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/7/11,ri A//9klinu .t L.EUT FRO NOMIE XIX 77 not any bill or dale to be in the way, nor waters f reame, but they made a bridge over it, that nothing might binder bin that fled thither. And the bredtb of the way to the cities of refège, wat no lef than 32. cubits. And at the partitions of n'aies they fit up ht writing , R & F D G E, K E FV G E: that the man Payer might know and turn tbitberward. On the 15. of tie immesh Adar (or Februarie) everyyeere the maaiflrates font out mefengers to prepare the waies, &c. Adamant treat. of Murther, chap.$. feet. 5,6. divide into three] becaufe the land was much more long than broad, therefore the cities of Refuge were in three places equally distant, and fo commodious for men to flee unto. 4 Vert 4. theeafe] Hebrew, the word ; in treeke, the ordinance of the man-(layer ( or murderer, ) and live] or, that tre may live. Front theft words the HebrewDoctors teach, that a Schaller exiled to the cities of Refuge, hit .TWafler alfogoeth with him; ' as it is written , AND LIVE : But the lif of them that lore and feeke. after reifdume , it without the dofleine of' ahc Law , emoted at. death. Andfe the Mailer that is exiled, his Sehaule goeth with him &c. Maimeny treat. of Murder, chap.7. !ea.!. fmitethe]mea- ning to death as theChaldee trahflateth,ki tech. i So, he fiente, 2 King. 14.5. is expounded , be billed, ' in z Chron. 25. 3. unwittingly] or, ignorantly, unawares ; Hebrew, without knowledge; the Greeke ' faith, unwillingly. bated him not tor he that was his enemies though hee killed him unawares, might not have the benefit of the citie of refuge, as is noted on Num. 35.20. And who is he that ha- teth ? He that fir enmities fake fieaketh not unto him for threedaies, Maimany treat. ofMurther, in time pall] Hebr. and Gr. fromyetlerday and the third day : fo in verse 6. $ Vert 5. As When be conmetb] Or, And he that (hall come ; and thus the Greeke tranflateth it. a wood] or, forrefl. This is a fimilitude for all like places and cafes: but hence the Hebrews gather , Who fi commeth into a manstard without his leave, if the man of that boufe kill him by mom, be as free from beimQ exiled (into the cities of Refuge) for it is fad, INT0 A WOOD. What it that Wood? A place whieb tbeElaine per(om loath libertis to some into. And fe all other thelike. Maimeny treat. of Metroher, chap.6. fehl.1 I. the wood] that is,the helve of the axe. findeth] that is, hitteth, or, lighted, :Won. and five] within his chic of Refuge, where he muff abide instill the death of the high Melt, Nunt.35.25. See theAnnotations there. 6 Versa 6. avenger] or,neere kinfnean, who is by du- tietoavenge: fee the notes on Num. 35.12. his heart is hot] inflamed with anger, griefe, and deft re of revenge; in Inch heat of the tninde, the ' affe &ions of men are overcarried to fpcake or do that which is not meet. So in Pfal. 39.4. Mine heart was bet within me. becaufe] or,as the-Greek . rranflateth if the way be long: Hebr. mud :. in fonre] or, in life, that is, mortally, deadly ; which the Greeke tranflateth, [mite his fide : and for (mite, the Chaldee faith, kill. So in veri, ss. judge- ment] that is, guilt, as the Chaldee explainer it, that is,he was not worthy of death : or judgment, that is , fentence of death by the Magiltrate: Verte 8. all the land] front the river of Egypt, unto the great river, the river Euphrates, Gene - fis 15. 18. Verte 9. this commandement] in Greeke, thefe commandements. This condition being legali, and unpolfible for man to fulfills had not therfore the accomplifhmentoutwardly for the iularging of their coal+, or for adding of three cities moe,ior ought that is knowne either by the Scriptures,or Jewifh records; and is therefore to be ref5rred unto Chrill,fpiritually. The Jews themG-Ives re- ferre it unto Christs dales , but carnally, as after followeth. in hie waies] the Greeke addeth, in all his wales : the Chaldee, in the wales that are right before him. adde three cities] of this the He- brews fay; bilge Baies of the King Cbrifi, they pall adde three other (citiet) unto theft fix, Deuteronomie 19.9. And whence (hall they adde them ? Of the cities of the Kenizites, and the Kends, and the Kadmonites; concerning whom a covenant was made with Abraham our father, (Genets t 5. 18, t 9.) and hitherto they have not berne fubdued; and ofbcn it sc faidinthe Law, If the Lard thy God inlarge the eoaji. ¿Naimony treat, of Murtbers chap.$`, fe6t.4. And in another place the fame map faith, (in treat. of Kings, chapter 155. fehtion z.) Of the cities ofRefnge, he faith, If' the Lord thy God fball inlarge thy coafi, then thou(halt adds three cities moe , &c. Bin this thing bath never boon gone ;Ind the holy ble f d (God) bath not commanded it, in vaine. But the Law is not in vaine, though it be not literally fulfilled in the precepts ; For what the Law could not doe, in that it was weak through the flefh, God (Math -done) finding bis ozone Sonne, cute. Romanes 8. 3. by him wee have strong eonfolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay bold upon the hopefen before us, Hebr.4. i 8, Verte so. That innocent blend be %not] or, as the lo Greek tranflateth, And innocent blond fl all not hefted: meaning the blood of the unwilling matt-(layer, who is not worthy ofdeath,v.6. and dads be] that is, the guilt of bloudlhed ; as the Chaldee expoundeth it, the guilt of the judgement of mnrther. The Greeke trahflateth, and there (hall not be in thee (a matt) guilty of blond. Verte t 1. (mite him in foule] Greeke, finite bis I I foule; that is, as the Chaldee faith, kill hint; as verle 6. Verte 12. the Elders ] its Greche , the Senate. 12 thence] front the cilié of Refuge, yea or from the Altar of the Lord, Exodus 21. 14. for, a man that dub viol nee tithe bloud of any perfon, (hall fire to the pit, let no men fray him, Proverbs z8. 17. See more in the Annotations on Num- bers 35.' Verte I ;,pur array innocent blood] that is, as the 13 Chaldee explaineth it, him that ibed innocent baud. and is (hall goe well] or o that it may gee well with thee : or, and good fbati be unto thee. Verte 14. limit] or bound, border, land - marker whereby every mans inheritance in the land was Unfitted. A.fngreat in all places, Job 24. a, but greatell in the land of Ifreel, Gods ho- ly limit (or border,) Pfal. 78. 54. which was Ggegg 3 parted 8 9 t-4 ,I///nAV11/i/IIII1.1IN15atn olio lilAllorY