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72' DEUTERONOMIE XVIII. wife and called to tell and interpret dreames Dan. 2.2. By Gods Law a witch might not be tiff- ' fered to live, Exod. 22.18. yet did this evill pre - vaile in Iliad, 2 Ghron.3 3.6. Ier.27.9. Ma1.3.5. The Hebrewes feeme to hold two forts of thefe witches or forcerers, Ionic that did hurt others that did hold the eyes , that is , by jugling And Heights beguiled mens fents. ddecafhfhepb (the witch) is to be pined to death, if bee doe the ail of witch- craft : but bee that holdetb the yes,and feemetk to doe that which bee dotb not , it to he beaten. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chap.! 1. fe &.15 . I I Verf..t s,cbarmethacbarme ] or,incbanteth aninchant- ment, oreonjnreth conjuration. The Hebrew Choler fignifieth conjoining or confadatinp, the Chaldee name Ratim, is on murmuring or mumbling: the Greeke Epaidon, of charming or inchanting. This Charmer is Paid to bee he that fpealetb words of a ffrange language, and without fenfe : and he in hit foohfh- ner thinketh that theft words are profitable. That if one fay _fo, or fo unto a Serpent, or a Scorpio., it cannot burr a man: and bee that faith fo and Jo to a man, bee cannot bee hurt, &e. flee that wbifpere& over a wound, or readeth averfe out of the Bible: likewife bee that readeth (moan Infant , that it may not be fiigh- red; er that layette the booke of the Law (the Bible) or the Phylalleries upon a child that it may fleepe ; filch are not only among inchanters or charmers , but of chafe that generally deny the Law (of God) be- craft they make the words of the Scripture medicine for the body, whereas they are not but medicine for the foule, at it is written (in Prov.3. 22.) They fhall be lit unto thyfoule. Maimony treat. of Idolatry, chaps 1. fe &.to,12. ofa familiar fpirit]] called in Hebrew Ob, which fignifieth a book, Iob 32.19. applied here and often to Magicians, who poffeffed with an evil! fpirit, fpeake with hollow voice as out of a bottell, and (as fome fay) with fwollen bellies : whereupon the Greeke verfson ufually calleth them Eggaflrimutboi, as fpeaking out of the belly. But the holy Ghoft in A &.16. 16. expoundeth it more fully, tbefpirit of Python (or of divination:) meaning of the Devil!, whofe anfwers Were given to the heathens by thefe means ; the chiefe whereof was called Pythiad Apollo, and his Temple Pytbion, and his feat! Pythia, kept to his honour , who was feigned to kill the ferpent Python. The manner of this Oracle the Prophet fheweth to be with an hollow low voice; as, Thy ¡peech pall be low out of the duff, and thy voice flail bee as of one that bath a familiar ÿbirit, E- fay 29.4. The Hebrewes explain it thus,that he which had a familiar fpirit, fioadandburned incenfe, and held a rod of mirtle tree in bis Hand, and waved it. And bee fpake certaine words in floret tmtill bee that inquired did bore one 1peake unto him, and an- firer him touching that which bee inquired, with words from under the earth, with a very low voice, &c. Likewife one toolda dead mono - skull, and burnt incenfe thereto , and inchanted thereby, toll bee heard a very low voice, ¢PC. Hee that did any of theft oar, was to be floned to death. Maim. in treat. of Idolatry, ch.6. fe &.t. This was Souls finne, that he fought to a womanwhich had a familiar fpirit , the voice whereof he heard , i Sam. 28. - -15. for which tranfgrefon the Lord killed him,n, and hath threatned to cut off all from among his people, that doe inquire of Tisch Levit.2o.6. ruic.asdj or cunning man ; in Hebrew, lidgnoni , fo named of his knowledge, or waning: and fo the Greek verfion in other places calleth him Goofier, of.knowledge,a Pregnoflicator: but here the Greek is Teratoskopes, hee that obferveth wonders, The Chaldeegiveth him a name of remembrance, Zecn- ru. He is ufually joyned with the former , that bath ifamiliar frrit,as in Levit. 19.3 t. and ao. 6. 2 Chron. 33.6. a Sam 28.3, and by the Law they were both of them to die, Levit. 20.27. Such were among the Egyptians , and other hea- thens, Efay 19. 3. it is likely therefore that their praCtife was alike abominable. The Hebrewes dc- fcribe him thus, that bee put in bit mouth a bone of a biro/called Iadvangh, andburned ineenfe, anddid other worker, umill be fill dowse at tortefhaese (or modefly ) and fpalle with bit mouth, things that were toco-mc to pap. Maimony treat. ofldolatry,chap,6, feft2. that feekth unto the dead]or,as the Chaldee and Greeke expound it, that inquiretb of the dead : finch we call on the Greeke name, a Necromancer. Of him they fay, that be made himfelfe hungry, and went and lodged among thegrares, that the dead might come un- to him in a dream,, and make knower unto him that which bee asked of him. And others there were that dad thymfelves withelathes for that purpofe,and fpake certaine t Words, and burned ineenfe for the purpofe, and J/ept by themfelvet , that inch a deadper fort might came and talb`e with them in a dreame.Maim. in treat, of Idolatry, chap.11. fe &.13. Vert. 13. perfilt with Iebovab] that is, in faith 13 and love feeke unto him onely ; and as hee cloth, fo abhorre thou all luchwicked perfons.Perf Ilion (or Sinceritie , Integritie) refpe&eth our upright' converfation in body and mind , as is ndted on Gen.6.9. and to be perfef with the Lord,is expoun dedin Greeke , before the Lord; and theChaldee faith, in the farre of the Lord: but our Saviourmore fully openeth it ; Be yee perfeli , even as year Father which is inhumes is perfei, Matt.5.48, Vert 14. net fu, fn ed thee ] Hebr, not given thee : 14 but path taught thee better by his Law (which the other nations want, Pfalm. 147. 19.20.) and will more fully informethee by the Propbet,whorn he will raife up unto thee, v. t 5. So in a&. 14.16. God in times pallliittered all nations to walke in their', orate wages. Vert 17. a Prophet] fo }tamed of the Grceke 15 Prophets, which lignifieth a foreteller ; in Hebrew Nabi, of uttering and interpreting the oracles of God ; as Aaron was Mofes Prtpber, that is, Inter- preter, Exod. 7. 1. and of teeing vifions of God, luch a nian was called a Seer, 1 Sam.9.9. Voto all . the former Diviners, Wizzards, Charmers, &c. railed up to the heathens of the devil Motes here oppofeth one Prophet to bee railed cep unto ICrael of God; and this was (Thrift railed up nuts' the Iewes, as Peter applieth it, laying; Mots faid unto the Fathers, A Prophet will the Lord you Gad rail up unto you , &e. Joe are the children of -the Prophets and