DELITERONOMIE XVIII, and ,f the Covenant , &c. Onro you ferff trod baying railed up bia Son Iefut, fent him to bleffèyou, in turning away very one ofyori torn his iniquities, AE1.3 223-26. ofthj brethren] Chrilt was to be a man, and of the stock of the Jewes by promife, becaufe the people could not indure to heare the coke I of God, voile 16.and as is in rcfpeft of his Pro - phefie, fo of the Priefthood ; For ezery high Friel} is taken from among men, Heb.5.1, and of his king- dome, as in Deuterononíie 17. 15. from among tby brethren (halt thou fet a King over thee. like un- tome] it is raid , 7berearofenót a Prophet in Ifrael like unto Mofes, wham the Lord ltrewface to fate in all the fstnes and wonders which the Lord fens him to doe, &e. Deuteronomie 34.10,11,12. This therefore cannot beundedtood oftheordinarie Prophets, which were raifed tap in Iliad, , but ofChriltone- ly, as the Apoftles doe expound it, A&s 3.22,-26. And Chrilt was like unto Motet, inrelpe& of his I office of mediation between God and his people, Dent. 5.5. 1 Tim. 2.1. but greater than lldo(ci, is being the Mediator of a better Covenant (or T ffa- ment) which war effablished upon better promifes, Heb. 8.6. Like him in excellencie; for as Mop., excel- led all the Prophets, in fpcaking withGod mouth en mouth, Numb.12.6,7,8. fo Chad excelled him and all men , in that being in the bo f me of the Fa- ther, he hath come dowse from heaven, and decla- red God unto us, John 1.18. andS13. Like him in faithfulneffe, but therein allo telling: for Mofes was faithfull in Gods houle ar a fervant, but Chrift as the Son over hie ovine houfe, Heb. 3. 2, 5,6. And like him in figues and wonders, wherein he alto excelled Mofes, as the hiltorie of the Golpel fheweth : for , he was a Prophet :nightie in deed and word, before Goland all the people, Luke 24.19. a man approved of God among them, by miracles, wonders, and fignes, which God did by him, in the midft ofthem, A&. 2.22. for he did among theirs the worker which none other man did, John 15.24. unto him] that is, not unto the Diviners, Wizzards, or any such like, but unto him, and him onely; as, him thou fbalt ferié, Deuteron. 6. 13. Is expounded, him only, Mat.4.1 o. And though this is principally meant of Chrilts person , ot'whomGod laid beare him, Mat. 17.5. yet it implieth alto his Minifters, as himfelfe laid, Fie that heareth you bearetb mee, Luke lo. 16. 16 Verse 16. $,reb] a mountain called alto Sinai, Exod.19. where the Law was given, Dent.5.z. of the aflèmbly] or,ofthe Church, when all Ifrael were atfembled to heare the Law, Exod. 19.9, 1 o, &e, not heare again] Hebrew, not adde se hare : fee Exo. 20.19. where thepeople requested Mofs to fpeake with them , and not God. of Iebovah] the Chaldee tranflateth it,of the wordofthe LORD. that )die nos] or,and let me not die; as the Greek tranflateth, neither let MI die. 17' Verle 17. bave well fpokeh] or, bave done well in fpcaking. The Greeke faith, Rightly (or Well) all that they have spoken. Although their fpeech proceeded from the Spirit of bondage and feare, nnanifefted in then by the worke of the Law in their confclences,Rom.8,15. & they defired not 73 Chrilt, but Mofes to fpeake unto them ; yet as the Law war a Schoolmafler to bade then[ unto Cbriff, Galathians 3.24. lò God tooke occafion hereby to preach and promife Ghrift unto them; who is here not only in stead of all Diviners and Soot h- layers, but in stead of Mofes himfelfe, who was theMinifter of thelaw,which worke,th wratb,Ron: 4. 15. and was the miniffration ofdeath, 2 Cor.3 . But Cbriff bath redeemed so from the curf thud, Gal. 3. 13. and is here promïred as a Prophet lent to blere us, AEI. 3.26. for the Law wagiven by Mofes, but grace and:rutb came by7efur Chrift, Joh.1 .17. Verle i 8. A Prophet] meaning Chrift himfelfe, 18 the interpreter and declarer of the word of God, as verfc 15. of whom the multitude Paid, Ibis u 'Tut the Prophet, Matth. 21. t1. raifè up] this allo the peopleconfirmed, laying, Agreat Prophet rjfen up among)) us, Luke 7. 16. will give] that is, will put and ftablifh, as the word given, t Chron. r 7. z z. is the fame that eff?blifbed, 2 Sam, 7.24. The Chaldec expoundeth ir, I will give my words of prepbefae. Accordingly Chrilt raid to his Father, I have given unto them the words which thou gavefi me, Joh. 17.8. bit mouth] to lignifie this , Chrift appeared with a fharpe two-edged fword, proceeding out of bit mouth, Revel. a. 16. which figured the fword of the Spirit, the word of God, Ephef.6.17. for God had made his mouth like afhaqm foord , Efay 49. 2. therewith be fmote his enemies : and for the comforts wherewithhe re- fretheth his people , his lips are likened to lilies dropping freeer fineuing myrrh, Song. 5. 13. all that I (ball command] This Chrilt did in his owne perron, as he raid, I fpeaknot of my fil, but she Fa- fiber whichfens me, bee gave me a commandement what I fbould fay, and what I fd ouldfpealre ; and Iknow that hie commandement it 1 fe everlaff ing: whatCarver I fpeake therefore , even ar the Father laid unte me, fo I fpeak, I011.12.49.50. and , AU things that Lbave beard of my Father, I have made known =rayon, I6h. 15. s 5. He did and Both it allò by his Miniftcrs ; for as he gave his Apottles the words which the Father had given him, Ioh.17.8. fo the things which they fpake and wrote, were the commandments of the Lord, 1 Cor. 24.37. and hee requireth of all, that If any man fpeake, it should be as the oracles of God, Pet.4.11. Verf.19. my words] God here acknowledgeth the words to be his owns, which Chrift should fpeake5as himfelfe alto raid, My da/irine is not mine, but bit that fens me, Ioh. 7. 16. And whereas Pro= phets used to thew fignes and wonders,Deu.13. i. 2. though Chrift did many firch,A &.2. a a.yee are they not here mentioned,becaule the word &gospel of Chrifl is the power of Godunto falvation, Ro. 1. ; 6. and his commandement irlifeeserlaffing, Ioh. 12.5o. and Chrilts name is called the word of God, Revel. 19.13. Ioh.1.1. and the word (rather than won- ders) was that wch the ancient Iewes exppefted by Chrift, as their laterwriters do witnelle, laying, Let it not come up into thy mind, that [fie k CIiriff net - deth to doe fignes & wonders; the thing ie not f: for behold Rabbi Akibab Was agreat wit man ofthe wife men ofthe 7almrid; & be was armorvbearer to Ben Coaiba the king, Ggege.' wbol 19 ,Wo 'iliNEaMssr1N11112111