7+ DEUTERONOMIE XVIII. w:io war thought to be the king Chrifl. And both he and all the wif men of his age fuppofed that be had beene Cbrifl the King, untill he was killed for bis iniquities : when he was kiled, they knew he was not fo. And the wf men asked not of him any fogne or wonder. Maim. in treat. of Kings, ch.t f. fe&.3. Howbeit, when the true Christ was indeed conte, that wicked and adaherot a generation fought after a fgne Matth. r 6. 14. and 12. 38, 39, and except they taw l fines andwonders, they would not beleeve, Joh.4.48 ! and though he did many miracles before them, yet they beleevednot in him,Joh.12.37. He cane in his Fathers name, and they received him not; another (as Ben Coziba) came in his ownc name, and him they received, Joh. 5.43. 1 will require it] towit, by punifhment, for fo requiring often fignifieth, Gen.9.5. & 42.22. and fo the Gr. here tranflateth, I will take vengeance on him ; and the A- ponte expoundeth it thus, eve) feule which will not beam that Prophet , (hall be deflroedfrom among thepeo- ple, Ai s 3.23. TheChaldec tranilateth, My Word fall require it of him. And the Hebrew Do&ors fo explaine there words, He that tranfgrefthagainft his words, is guiltie of death by the hand ofGod; ar it is written (in Deut. t 8.) I will require it of him. Maim. in Iefude batorah, ch. 9. feet. 2. This was fulfilled upon the Jewes, who would not hearken to the words of Chrift, therefore he deftroyed the Ci- tie and the Sanfuarie,as was prophefied, Dan,9. 26.The enemies laid it even with the ground,and the children thereofwithin it : and they left not therein one none upon another,becaufe the knew Inot the time of her vifitation,Luk. t 9.44. So they died in their fins, Joh.8.a4. and wrath came up- them, to the uttermoft, r Thefz.16. t o Verfe 20. (ball prefume] TheGreek and Chaldee expound it, (ball doe ungodlily and wickedly. not commanded] of this tin the falfe Prophets in Ifrael were commonly guilty , and for it reproved ; as, T hey have feenevanitie, and lying divination, /'aging, T he Lord faith ; and the Lord bath not few them, Ezekiel 13.6. and, I bave not font them, faith the Lord,yet they prophefte a lie in my name , Jeremie 27.15. And ;of this the Hebrews fay, The falfe Prophet is to be Jirangled to death ,. although he prophefie in the name of the Lord, and neither addethnor ditninifbeth, (Deute- ronomie 18. 20.) Whether he prophefietb that which be bath not beard by Propheticall vifiox, or who fo bath heard tbt words of his fellow Prophet, andfaith that this word was Paid unto him, and he propheftetb thereby; loe, he is afalfe Prophet, andit to be flrengkd to death. Mai- mmy treat. of Idolatrie , chapter 5. feítion 7, 8. ' of other gods] as they that propbefeed by Baal, Jeremie 2. 8. and 23. 13. The Hebrews declare it thus; The Prophet that ypropheftetb in the name of an Idoli, at be that faith, racle an Idoli, or fuck a Starre (aid unto me that we are commanded to doe this or that, or not to doe it , though it be to pronounce that unclean which is unclean, Or'tbat chane which is dean, &c. be is to be flrangledto death, &c. And it is unlawful/ toaskeofhim a fgne or a wonder, and if be doe any ofbimfelfe, they may not reeard bun 5 and who fo fuppnfth of bis figues, that peradventure they may be true, tranfgreffetb this prohibi- tion, ( Deuteronomie ;3. 3.) Thou fhalt not hearken unto the words of that Prophet. Maim. treat. of Ido- larrie chap. 5. left. 6,7 . (hall even die] that is, (hall be put to death by the Maginrate, and his judgement is to beffrangled, as before is no- ted. For which ftrangling, they afterward (as under the Romans) ufed Crucifying. And the Hebrews fay , They judged not either a (whole)Tribe, or a fail Prophet, or the high Priefl, but by the mouth of the Synedrion of71. Lodges. Thalmud Babyl. in San- hedrin, chapter s. This high Synedrion was af- ter in Ierufalem ; hereupon our Saviour laid, Ie carom be that a Prophet perifh out of Jerufalem: and 0 Jertefalem, Jerusalem, which k ieië the Prophets, &c. Luke 33. 33,34. Verfe zz. That which] in Greeke, Whatfoever 22 things : meaning ofpredibtions foretelling things to come. For touching matters of faith, and of the worship of God, the people were to hold un- to the written Law ;,againit which if any Pro- phet did teach, and give a fgne or wonder which came to paffe, yet they were not to beleeve or hearken unto him. Sec Deuteronomie t 3. t, -5. the thing] or, the word be not. But /mar pro - phefied the defiruftion of 21(èttivel) within fortie dales, and it came not to pane : yet the Lord had fpoken that word , Jonah r. and 3. Here then conditions are implied ; as, if men breake not off , their finites by repentance, the evils foretold (hallforne upon them, &c. Ezekiel 33.13014,15 eremie 26.12,13,18, , 9, Ef,e- cfaily this is meant concerning prophefies of good things, which if they come not to paffe, the Prophet is found falfe, as Jeremie laid to Am- nia, The Prophets that have beone before me, and be- fore thee of ofd, proplæfed both againff many countries, and againfl great kingdotnes, of warm, and of evia, and of peßilence. The Prophet which propfxfeth of peace, when she word of the Prophet fball come to paf, then fball the .Prophet be owne, that the Lord bath truly feat him , Jeremie 28. 8, 9. Of this matter the Hebrewes fay, Every Prophet that riftb up among us., and faith that the Lord bath fine him is is 1102 neeeffarie that be doe a fogne like one of the ftgnes of Mo- tes our mailer, or like the _Agnes of Elias and Elilæus, that therefhoetld be in them a change of the cuffowe of the world. But bis fgne fhaa be, that be foretell things that are to come in the world, and fo confirmo his words,' Deuteronomie 18. 25, 22. Therefore when there rommethaman fit fir prophefte, with tbeambaffàge of, the Lord , and be cornmeal not to adde unto, or to dimi -' n from ( the Law) but to ferve the Lord by the commandement of the Law, they muff not fay to bin,. divide the fee for ur, or mile up the dead, or the like, and afterward we will beleeve in thee: but they muff fay un- to him, If thou be a Prophet, f retell us of things that are to come : and when he telleth we muß wait to fee whether the things come to pale or no; and if there fade but even a little thing, it is evident that be is a fall: Pro-1 pise:. But if all his words doe come to pale, heir to be e- fieemedofusfaithfuU. Andthçy try him maie) time:: if hiswords be all of them found faitbfuIl lee thee is a true Prophet , ar it is faid of Samuel, And all Ifrael, from Dan even to Beerfheba, knew that Samuel woefaith- feU lobe a Prophet of the Lord, t Sam. 3. 20. But doe not