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76 Lisses of DEUTERONOMIE XIX, Refuge. his citie (hall fend, and take him thence, and AMMñAA7iAAAMd:YMM CHAP.XIX. I The citieserefuge. 4 T he privilrge of them for the man - Rayer. i I The wilfu8 murtherer mutt die. 14 The land -marke may not be removed. 15 Two wit - neff es at the lee( muf f ablifh every matter. 16 A falfe witnef mut be diligently inquired into, and done unto at he had thought to doe unto bit brother. I `I Hen Jehovah thy God hath cut V V off the nations, whole land Je- hovah thy God giveth unto thee, and thou poffeffell them, and dwelleff in z their cities, and in their houles; Thou (halt feparate three cities for thee , in the middeff of thy land, which Jehovah thy God giveth 3 unto thee, to poflelfe it. Thou (halt prepare for thee the way , and (halt divide into three parts the coaft of thy land, which Jehovah thy God (hall give thee to inherit ; and it (hall be, that every man flayer may flee thi. 4 ther. And this is the cafe the man.fla}r which (ball flee thither and live : who fo fmirethhis neighbour unwittingly, and he 5 hated him not in time part ; Aswhen he corn. Meth with his neighbour into a wood , to hew trees, and his hand fetcheth a ftroke with an axe to cut downe a tree, and the iron flippeth from the wood, and findeth his neighbour, and hedie;he (hall flee unto one 6 of thefe cities , and live. Let the avenfer of the blond puirfue after the man (layer while his heart is hot, and overtake him , becaufe the way is long, and finite him in foule, and he had not the judgement of death, becaufe 7 he hated him not in time pall. Therefore I command thee, Paying ; Thou (halt fepa- 8 rate for thee three cities. And if Jehovah thy God enlarge thy coati, as hee bath fworne unto thy fathers, and give unto thee all the land which he lath fpoken to give 9 unto thy fathers : If thou (halt keepe all this commandement, to doe it, which I com- mand thee this day , to love Jehovah thy God, and to walke in his waies all daies; then thou fl:alt adde three cities moe for to thee, betide thefe three. That innocent blond he not fled within thy land, which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee far an inheritance, and fo blonds be upon thee. But if a man be a hater of his neighbour,and lie in wait for him , and rife up again(' him, and 111 ice him in foule that he die, and fleet r 2 unto cne of thefe cities : Then the Elders of II flail give him into the hand of the avenger of the blood, and he (hall die. Thine eye (hall not fpare him, and thou fhalt put away innocent blood from lfrael, and it (hall goe well with thee. . Thou fllalt not remove thy neighbors limit, which the firff fat hers have limited, in thine inheritance which thou (halt inherit, in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee to poffeffe it. One witneffe (hall not rife up againff a man for any iniquitie, or for any fin in any fin that he finneth : at the mouth of two wit. neffes, or at the mouth of three witneffes, flail a word be (fablifhed. When an unrighteous witneffe (hall rife 16 up againff a man, to teflifie revolt againff him : Then both the men, betweene whom 17 the controverfie is, (hall (land before Jeho- vah,before the Prie('s and the Judges which (ball be in thofe daies. And the Judges (hall make diligent inqquifition ; and behold, if the witneffe de a Falk wirneffe, andhath teffifed a falfhood gainft his brother: Then (hall pee doe unto him as hee had rg thought to have done unto his brother; and thou (halt put away the evil] from the mid(' of thee. And the refidue (hall heare and feare, and lisa11 not adde to doe any more fuck an evil) thing as this, in the mid(( of thee. And thine eye (hall not fpare : foule 21 for foule, eye for eye,tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. 13 14 15 18 20 vinnotations. TIJau(hak feparate] in !of. 20.7. he ufeth the 2 word fan/ii fled; inNum.3 5.1 I. fhall appoint. Here Mofee: explaineth the fixt commandement, for fonte fpeciall lawes concerning it. three ci- ties] betides thofe three which Mofes had fepará- ted without the rivcr,Deut4.41,43. Thefe three cities were KedcJh, Sbeehem,and Hebron, Jof, zo. 7. They were al cities of the Levites: fee Num.3 5.6. M the mid(] that is, within thy land: as, in the midi oftbe chie, Jer.5 2.2 5. is the fame that within the citie , z King. 25. 79. See alto the notes on Gen. z. 9. This is Ijaoken, becaufe there were no cities of Refuge, but in the land which Ifrael poffelfed. See Num. 35. z. Verte 3. (halt prepare] Of this it is laid, The Senate (or Magiftrates in Ifrael ) were bound to prepare the wales to the cities of Refuge, to make them fit and broad, and to remove out of than all fumbling blockes and onces : and they lured not 3