rlhklifù DEUTERONOMIE XVIII. il 75 not the obfervers of timer, and the diviners,fore-tell things that do come to pap? What diferente thin u there between the Prophet and them ? Diviners and Inch like perfont, fame of their words are confirmed, andfame are not ; according to that which is written ¡ (in Ea. Ler themfand tap now andrave thee , which view the heavens, which gaze on the (Lures, which make known by the months, of the thingswhich shall comeupon thee r [He faith] of the things; andnot all the things. And it may be, that nothing at all of that which they fpeake it confirmed, bot they erre in all; as it it written (in,Efay 44.25.) That fruflratedo the fignes of the Liens, and maketh Diviners fooles. But the Prophet , all hie words are confirmed; as it ie written (in 2 King i o. t o.) There 'hall fall unman earth nothing of the word of the Lord. vitro be faith (in Jeremie 23. 28.) The Prophet that bath a dreante, let him tell the ' dreamt; and be that bath my woo d,let him f oeake my word faithful! y: what u the chafe to the toheat,faith the Lord ? As if he fbould fay, the words of the divi- norsand their dreams, are .0 chafe, wherewith a little wheat u mixed t but the word of the Lord ti ar wheat,wherewith there is no chafe at all. And of this thing the Scripture afureth tu, and faith, that the words which diviner, make kaowne to the heathen:, they doe lye ;the Prophet akethknownontoyouthe words of truth ,that yon Save no need offeothfayers, diviners, andfachlike,Deuteron.if.t0, -15. Loe those art taugbt,that a Prophet rifith not up unto ou, but to make kaowne unto us thing: which Aid come topoojje in the world, at pltntie or famine,warres or peace, and firth Oft Tea even the needs of a parti- emlar perfon doth be make kaowne lento him, ar Saul when he hadleft a to fe , went to the Prophet to tell him where it woe, 1 Samuel 9. Such things at theft doth the Prophet tea; but maketh no.other Law,nei- ther addeth to the commandement, or taketh ought from it. Threatnings of vengeance, which a Prophet denotenceth , as Whenhe faith , firth a man ,shalt die, winch ayeere there /hall beafamine, or :parr es , or the like; if his word, land not, we may not for this deny his prophefie, nor fay, behold he pke, audit came not to pat fe ; for the holy ble fed God'is long - .afuffering, and much in mercie, and repenteth of the eviü; and it may be, that they have repented, and be f(areth them like the men of Niniveh ; or that he deferreth it , at he did Ezekiahs (death) 2 King. i zo. But if he promise them good, andfay it /hall be thus or thus, and thegood thing tame not which bee bath poke" it is certain that he h a falfe Prophet t for every good thing which God deçreeth, though upon condition , he changeth not, &c. Loe thou art taught, that in words of good things onely, h a Pro - phet tried. As Jerem ie faid in his anfwer to Ananias; ' when Jercmie prophefiedofevill, and Ananias of good. he faid mete Ananias, if my wards (land not, it Oa! not appeare by this,that I am a falf Prophet; but if thy words /land not, it¡hall be known that thou art a faire Prophet sas it is written, The Prophet which ff eaketh peace, when the word of the Prophet frail come to pare, the Prophet shall be?Çnowne that the Lard hatb Pent him is truth, Ter. 2g. 9. A Prophet unto whom another Prophet beareth witnefe that be is a Prophet, loe helea Propheeoutof doubt, and needeth no further triall. For 6ebelelkdofes bare wirne fieunto Jofhua,and all Israel beleeved ix him, before he ,hewed any fgne. And fo throughout (all) generations, the Prophet whale prophefie ie knowne, and they have found his words faithful! , time after time ; or that a Prophet bath tef/ified of him, and he pathwalked in thewales of Prophefte, it ie unlawful! to make 9uef ion afterward, and to Me his pro - pbefie, left it be untrue. It ie unlawful! Alfa to tempt Men more than ismeet,&c. for it is written, Ye AM! not tempt the Lord your God , as ye tempted bins in Maffah, where they laid , Is the Lordamongli us or mat? (Deut.6.16. Exo.17 7.) But after ituknewn that he is a Prophet,they mfi k ow and beleeve that the Lord h among them, andnot flefftell or make fur- tber region; as it it written , and they /ball know that there bath berme a Prophet amongst them, (Ezck. 2.5.) Maimony in lefudebaterah, chap. so, By this telhmonie of the Jewes, we have enough to answer them concerning ourLord Jefits, that he was a true Prophet lent of God, thoughthey did put him to death. For ,ashecamenottodefray the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill, Mat. 5. 17. fo had he thewitneffe of Motes and of all the Pro- phets, A&. 3.22, 24. Joh. 1.45. and /Wefts and Eiá appeared tatlping with him,Mat.17.a,3. fo that if they had beleeved Moles, they would have be- leeved him Job. 5.46. And Io /n Baptif (whom all men held to be a Prophet, Math. 2 t. 26.) he bare witnefè unto the truth concerning Chrill, Joh. 1. 15. and 5. 33. He was alfo approved of God a- mong then by miracles, wander; and fggmes, Aft. 2.2 2. fo that the works which the Father gave him to finish, which alfohedid,they bare w it- neffe of him , and the Father bèvefelfe bare wit - nefià of him,John 5.36,37. yet they, like an evil[ and adulterous generation, ( condemned by these their owne Canons) beleeved not in him, but tempted God , and fughtafier a fgne,Matthew 12. 38, 39. and though the men which law his miracles, fold, This it ofa troth that Prophet which fhonldtame into the world, John 6. +. yet that faith - lefle generation beleeved not, but Paid, What fgue fbetref thou, that ne may fie and beleeve thee? John 6. 30. Best though he had done fi many mirarle? befare them, yet they beleeved not , neither could they be- /aye , becaule that Era laid, Het bath blinded their eoet, au4 hardned their heart, &c. John 12. 37,, 39 , 40. in pre fnmplt'on J that is , prefump- tnouf y : the Greeketranllateth it, m ungodlinefr;: the Chaldeei in wèckedneffè. not be afraid] ei- ther for his threatning wards, or for his fignes; nor afraid to put him to Heath. And thus the Hebrews cxplaine it, fayirr , ; Whofaever withdraw" fob himfelfe fremki0ing a folle Prophet,becaufe of his dig - nitie,for that he walketb in the waier of praphefe, behold be tranfgrefèth again' this prohibition, THOV' SHALT NOT BE AFRAID OF HIM.. Andfe he that withdrametb bimfeffe from teaching con- cerning him what be is guilty of or that dreadeth and feartth for his word,, &e. And they judge not a falfe Prophet, but in the lodgement Hall of 71. (Magi (rates.) Maim. treat. of Idolatrie, Ggggg 2 CHAP. .p /./Ar/fiamf4t104agt itt ill Ili/ /OW