pn ests from worldly affaires to Cer, e him , and to mini(ter , and tow unto his people 1pirituall things, therefore they (hould re. ye the peoples carnali things, as r Cor. 9. 11, 13. By landing is noted their manner of fernier, as is obtertedon Deut. 10.8. and their continu ance in the fame, as Pfal.i 19.91. DEUTERONOMIE Á.V Ji l. Verf 6. a Lec ite] This is fpoken generally,and 6 Co implieth either Prieft or ordinary Levite,who ferved by their condos, but might at other times come up and ferve voluntarily, & have their por- tion with their brethren. of thy gates] that is, as the Greeke and Chaldee doe translate, of thy citiet.For the Levites dwelt difperfed hi the tribes of Ifrael, Iof. 21. he fjourned] his dwelling in the cities is called a fojourning as a (tranger, for that the Priefts had no inheritance with Ifrael, nerfs, but the Iihaelites gave them (of theirin- heritance) cities to dwell in, and the fuburbs for their catteil , Numbers 35.2.3. fballctiufe] to. have his Tabernacle or Temple and publike worship there : fee Deuteronomy 16. 3. and 12.5. Verf y. (ball minsfter.] Although the Pridls and Levites miniftred in their courfes , whereintot they were diltributed, and unto which they were bound, s Chron. 24. and 25. yet if any would at other times voluntarily fe me God here allow - eth it, and their portion for their labour. But the Hebrewes expiable this with fomelimitati- ons, Paying; Mofees our mater divided the Prieft into eight wards (or charges) f ere of Eleaaar, and flute of Ithamar. And fo thy were till Samuel the Prophet : and in Samuels dayes , l'eand King David divi- dedthem into flare and twenty wards , and over every ward one head Provo(. And they Went up to Ierufa- lem. for the fervsce of the ward, every week, &e. And it is commanded that at the foimne flays, all the warder be equal/, and wbofezer of the Priels eommeth up at the feat and will ferve, bee may Jets and have a portion with them ; and thy may not fay to him, goe thy way till thy ward commetb, as it is I written (in Deut. 18. 6.) AND IF A L E- VITE SHAL COME FROM ONE! OF THE GAT ES. Whichwords are meant ofr the offerings at the feat t,&c. But cores, and voluntary offerings, and the daiy Jacrilces, none ffer them but the ward, wbofe time is appointed : yea , though it be at the feafl,asitisfaid(inDeut.188.)THEY SHAL' EAT PORTION LIKE PORTION, I BESIDES HIS SALES BY THE - F AT HERS. As if bee fboulelfay, they (hall eatFor- , tim libe portion, of thelerings of the Congregation, but have no hee portion in other things,whsch the fathers have already apportioned tbem,and appointed every ward by the wake, &c. And they account, that he fpeaketb notbut of the Friel t : for there are no gifts in the San:Tuary to eat ef, butfor the Prieft only. And fo a Prieft which barb an off ring, may come into the Sanïfuary, and offer it any day when he will, as it itfaid(Dest.18. 6. AND SHALL COME WITH AIL THE DESIRE OF HIS SOVLE and minter; yea, though be a firm-offering, or a, trefpaff-ffering, hee nfferetb it , and maketh atone- ment by bit owne hands andbath the skim of his of feting, and earetb (the fe b.) And if bee will give bla diring to any Prieft whom hee will fir to ter it, bee may give it ; and then the skin of the oblat'on , and the firvice thereof, is the Priefts only, to whom hee gaze it. Maimony treat. of the Infiruments of the San&. chap. 4. fèft.3: -6. that¡land] that is, as 7